She Was Bound: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica - Luke Solo - E-Book

She Was Bound: Extreme Taboo BDSM Erotica E-Book

Luke Solo

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.

Malmain was angry with the chain. It clattered musically yet disturbingly on the stone floor as the young feet tripped, with a surprising grace, upon such tasks as came their way. Barbe, with her dark, wise eyes, had accepted the fetters riveted on her ankles with a far better grace than did the Dame of Bulaire. There had been a heated exchange between the good woman and her lord. The Earl Jehan of Bulaire had little patience for feminine sympathies. To him it was obvious logic that a captive, even though she was but a girl, be properly shackled. To leave a prisoner untrammeled or but lightly confined was to invite loss. "The wench would laugh at us," he avowed gruffly.
"She is of noble blood and little more than a stripling girl," Malmain had countered. "She can spend her days with me. I will watch her. What chance has she of escape from Bulaire! She is of sweet temper."
"Sweet or not she is a little fox in a trap. Let us keep her so."
"But chained! Wrist and ankle?"
"And why not! She would wear no fewer ornaments elsewhere. If M'Lord Galleas pays my price she'll have bonds 'aplenty."
"I am fond of the child. She accepts that you have captured her and intend her better. She has understanding beyond her years."
"Aye, and nimble feet perchance. Would thou feel happier with her safe in a dungeon, properly ironed?"
"Nay! To have the winsome lass pining in that cold gloom would give me grief and you no profit. Galleas will part with no gold for a skeleton. Barbe is not for chaining in dank holes below the light. I wish she was our daughter. I grieve for her."
"Then let us iron her sensibly and she can attend thee through the day. But at night she'll be secure. Depend on it."

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She Was Bound

Luke Solo

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents
















Malmain was angry with the chain. It clattered musically yet disturbingly on the stone floor as the young feet tripped, with a surprising grace, upon such tasks as came their way. Barbe, with her dark, wise eyes, had accepted the fetters riveted on her ankles with a far better grace than did the Dame of Bulaire. There had been a heated exchange between the good woman and her lord. The Earl Jehan of Bulaire had little patience for feminine sympathies. To him it was obvious logic that a captive, even though she was but a girl, be properly shackled. To leave a prisoner untrammeled or but lightly confined was to invite loss. "The wench would laugh at us," he avowed gruffly.

"She is of noble blood and little more than a stripling girl," Malmain had countered. "She can spend her days with me. I will watch her. What chance has she of escape from Bulaire! She is of sweet temper."

"Sweet or not she is a little fox in a trap. Let us keep her so."

"But chained! Wrist and ankle?"

"And why not! She would wear no fewer ornaments elsewhere. If M'Lord Galleas pays my price she'll have bonds 'aplenty."

"I am fond of the child. She accepts that you have captured her and intend her better. She has understanding beyond her years."

"Aye, and nimble feet perchance. Would thou feel happier with her safe in a dungeon, properly ironed?"

"Nay! To have the winsome lass pining in that cold gloom would give me grief and you no profit. Galleas will part with no gold for a skeleton. Barbe is not for chaining in dank holes below the light. I wish she was our daughter. I grieve for her."

"Then let us iron her sensibly and she can attend thee through the day. But at night she'll be secure. Depend on it."

Malmain had settled for what she knew was a small victory. By the judgement of the times it would be an absurd tolerance and a dangerous risk to allow a captive, even such as Barbe, the run of the castle - even fully chained. That she be relieved all fetters save those upon her feet would seem to many an act of lunacy inviting disaster. Yet so it was! Jehan was fond of his determined spouse, and though he would never admit it, his heart had been touched by this dark-haired beauty whom fate had placed in his possession. The girl bore him small malice; her eyes were limpid when they sought his. She understood the forces resolving her fate. Thus it was that Barbe of Camelford walked with shackled feet but with wrists and neck inviolate. She knew herself privileged and was grateful.

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