Siblings And Sisters: Taboo Incest Erotica - Luke Solo - E-Book

Siblings And Sisters: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Luke Solo

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She was much too aware of the couple in the back seat, her own handsome blond brother Steve and her best girlfriend, Toni Allen. On the drive from town, where the four had gone to an outdoor movie in the Walton family sedan, Toni and Steve had started playing around, and now Toni's pleased giggles and certain movements in the shadows of the rear seat told Nancy that Toni was really having a bundle of fun.
No wonder! Steve was the most popular unattached young man in Potter, he was going to WSU on a baseball scholarship, and young sexy chicks were calling him all the time. Nancy knew, because she answered the phone at home a lot, and she was sure that Steve was screwing several of them!
But Toni seemed to have the inside track; she was leggy and pretty and had been Miss Everything in high school, rather bold where Nancy was shy.
And I'm sure Steve is fucking her! Nancy thought. She said she's on the Pill, and I know my brother's reputation. If they don't put out, he dates somebody else! I still have my cherry, though. I'm saving it for a very special guy...
Not Henry, either. Oh, I can't dream about this awful thing that's inside me, who I REALLY want! I must be twisted and evil because ever since I was twelve I've been nuts about my own brother!

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Siblings And Sisters

Luke Solo

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 1

She was much too aware of the couple in the back seat, her own handsome blond brother Steve and her best girlfriend, Toni Allen. On the drive from town, where the four had gone to an outdoor movie in the Walton family sedan, Toni and Steve had started playing around, and now Toni's pleased giggles and certain movements in the shadows of the rear seat told Nancy that Toni was really having a bundle of fun.

No wonder! Steve was the most popular unattached young man in Potter, he was going to WSU on a baseball scholarship, and young sexy chicks were calling him all the time. Nancy knew, because she answered the phone at home a lot, and she was sure that Steve was screwing several of them!

But Toni seemed to have the inside track; she was leggy and pretty and had been Miss Everything in high school, rather bold where Nancy was shy.

And I'm sure Steve is fucking her! Nancy thought. She said she's on the Pill, and I know my brother's reputation. If they don't put out, he dates somebody else! I still have my cherry, though. I'm saving it for a very special guy...

Not Henry, either. Oh, I can't dream about this awful thing that's inside me, who I REALLY want! I must be twisted and evil because ever since I was twelve I've been nuts about my own brother!

As Henry's mouth melded into Nancy's opened, waiting lips, as his hand slid across her blouse, cuddling a tender, thinly covered breast, an excited giggle from Toni made her shudder.

"Oooohhh, Steve! Now you stop that!"

Steve's interested chuckle, another series of movements in the back seat shadows, which Nancy could see dimly via the rear- view mirror, sent waves of terrible envy through Nancy's body. A very definite aroma of pussy was in the air in spite of the opened windows, and Toni's sudden whimper of pleasure, a little intimate gasp, could mean only one thing--Steve was either screwing her or was nearly ready to!

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