Christmas Market Luxembourg - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Christmas Market Luxembourg E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Let us visit the Christmas market in one of the smallest countries of the world The Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The year in Luxembourg is divided by a number of popular festivities and one of them is of course Christmas. The Christmas market is a major Christmas event. It is spread now over five locations in Luxembourg city: Place de la Constitution (with the Ferris Wheel), Place de Armes (the largest), Place de Paris (near the station), Grund (foods) and Roude Pëtz - Gran Rue (charities).

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About the authors

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

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Contact the authors

[email protected]

Published by

Cover picture: Place de la Constitution

Inside Carousel on Place de la Constitution and Cathedral Notre Dame de Luxembourg behind.

Below the view from Place de la Constitution over to the clock tower of “Spuerkess”.



Short history


Place de la Constitution

Place d’Armes

Place de Paris


Gran Rue - Roude Pëtz

Echternach Abbey

Christmas Market at Place de la Constitution, Luxembourg ©Berna.


The Christmas Market appears to have started in the late Middle Ages in Germany. The Middle Ages is a long historic period in Europe starting abt 500 AD with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and lasting to abt 1500 AD when the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery took over.

It started as the Welcoming of Christ the Child – “Christ Kind” in German – at the beginning of the four Sundays of Advent that ends with Christmas Day, which is the 25 December.

The Christmas market is a fair connected with the seasonal period and infused with our religion, which very much organized everybody’s lives back then.

In Medieval times, rights to hold fairs were often granted by the feudal lords to convents and bishoprics both as income generation for the religious work and as a city development tool. Many towns trace their prosperity to the market rights. The close association between the local cathedral and the Christmas market is still evident although the taxes now go elsewhere.

Nativity: The Christ child in the manger, lying in a basket. The Three Holy Kings appearing to pay homage and offer rich gifts of treasure and essence. We will return to the Nativity later. ©Berna.

The Christmas market tradition has been revived and has now become a major holiday event. It has become a source of entertainment and enjoyment not only for the city and its local lands but for visitors from many other countries. Christmas markets have especially developed lightning to spread merriment in the dark Winter months and they vie with each other to be the best.

Short history

The Roman Empire was divided in two by Diocleatian in 284 AD. He believed the empire was too large to rule for one man and created the tetrarchy – a four man rule – with two rulers in the west (Maximian and Constantius the Pale) and two in the east (himself and Galerius).

Convinced of his own success he abdicated and soon the tetrarchy collapsed.