She's Here, She's Horny: Taboo NC Erotica - Luke Solo - E-Book

She's Here, She's Horny: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Luke Solo

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


"I don't want to see that face of yours again. You hear me, sweetness?" He made his voice harsh. "If you follow me, I will stretch your frame across the highway. You dig?"

She nodded mutely.

He began to walk slowly back down the trail.

"When you follow the road, I suggest you stay on the edge of the wood. Your dress is in lousy shape."

He turned his back on her and walked away. By the time she'd finished moaning, "Don't leave me," over and over he'd forgotten what she looked like.

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She's Here, She's Horny

Luke Solo

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

He stared off in the distance. It was a damn straight road. He could see it draw together in a vee far, far off. When he was a boy he had thought it would be possible to reach that point where the lines meet. He had spent years trying.

A new convertible streaked past him. The brakes slammed on after it had passed, as if the driver had changed his mind after seeing him. It skidded to a stop several feet down the road. The young man walked to the car, slowly as if daring the driver to become impatient and drive off before he reached it.

The woman driving the car was well dressed. He noticed that at first glance. Her clothes were smart, if a little young for her. Aind they were expensive. She might as well have worn the price tag of each article around her neck. Her hair was streaked with hairdresser's blonde and curled pettishly around her face. The corners of her eyes were just beginning to show the strain of opening and closing so many times. Here I am, her appearance proclaimed, forty-but I don't feel it and if you ask me, HI deny it.

Her eyes were a lusterless brown.

The young man leaned, his arms crossed, on the side of the car.

She sighed and smiled at him, then shifted her eyes back on the road. Her thoughts embarrassed her. He was used to that. "What a day. Do you want a lift?" Her voice was a little too gay.

"Maybe," he said slowly. "Where are you going?" He smiled broadly.

"To Chicago."

"That's a long way off."

"Not far enough."

He opened the door and slouched easily in the front seat. It felt good to sit down, to lean his back against the thick leather upholstery and stretch his his legs as much as possible. He almost sighed with relaxation. Almost. He didn't want her to know how great it was to sit down in a fast moving car. Somehow he knew that showing his gratitude would lose him the game.

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