Dark Office Subjugation: Taboo Interracial BDSM Erotica - Luke Solo - E-Book

Dark Office Subjugation: Taboo Interracial BDSM Erotica E-Book

Luke Solo

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


The subject is a beautiful, shapely black girl of twenty-three who works as an executive secretary for a major insurance firm in New York City. This tape-recorded interview took place in a fashionable three-room apartment which Anna could not afford on her salary. The rent, she hastened to inform me, was being paid by her lover ... the forty-six year old white man she worked for.
"Hubert would kill me if he found out that I was spilling my guts into this tape machine. He liked to think of himself as a great, tough man with a spade chick on the side, but he's really nothing more than an overgrown boy who doesn't know the first thing about being a man. Why, up in Harlem where I come from, kids of ten and eleven know more about life than he does.
"You think because he's a big executive that he has something on the ball? Not Hubert. like so many important white men he got his job the easy way by going to the right schools and knowing the right people. If he had been born black, Hubert would be a washroom attendant right now.

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Dark Office Subjugation

Luke Solo

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

The subject is a beautiful, shapely black girl of twenty-three who works as an executive secretary for a major insurance firm in New York City. This tape-recorded interview took place in a fashionable three-room apartment which Anna could not afford on her salary. The rent, she hastened to inform me, was being paid by her lover ... the forty-six year old white man she worked for.

"Hubert would kill me if he found out that I was spilling my guts into this tape machine. He liked to think of himself as a great, tough man with a spade chick on the side, but he's really nothing more than an overgrown boy who doesn't know the first thing about being a man. Why, up in Harlem where I come from, kids of ten and eleven know more about life than he does.

"You think because he's a big executive that he has something on the ball? Not Hubert. like so many important white men he got his job the easy way by going to the right schools and knowing the right people. If he had been born black, Hubert would be a washroom attendant right now.

"Of course, I don't let him know how I feel. If I told my white man what I really thought of him I'd lose this wonderful apartment. Any time I get the blues and want to walk out on him I just stare out that window. On a clear day I can see Harlem.

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