Consciousness of the Circle - Living Circle - Thomas Arculeo - E-Book

Consciousness of the Circle - Living Circle E-Book

Thomas Arculeo



Time is something that is very difficult to define. It is an attempt to describe something that harbors two different realities at once. So it is when a person reads something that has the potential to delve deep into the minds of people of different professions, educational levels and current life tasks. For example, politicians, MEPs, mothers and fathers with school-age children, the self-employed, managers, tradespeople and working people in general. In this book, they will find a story written for all Europeans. A story that will awaken a memory in you - as a person - regardless of age, profession or generation. But it is not just a story, it is also a current regional development concept that you can help shape and that is deeply rooted in European history. It is a journey through time and at the same time a description of a present that can become possible if enough people understand that their future depends on making it a reality. The history of Europe contains a circular culture, a history that is deeply rooted in the genetic heritage of every European. This book is a guide to reawaken this consciousness. Or to describe it better, the awakening of a seed whose time has come to germinate. Education is a natural process that depends on the environment. In this book, different generations are reminded of their heritage. A book that time has written to awaken a seed that rests deep within everyone.

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Shaping the future.

With the requirements of tomorrow, utilising the possibilities of today and integrating them in a timely manner.

For the life values of different generations who want to take responsibility today for tomorrow!

About this book:

Cultural evolution is not a straight, linear path. All natural processes take place in the form of circles. Or better explained as an ever-advancing spiral. From seed to death to seed again. What happens in between is what we as humans call "life". The consciousness of the circle is an educational concept that can be implemented in the private life of every single person, in village development, in the economy and in many circles of our culture.

From the time of his life as a foetus in the womb, from the third month in his mother's womb, every human being has not only experienced what his mother experienced. During the development of their brain and sensory organs, they also perceive their entire environment. Its mother's emotions prepare the foetus for its entry into the world. So that it has reached a certain level of maturity through birth or as an organism, so to speak, in order to be prepared for the event that we as humans call birth. This means that its formation begins as early as the third month of pregnancy.

By this time, it has undergone the entire evolutionary process from the single cell to the developed human being. The early maturation process of his/her body is so far developed that he/she is prepared to further develop his/her educational processes.

The Living Circle, as a village concept, provides an environment in which these natural needs for education and learning are supported. What is quite normal for a child is to absorb information and emotions in order to store them in the body. It is a basic ability of the brain and the entire organism to combine creative intelligence with logical processes.

This traditional European natural science is and was the basis for the structures of the old European villages. The aim was to construct a circular culture in order to promote the most effective education. To integrate natural processes into education and to orientate oneself on the model with the strongest growth potential. Nature.

It is now the year 2024 in the Gregorian calendar and we have reached a very advanced technological maturity. It is now up to the current four generations to meet the challenges of this progress. The current education systems are no longer sufficient to support a child's natural educational instincts. With the digital age, children have the opportunity to find what is important to them through the internet or better, outside the current school system. They acquire their factual knowledge at a much greater speed than the current system can offer.

This book provides you with a real economic education and culture model that began as a concept three years ago. Based on over 30 years of scientific research, experience and studies as a bridge for the next culture and future society. It describes a learning environment that supports and challenges a young person's natural drive to learn while satisfying all the conditions of the linear school system. What began as a regional development concept has become more detailed, more mature, longer and has become a book. Historically speaking, it is merely a revitalisation of the old European district culture. Whereby all the needs of four different generations are realised in an environment that provides a platform for education and industrial progress for future generations. Everyday life and experience thus becomes education.

The consciousness of the circle provides the principles that make each person aware of integrating the cycle in their development. In doing so, the individual is not only allowed to find their own innate talents, but also to develop them like the seed into a tree, into a forest.

Thank you

Thank you for your interest in the following pages.

Thank you for your interest in the generations to come.

And we thank you that the paradigm shift we are facing today is a key feature of your thoughts and interests in life.

Table of contents

About this book

Thank you



Cultural evolution of the coming generations

The generation gap - the millennials

LIVING CIRCLE offers peaceful and profitable solutions.

The circle-The basis of our original culture and culture of thought is the paradigm shift of the present.

European indigenous cultural strategy

The circle - living knowledge of our ancestors

The stone circle.

The circle as a place of power


The middle class - The family

The companies

Self-employed persons and micro and sole proprietorships

Made in EUROPE

The THING, a circle

Each cell needs the other.

Entrepreneurial opportunities

Corporate Social Responsibility

THINK - Strategies for innovation and success

Entrepreneurs and clubs/associations - take responsibility!

Call for regional development

The goals for Europe

“The Needs and the Seed“

The next seven generations

LIVING CIRCLE and the 17 SDG´s

(Sustainable Developement Goals, SDGs


Our goals: The revitalization of the economy, culture, education and social affairs in Europe.


The family excursion


Model campus - brief overview


Overview of the buildings

General plan Dome

1. Dome: Technology Center - “Reality Check“

2. Dome: Permaculture - “Lebende Biologie“

Living biology - Outdoor area

3. Dome: Children's dome - “Living creativity“

4. Dome: Movement domes - “Living body art“

General plan of yurts

1. Yurt : Seminar/Lecture - "Education cycle"

2. Yurt: Textile & fiber plants - "Living archeology"

3. Yurt: Weaving, tailoring, shoemaking - "living crafts"

4. Yurt : Kitchen - "Intelligent nutrition"

General plan of wooden huts

1. Wooden hut: Joinery/Drechslerei - "Live differently"

2. Wooden hut: sculpture/wood/stone - "living education"

3. Wooden hut: Clay/ceramics - "Shaping life"

4. Wooden hut: Forge & sheet metal workshop - "What's fun?"

Welcome-Center - “The entrance area“


Music room

School administration

Painting workshop

DAS ZENTRUM - "The entire site"

The center for revitalization of the European educational, economic, cultural and social system

The main building - "Living communication"


More books from the Living Circle:

Our initiatives

A project by


Every age brings exciting changes. We are now in the Gregorian age of 2024, 70 years after the Second World War, and once again have stable infrastructures. However, humans as individuals face completely different challenges than their ancestors. Technological progress has two sides. It facilitates the logistics of consumer goods and shortens the delivery times of our food. However, a major problem has arisen here.

Humans have sacrificed their physical and mental health and lost responsibility for their own actions, even on a global scale. Unmanageable, ever-increasing health problems (physical and mental) at the expense of relationships and responsibility towards our children. Millennials (born from 1980 onwards) describe themselves as a lost generation, Generation X (born from 2000 onwards) describe themselves as abandoned and only look back on a destroyed environment. Depression affects up to 80% of the European population. Alcohol and drug consumption together with a lack of nutritional value in our food, destroyed farmland and much more is a challenge for the LIVNG CIRCLE.

To counteract these problems, there is an urgent need for cooperation with communities and private initiatives in agriculture, education and tourism and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) to restore a decent quality of life. Life after CORONA should not follow the same "host-creator systems" that have driven our "prosperity" to ruin. Prosperity means quality; but this quality is only a "make-believe world" of turnover and profit for a few large corporations that have no interest in the quality of human life.

The environment is being damaged enormously. Not only to nature, but also to interpersonal relationships. The Council of the European Union is asking people to make changes. For us, these changes first mean taking personal responsibility in our consumer behavior. This is not only related to physical goods and food, but to much more. To mental and psychological consumer goods, such as interpersonal communication, the intrapersonal quality of our own world of thoughts and the real interactive life with nature and our environment. New community models are springing up like mushrooms, but are isolating themselves from the population. An urban exodus and a move back to rural areas are now the trend. People are striving for quality, not quantity.

The traditional way of life of Europeans has always been peaceful coexistence and living in harmony with all aspects of nature. Whereby man has shown a very high respect for everything and everyone. This traditional European natural science and our cultural roots are the core values of family businesses across the German Mittelstand. Craftsmanship knowledge, together with university natural sciences, form the backbone of the SME sector. Statistically proven by 2.5 million companies and 55% (over 29 million) of all employees and their families.

All people are called upon to repair the damage of the past 70 years and work together to create a way of life that will make the whole of Europe worth living in again. It is not the aim to act "back to the roots". But it is necessary to maintain a connection to our cultural roots and to re-cultivate "village life" as an interactive way of life. In this sense, the "LIVING CIRCLE" has been developed to raise and represent the collective consciousness of sustainability as a model of a European cultural center.

The Living Circle is also an educational and training venue for entrepreneurs, managers and those responsible in cities and municipalities.

Particularly in the area of regional development, the cooperation of municipalities, companies and people will have to take on greater significance.

Not only the social responsibility (CSR) of companies, but also the personal responsibility of each person as a unique and cooperative being needs to be brought together as a community and community incentive mechanisms to start a new era with the topics of work, nutrition, education, health, sustainability and culture.

Here, the Circle of Life stands for a holistic model of reality that offers new and outstanding incentives as a "neutral zone", especially in the areas of tourism, recreation, rehabilitation, education, economy and culture.

Experiencing a nourishing and value-creating culture of life, based on the forgotten wisdom of our European natural science and culture, strengthens us for the challenging future.

Initializing new essentials of relationship, education, health and communication leads naturally to the revitalization of our society and reconnects people, nature and life.


Cultural evolution of the coming generations

We are at a threshold where the European middle class is suffering. The previous economic structures that have been used to rebuild the economy since the Second World War have not proven to be sustainable.

The life experiences (as defined by the European Union) of Generation X-Alpha have divided society. On the one hand, there are the conventional, traditional, linear thought structures and, on the other, the many different, sometimes half-baked mindsets that run counter to the necessary change in a circular culture. This gap needs to be bridged and the two integrated.

It makes sense to follow the philosophy of the zeitgeist by developing the individual, cooperative entrepreneurial spirit of each person and by integrating the free entrepreneurial spirit, the spirit of independence and a sense of responsibility, which is achieved and integrated by the self-employed through to medium-sized companies - which are the basis of traditional European culture - back into the needs of the people and their goals for restoring natural resources and promoting peaceful coexistence.

A particular concern is to restore and support the individual, profound family philosophies in medium-sized companies and individual entrepreneurship.

Over the years, the LIVING CIRCLE has developed to such an extent that solutions have been found as to how the tried-and-tested system of linear knowledge transfer can coexist with the age-old, new circular system.

The generation gap - the millennials

The Millenials collective, which has grown up since 1980, has a very large share of the population in the European Union. The LIVING CIRCLE is an education and training center for the coming generations as future self-employed individual entrepreneurs or company founders, leaders and employees as responsible for the entire company

The younger generations have an insatiable need to re-establish a sustainable society, without oppression, without the destruction of nature. In the current social paradigm shift, the previously rigid structures are being integrated into the circular economy.

The LIVING CIRCLE is a social outlet that satisfies the stress points from both sides, if both sides accept the willingness - to integrate them.

Millennials want to build an identity in which the European structure and landscape is restored in such a way that their own descendants can once again experience a peaceful and sustainable cohesion with nature as a whole.

The sustainable mindset is very strong among them. They grew up in a time of destruction. They have many problems to deal with, the solutions to which have not been provided by adults. The problems have arisen due to ignorance of the future. They have grown up through media influences of destruction and they have, so to speak, no future if they are not able to create their own structures.

Psychology and psychiatry have confirmed that these people are building their own collective in order to set themselves up independently of the current systems. Millennials and Generation Z have changed insights and ideas about "education". For them, it currently means that important information is already there for them to realize their life tasks, but the information is missing and the tangible permission to shape their lives in a way that is possible for their soul to satisfy their emotional longing.


Age group between the birth years 1980 to 1994 (also known as Gen-Y)

- Searching for alternatives - High interest in circular culture - Trying out regional, sustainable lifestyles - Family is becoming more important again - Want to create their own system - Back to the roots as a developmentAL FUTURE step

LIVING CIRCLE offers peaceful and profitable solutions.

The LIVING CIRCLE is a system that, in its original roots, stems from a worldwide, original cultural heritage, but has been adapted to local needs for decades. The original European structures are a peaceful system at the heart of the European soul. The talents of young people and young entrepreneurs are respected, accepted as a perceived integration.

The creative intelligence of the offspring had greatly diminished with the collective habitus of the two working parents and they had split off as a result of incoherence between society and life tasks that were difficult to accomplish. They began to develop their own structures. Finally, they were able to show that they were capable of taking responsibility. They want to work with the existing systems, but they have been and are constantly being led down a different path.