Christmas Nativity Hallstatt - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Christmas Nativity Hallstatt E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Saint Francis of Assisi is often credited with being the first to create a live nativity scene, in 1223. He did it to promote the worship of Christ. The small town of Hallstatt is a unique place of beauty and utility. It is on the shore of the Lake Hallstatt, ringed by the Dachstein mountains. Here are excellent examples of Nativity figurines. Shop windows show master craftsmen carvings of the wooden Christmas Nativity figurines and examples of their craft. There is an fantastic exhibition showing the variety of Christmas Nativities from around the World in the celler of the sports shop Janu..

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About the authors

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

Also by the authors:

World of Cakes

Luxembourg – a piece of cake

Florida Cakes

Catalan Pastis – Catalonian Cakes

Andalucian Delight

World of Art

Hokusai – 36 Views of Mt Fuji

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Deer in Dyrehaven – Outpets in Denmark

Florida Outpets

Birds of Play


Copenhagen vehicles – and a trip to Sweden

Construction vehicles picture book


Series about American themes – fire trucks

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Missy’s Clan

Missy’s Clan – The Beginning

Missy’s Clan – Christmas

Missy’s Clan – Education

Missy’s Clan – Kittens

Missy’s Clan – Deer Friends

Missy’s Clan – Outpets

Missy’s Clan – Outpet Birds

and more titles


Christmas Nativities Barcelona

Christmas Nativities Malaga

Christmas Nativities Sevilla

Christmas Nativities Madrid

Christmas Nativities Luxembourg Trier

Christmas Nativity Innsbruck

Christmas Market Innsbruck

and more titles

Contact the authors

[email protected]

Published by

Cover picture: Hallstatt salt miner’s Christmas Nativity, Austria

Inside: Hallstatt seen from Lahn, Austria



Short history



Catholic Church

Hallstatt Town


Shop Windows

Sports Shop Janu

Nativity Exhibition

Time Stands Still

Great Place to Marry!


One of the wonderful traditions of Christmas is the Nativity. But you don’t have to be Christian or a regular church-goer to love these wonderful displays. The creativity and artistry speak to all children and to the child in us all.

Nativity is a scene from the stories of the birth of Jesus. They are in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. With inspiration in these stories you use either figurines or live people to create the scene and convey the story.

These scenes excite especially the children. Their happy smiles and their joy is so wonderfully rewarding. But adults as well enjoy both creating and looking at the nativity scenes.

This has developed into a huge handicraft industry in countries like Spain and Italy. Artists and craftsmen work all year round to create their next exhibits, which are sold especially at Christmas markets.

Families collect figurines and accessories from the markets and create their own displays at home. Churches, beginning with the Vatican, and cities and other institutions create their own annual exhibits that are venerated and celebrated.

This little book shows you some of the nativity scenes we have seen and some of the figurines and accessories that you can find in the various Christmas markets and shops in and around Hallstatt, Austria.

Nativity is today a Catholic tradition, separated in many countries from official society as Christianity does no longer have the same central function, although the European values and norms are deeply steeped in Christianity.

In Northern European countries the birth of Jesus is no longer the central theme of the Christmas displays.

We show you also some alternative displays, usually with animals, that are used instead to make the children, and adults, happy. Mostly they are in shopping windows and displace for a while the display of some of the commercial goods that is the daily function of the windows.

Cristina and Eric

Short history

Saint Francis of Assisi is often credited with being the first to create a live nativity scene, in 1223. He did it to promote the worship of Christ. He had come back from The Holy Land, where he had been shown the traditional birthplace of Jesus. The scene was so popular that it inspired communities throughout Catholic countries to stage similar pantomimes.

The nativity tradition thus started in the late Middle Ages in Italy. Italy is still one of the countries with the strongest nativity traditions, although of course “Italy” back then was not quite the same as it was under the Roman Empire or what it is now.

The Middle Ages is a long historic period in Europe starting abt 500 AD with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and lasting to abt 1500 AD when the Renaissance and the Age of Discovery took over.

Catholic Christianity ruled most of Western Europe in those days – and religion very much organized everybody’s lives back then.

The Welcoming of Christ the Child at the beginning of the four Sundays of Advent that ends with Christmas Day, which is the 25 December is one of the most important celebrations in the year.

Catholicism came to dominate Western Europe as The Roman Empire disintegrated. Catholicism is the teaching of the Bishop of Rome – there were five bishops in the early Christian World, and the Bishop in Rome became the Pope.

The Roman Empire was divided in two by Diocleatian in 284 AD. He believed the empire was too large to rule for one man and created the tetrarchy – a four man rule – with two rulers in the west (Maximian and Constantius the Pale) and two in the east (himself and Galerius).

Convinced of his own success he abdicated and soon the tetrarchy collapsed.

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo: (1617-1682): Saint Francis Embracing Christ on the Cross (1668), Museo de Bellas Artes de Seville, Spain.

Constantine eventually restored order and became emperor in 305 AD and was the first Roman emperor who converted to Christianity.