Nephew In The Middle: Taboo Erotica - Luke Solo - E-Book

Nephew In The Middle: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Luke Solo

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


The schoolteacher moaned and rubbed her hand lasciviously over her throbbing hot pussy. Her skin ached in torment. Two years, she thought frantically, two long years since I've had sex! Why should she fingerfuck herself when there was a beautifully muscled young boy just a few yards away? For the last three days, since Jack's arrival, she'd been hypnotized by the massive bulge in his tight pants. God, what a prick her nephew must have! If she could just get her hands and lips on the hot meat for a few thrilling minutes. If she could only ram it deep into her burning, madly sucking cunt, every loving young inch!

Panting, the tail brunette got out of bed, stark naked. Her burning skin shivered with fear and excitement as she padded to her bedroom door. She opened it a few inches and peered into the darkness of the living room. She could see his powerful young body sprawled out beneath a sheet on the sofa. Oh, sweet young cock and balls! thought Linda feverishly, her cunt seeping juices freely.

The big-breasted brunette hesitated, squeezing her swollen tits in her fingers. For two years, her wildly passionate urges had been bottled up dangerously. Her own sister's son! If she could only stroke that thrilling young prick in her eager fingers just once.

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Nephew In The Middle

Luke Solo

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter One

The schoolteacher moaned and rubbed her hand lasciviously over her throbbing hot pussy. Her skin ached in torment. Two years, she thought frantically, two long years since I've had sex! Why should she fingerfuck herself when there was a beautifully muscled young boy just a few yards away? For the last three days, since Jack's arrival, she'd been hypnotized by the massive bulge in his tight pants. God, what a prick her nephew must have! If she could just get her hands and lips on the hot meat for a few thrilling minutes. If she could only ram it deep into her burning, madly sucking cunt, every loving young inch!

Panting, the tail brunette got out of bed, stark naked. Her burning skin shivered with fear and excitement as she padded to her bedroom door. She opened it a few inches and peered into the darkness of the living room. She could see his powerful young body sprawled out beneath a sheet on the sofa. Oh, sweet young cock and balls! thought Linda feverishly, her cunt seeping juices freely.

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