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the centre of the world's music trade, exports about one hundred
thousand dollars' worth of music to America every year. I do not know
how much of this sum is to be placed to the account of Chopin, but a
leading music dealer in New York told me that he sold three times as
many of Chopin's compositions as of any other romantic or classical
composer. This seems to indicate that Chopin is popular.
Nevertheless, I believe that what Liszt wrote in 1850, a year after
the death of Chopin—that his fame was not yet as great as it would
be in the future—is as true to-day as it was forty years ago.
Chopin's reputation has been constantly growing, and yet many of his
deepest and most poetic compositions are almost unknown to amateurs,
not to speak of the public at large. A few of his least
characteristic pieces are heard in every parlor, generally in a
wofully mutilated condition, but some of his most inspired later
works I have never heard played either in private or in the concert
hall, although I am sure that if heard there they would be warmly
is hardly a composer concerning whom so many erroneous notions are
current as concerning Chopin, and of all the histories of music I
have seen that of Langhans is the only one which devotes to Chopin an
amount of space approximately proportionate to his importance. One of
the most absurd of the misconceptions is that Chopin's genius was
born in full armor, and that it did not pass through several stages
of development, like that of other composers. Chopin did display
remarkable originality at the very beginning, but the apparent
maturity of his first published works is due to the fact that he
destroyed his earliest efforts and disowned those works which are
known as posthumous, and which may have created confusion in some
minds by having received a higher "opus" number than his
last works.Another
misconception regarding Chopin is that his latest works are morbid
and unintelligible. The same charge was brought by philistines
against the best works of Beethoven, Schumann, and Wagner. The fact
is that these last works are of an almost matchless harmonic depth
and originality, as superior to his earlier works as Wagner's last
music dramas are to his first operas. I make this comparison with
Wagner advisedly because, although I have the most exalted notions of
Wagner's grandeur and importance, I do not for a moment hesitate to
say that in his own sphere Chopin is quite as original and has been
almost as revolutionary and epoch-making as Wagner. Schumann was the
first to recognize the revolutionary significance of Chopin's style.
"Chopin's works," he says, "are cannons buried in
flowers;" and in another place he declares that he can see in
"Chopin's G minor Nocturne a terrible declaration of war against
a whole musical past." Chopin, himself, modest as he was in his
manners, wrote to his teacher Elsner, in 1831, when he was twenty-two
years of age: "Kalkbrenner will not be able to break my perhaps
bold but noble determination to create a new epoch in art."
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