Emotions in Digital Interactions - Irene Rafanell - E-Book

Emotions in Digital Interactions E-Book

Irene Rafanell

53,49 €

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Combining the conceptual tools of interactionist and social constructionist positions, this book presents an in-depth investigation of emotions in digital interactions. Through the central case study of online bereavement communities for women who have suffered perinatal loss, this volume highlights the significance of affective sanctioning as constitutive of group dynamics and practice. The authors chart the emergence of a new ethnopsychology of motherhood—the category of ‘Angels’ Mothers’—arising from the localized practices of a community whose experience of grief is otherwise disenfranchised. Through their detailed theoretical exploration of the centrality of micro-situational dynamics, alongside the rich empirical illustration of collectively shared feeling rules and norms, Rafanell and Sawicka develop a naturalistic approach to the analysis of empirical data, providing insights for policy-making interventions.  

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