FORBIDDEN - Diamond Speaks - E-Book


Diamond Speaks

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In Philadelphia's deceptive tranquility, the fates of Evelyn, Ethan, Regina and Clayton intertwine in a tale of love, lies and betrayal. As secrets resurface, a grand event turns chaotic. The struggle to survive becomes the ultimate sacrifice amidst a dance of destiny, loyalty and deceit... This is Forbidden.

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Sherell Highsmith


All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Sherell Highsmith

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-902-9




1. Regina and Clayton

2. Ethan and Evelyn

3. Regina

4. Clayton

5. Evelyn

6. Ethan

7. Clayton

8. Regina

9. Evelyn

10. Ethan

11. Regina

12. Clayton

13. Evelyn

14. Regina

15. Clayton

16. Regina

17. Evelyn

18. Ethan

19. Regina and Clayton

20. Clayton

21. Regina

22. Evelyn

23. Ethan

24. Evelyn

25. Clayton

26. Evelyn

27. Ethan

28. Regina

29. Clayton

30. Ethan

31. Evelyn

32. Regina

33. Clayton

34. The Set Up

35. Con Game

36. Evelyn

37. Denial

38. Regina

39. Game change

40. Focused

41. Face to face

42. Trapped

43. Bittersweet

44. Mistakes

45. It Ain’t Over

46. Back from the Ashes

47. Ghostly Present

48. Is this the End…

49. When the smoke clears

50. Forbidden Games


The Philly Slang Word Dictionary


Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. In the light of day, it is filled with tourists visiting the Liberty Bell, buying soft pretzels, and scoffing down cheesesteaks. But, when night falls, the streets of the city become deadly, filled with crime, sex, deceit, and murder. Forbidden takes you on a journey of four lives that become intertwined as they each realize they are just pawns in a web full of lies, drugs and money. No one is safe, and only the strong will survive. They each will learn that the past is never forgotten, no matter how hard you try to cover it up, and when you're from the streets, you learn some things are truly FORBIDDEN…


Regina regained consciousness on the clammy, dampened concrete floor, and her thoughts were racing. She opened her eyes and tried to focus. They felt like tiny chips of glass had cut into them. The old, dilapidated room encased her as she tried to visualize her surroundings. When she looked up, she could see that the floor had caved in on her as broken wood and marble tiles still fell from above. She had fallen a whole floor down. The distinctive odor of rats and rusty nails filled her nostrils as she started to inhale frantically. A shudder and chill went from her feet up to her head. She was panicking as her body started to tremble with fear. She wanted to get up and run but felt paralyzed. A tight knot formed deep in her throat from the smoke that filled the room. It all seemed surreal to her. She needed to know what was going on, where Clayton was, and if anyone else was still alive. She tried to collect her thoughts and make sense of everything that happened. She couldn’t see anything in the dark room, and the only light that shone in was from the upper-level ballroom. Where was everyone? She thought. Her vision was still blurred from the dust, but she could smell a ghastly stench in the air.

It was eerily silent except for the crackling of wood burning and the sirens of an ambulance in the far distance, and she silently prayed it was on its way to save her. She thought of the explosion and how it had been so strong the floor caved in. Everything had happened so fast. The party was so beautiful, she thought, and then they showed up. How in the hell did they know she would be there, how to find her, and how on earth did they know Clayton and Mr. Price? How did those bastards get to her? She could not believe how lucky she was to still be alive. She lay still, trying to listen for any human sound. There was nothing but flames nearby, so she assumed she was alone. She moved her arm slowly and could feel the shard of glass beneath it. It cut into her skin like a razor, and she felt a warm liquid flow down her arm. She knew it was her blood. She lay listening for a few more seconds before deciding to try and sit up again. Her body quivered violently. As she pressed her palms into the glass and rubble on the ground, she winced while pushing herself into an upright position. Her head started spinning, and a sharp pain shot up the right side of her body. She was disoriented and confused as she squinted her eyes and looked around.

Her head was throbbing, and her heart was pounding out of control. She reached down to feel her legs and realized she was covered with broken pieces of glass, debris, and the same warm liquid that ran down her arm. Oh God, she cried, realizing she was covered in blood. Was it hers? Someone else’s? She could not gather her thoughts to remember. As she sat there, panic overcame her smoke-filled lungs quickly, and she knew she had to find an escape. “I got to get outta here,” she kept repeating over and over in her head as she felt tears forming in her eyes. She tried standing but was in so much pain she couldn’t. She had no idea if her legs were broken from the fall and the wood and glass that lay on top of her, but she knew she couldn’t stand on her feet. She was in excruciating pain. She began feeling around the floor for something, anything she could use as a crutch to stand.

The streetlight did not provide enough light to help her see. Salty tears ran down her cheeks as she crawled around, and she felt her body growing weaker. She frantically searched the floor with her hands when she came across a large bulky object that felt like a body. It scared the hell out of her, and she fell back onto the floor and screamed. “Hello, please, somebody help me, please,” she yelled at the top of her lungs into the darkness. Please, God, somebody help me she repeated as she began to scream louder. Oh my God, oh my God, who could this be? She thought, terrified and shaking feverishly. Regina felt sick to her stomach. She reached over again to feel the lifeless body of a man she knew had to be dead.” How did this happen?” Regina cried out as she tried to sit up again but couldn’t.

She slumped back down into the trash and debris and began to cry harder as she tried to make sense of everything that happened. Why did this happen to her!!! How did she get caught? She had tried so hard to play everything right, but the devil had caught up to her. She finally began to accept the fact that she just could not escape. Her body was getting weaker from losing so much blood; the smoke seemed to get thicker each time she inhaled, and she saw no way out. Her head was spinning, and as she drifted in and out of consciousness, her thoughts went to her daughter. How would she survive? She knew there was nothing she could do to help her now, so all she could do was wait for her fatal demise and silently pray her daughter would be safe…



Shit! Regina said aloud as she looked at the run in her stockings. She reached for her worn-out coach bag and hoped she had remembered to put her clear nail polish inside. When she looked in, she saw Clayton’s business card: “Tailored To You Full-Service salon, where we make your dreams a beautiful reality.” Regina smiled to herself as she thought about Clayton. They had met a few months before, but he already had Regina hooked. How was she so lucky to have met such a great man like him? She would never know, she thought, as her mind drifted back to the first day they met.

Clayton Taylor owned and operated one of the largest beauty and full-service salons in Philly and had recently expanded his businesses to Washington, New York, and Atlanta. He was the top business mogul in beauty, servicing the biggest stars in the Entertainment industry. He came to Price and Associates to obtain an attorney at the law firm where Regina was employed and hired Ethan Price, her boss, to represent him in his mergers. When she first saw him walk through the double doors, she was instantly put off guard by his smile. Hello, beautiful Clayton said, flashing a gorgeous set of pearly white teeth. Regina’s heart fluttered as she tried not to stutter when she asked, “How can I help you”? She tried to keep her composure as he looked at her. “I have an appointment with Mr. Price,” Clayton said in a cool and relaxed tone.

“Sure, and may I ask your name, please?” Regina said, hoping he didn’t see her heart starting to beat in her chest through her silk blouse. “I am Clayton Taylor; he is expecting me,” he said, flashing that beautiful smile again. Regina watched as his full lips moved and wondered how they would feel on hers. She had never fantasized about a man like this before, but it was something about the way he was looking at her that sparked a flame that had not been lit in years. She hadn’t felt the touch of a man in so long and was in desperate need of one.” Oh, ok, have a seat while I page Mr. Price and let him know you are here,” Regina said with her voice shaky as she stared into his gorgeous hazel eyes.

When she picked up the phone to call Mr. Price, she noticed Clayton looking around the office, admiring the pictures and degrees that decorated the ivory-colored walls, and she couldn’t help but see how sexy and alluring he looked in his well-tailored Armani suit and freshly shined Balenciaga shoes. He had an air of class and confidence that turned Regina on immediately. She had never seen a man like him before. All she was used to was the rough, rouged men from the south or the thug wanna-be gangsters she had met at the clubs or hookah bars in Philly. But Clayton was different. He exulted style. He was 6’3 with broad shoulders, his hair was jet black, and his waves were on spin. His skin was smooth and dark like chocolate, and his beard was trimmed perfectly.

“He will be with you momentarily, Mr. Taylor. May I show you to the conference room?” Regina asked as she rose from her desk. “Yes, of course,” Clayton responded as he watched her walk towards him. Seeing her up close, he realized how attractive she really was. Regina stood 5’7 with curvy hips and a plump ass that made you look twice, given the right outfit. She had a beautiful round face with deep-set brown eyes and luscious lips that she adorned with red lipstick. Her hair was a natural sandy brown that she wore in a curly style, and her breasts stood perky and full as he could tell she was not wearing a bra underneath her top. Her skin was the color of a new bronze penny, and she looked younger than her 38 years, but her clothes and demeanor were modest, simple, yet tasteful. As Clayton stared at her, he envisioned how beautiful she would look after a makeover at his salon. He made a mental note to give her an invitation when he was done with Mr. Price. Regina led Clayton to a large set of glass doors to an elegant study filled with antique books and plush leather sofas that surrounded a marble table with beverages and fresh fruit. “Please make yourself comfortable, Mr. Taylor. Mr. Price will be with you shortly.”

“May I offer you some coffee, tea, or water?” Regina asked as she placed some writing utensils and a notepad on Mr. Price’s desk next to the intercom. “No, thank you,” he paused as he realized he had not asked her name. “Regina,” she said shyly as she blushed, knowing he was finally paying her some attention. “No, thank you, Regina, I’m fine,” he said in a flirting tone. “Yes, Lawd, you are fine,” Regina said in a low whisper as she made her way to the doors. “What did you say?” Clayton asked, quickly turning around in her direction. “Oh, nothing, Mr. Taylor. If you need anything else before Mr. Price joins, you just push the intercom located on the table,” she said as she hurried out of the room.

When Regina got back to her desk, she drank a bottle of water. Suddenly, she was extremely hot and sweaty. She knew it was Clayton, and she was excited to feel so aroused by a man again. Regina had been single for four years since she came back to Philly from North Carolina, and the dating pool in this city was shallow. She had been on a few dates but always ended up with jerks. She was careful about who she dated because she was a single mom of a 15-year-old and refused to bring just anyone around her daughter Nyla. She was her pride and joy, and she would do anything to protect her. She began to calm her nerves and get back to work. She convinced herself how silly she was being, daydreaming about a man she had just met and would never give her the time of day. But as she tried to finish the papers, she was proofing to her boss she could not keep her mind off the handsome stranger she had just laid eyes on. She found herself fantasizing about him, imagining what it would be like to be held in his arms and made love too. She felt her mouth getting dry again and sweat starting to form on her brow, and she felt moist between her legs just as her desk phone rang and snapped her back to reality.

“Good afternoon. Price and Associates, how can I help you?” Regina answered the phone, slightly out of breath. “Hey girl, why does it sound like you just got done running a marathon or having some freaky ass sex!!!” Monica said, busting out laughing. Monica was Regina’s cousin and the only family she had left in Philly, and she looked in on Nyla when Regina worked late. “You are so silly, girl. I am working as usual; my mind was just preoccupied, that’s all,” Regina said, looking at the clock on her desk and trying to change the conversation. “What’s up with you calling me this early in the day? Shouldn’t you be out stalking your man?” Regina said, annoyed she had called and interrupted her thoughts.

“No honey, I just got through whipping this good stuff on Kenny, and he is knocked out,” she said, laughing at her own raunchy comment. Monica could be so tacky at times. “I called to see if you wanted to go out to Rose Lounge tonight. Kenny gave me 2 VIP wristbands to the club, and of course, I’m asking you first since you are my bestie,” Monica said in her ghetto girl voice, “Mo, you just want me to go so that you can have a reason to spy on Kenny. You know I do not like going out to those clubs anymore because there is nothing but hood rats and weed heads there!” Regina said, getting frustrated with her cousin. “Whatever, Regina,” she said, knowing she couldn’t convince her to go out with her again. She tried to hang out with her cousin a few times, but every time they would go out, Monica ended up leaving her for some guy she just met. She had asked her many times after that to go out and have some fun for a change, promising she would not abandon her, but every time she turned her down. She was tired of the club scene; besides, she knew she would never find a good man there. “Call me later if you change your mind. You need to stop being so boring and corny and go out and have a little fun sometimes. You might even get lucky and get a stiff one!” Monica said, laughing, and hung up the phone.

Regina was agitated by Mo’s call, but she knew she meant well. She was a sweet girl, beautiful and full of potential, but, to Regina, she had her priorities all wrong. She was 27, had her own apartment, a college degree from one of the top black colleges in the country and made a pretty decent living, but she was lazy as hell. She was a massage therapist at the local sports arena, and all she dated were men who were drug dealers’ athletes and thugs. Monica felt that while she still had it to flaunt, she would use it to her advantage. She had a killer body and a phat ass that would make any man stand at attention, and she didn’t have a problem wearing revealing, sometimes downright slutty outfits to show it. Her current beau, Kenny, was a 30-year-old waste of time. Mo had met him one night at a concert they attended in Fairmount Park. He had two baby mamas and always kept Monica in some type of drama. He was the owner of a jazz and Hookah club in the Center City, and that was his chick trap to pick up women. He slept with half his staff and about two-thirds of his patrons, but Monica thought she was his one and only main Jawn.

She knew he cheated sometimes but always felt like those other chicks meant nothing to him. She was very self-conscious, but she would never admit it, so every time she got the chance, she would go down to the club to make sure she was the one he left with at the end of the night. Regina tried convincing her she could do better, but she said he treated her real good and fucked her even better, so for now he was there to stay. Just as Regina was about to get back to work, the phone buzzed again, but this time it was Mr. Price. “Regina, can you please come in and take some notes for me?” He asked in his usual cheerful voice. “Yes sir, Mr. Price, right away,” she said, thrilled she got to sit in on the meeting with her fantasy man.

She rushed down the hall and got a look at herself in the mirror. Not bad, she thought to herself as she adjusted her pencil skirt and fluffed her curls. But as she entered the study, she suddenly felt out of place. She instantly did not like the outfit she had chosen that day, but she did not know she was going to meet such an attractive guy. Regina wore a cream satin top with no bra that could have used good ironing and a straight skirt that did nothing for her figure. She did not have many clothes, but she knew she could have looked a bit more presentable. She suddenly felt embarrassed and hoped Mr. Price hadn’t noticed. Her boss was a kind man who always gave her the utmost respect and praise for being a great paralegal, and he never crossed the line with Regina. He was married to a powerful and beautiful woman that he adored, and she knew he would never cheat on her, so Regina never felt the need to look extra special at work. Not that she would even consider an affair with Mr. Price. He was nice-looking, but he was not her type. She was always presentable but nothing incredibly special. Besides, his clients were usually old, rich white men, married or gay anyway, so she never worried about any of them finding her attractive. But today, she wished her appearance were a lot better. In her three years there, she had never seen a client come into the office that sent her heart racing, and the first thing she noticed was his finger did not have a ring on it, so she silently prayed he was single, but for the life of her, she could not understand why he would be. He may have been a player or a gigolo, she thought, but she really didn’t care. All she knew was that he was making her feel ways she had not felt in an awfully long time. As she took a seat across from Mr. Price, she could feel Clayton staring at her. Chills started to cover her, and she kept adjusting herself in her chair and hoped she did not appear too nervous.

She sat and took notes of the meeting and found out that Clayton’s businesses were worth millions and that he was hiring Mr. Price to oversee all his legal contracts pertaining to his company.” Ms. Allen, can you please make sure we handle Mr. Taylor’s matters delicately and with urgency? He said to Regina. “And Mr. Taylor, please feel free to contact Ms. Allen with any concerns or issues that may arise, and she will be sure to forward me all information needed,” Mr. Price said, pleased with Clayton and the outcome of the meeting. “Will do, Mr. Price,” Regina replied as she got up to leave. “Excuse me, Regina,” Clayton said in a very seductive voice, “will you be available to take all my demands needed at my request?” “I don’t think that would be a problem, Mr. Taylor, as long as I am made aware in a timely manner. We are here to assist you 24 hours a day,” Regina said as she flashed a seductive smile at him and nodded to Mr. Price before leaving the room. She could feel her nipples starting to harden through her blouse, and she felt mortified. She had to get back to her desk immediately; she was starting to feel sweat running down her body. A few minutes later, Clayton was standing in front of her, smiling. “Ms. Allen, is it?” He said, knowing she was slightly uncomfortable in his presence. “It’s Regina,” she said, trying not to make direct eye contact with him as she shuffled papers around on her desk. “Well, Regina, I would like for you to make a reservation to come by my Salon and see exactly who I am and who you will be representing. Oh, and enjoy a complimentary spa day.” Clayton said, finding himself intrigued by her. “Mr. Taylor, I couldn’t accept such a gift,” Regina said, surprised at his offer. “It’s Clayton, and of course you can. Here is my card call; speak to my assistant. Geneva, and she will take care of the rest,“ Clayton said as he placed the beautiful linen business card into Regina’s hand. She sat there elated, not knowing what to do, so she simply took the card and said thank you. Clayton then unexpectedly took her hand, kissed it gently and said, “It was truly a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Regina Allen, and I look forward to seeing you again soon,” and then he left the office.

Regina watched him walk away, and she felt tears well up in her eyes. In her entire life, no man had ever made her feel like this. She had never felt more beautiful and alive than she did at that very moment, and she wished this feeling could last forever.



As Ethan Price sat in his office, he smiled with satisfaction. He had just landed the biggest legal deal of his career, and he was finally able to make the last payment to the loan sharks he borrowed money from three years prior to starting his firm. He felt good, and the first thing he wanted to do was surprise his lovely wife with an expensive gift and take her out to dinner to celebrate. It had taken Ethan twenty of his forty-nine years to finally make it big in the city, and he felt on top of the world. Ethan picked up his iPhone to call Evelyn as he looked at their wedding photo on his desk. The phone rang two times before she answered, “Hello darling,” Evelyn said in a soft, seductive voice. “Hi there, beautiful,” Ethan said happily smiling. “How is your day so far, my love?” she said, slightly out of breath as she ran on the treadmill in their 5000 square feet home. Ethan reclined back in his leather chair and grinned as he listened to his wife’s sexy voice. “Well, I have fantastic news, and I want to go out and celebrate tonight, so get dressed and be ready for dinner at eight and wear something hot because you know I love showing you off,” Ethan said as he pictured her in sexy lingerie from Victoria's Secret. He made a mental note to have Regina run out and pick up something nice for his lovely bride.

“That sounds delightful, dear. What are we celebrating?” She said, sounding excited. “It’s a surprise, but I will tell you this: we will never have to worry about money again after today,” he said, feeling proud of his accomplishments. “Wow, ok baby, I am excited, and I will be ready at eight. Will you be sending a car, or would you like me to meet you?” Evelyn asked, starting to feel anxious about the planned evening.

“I’m going to send a driver. We are going to be doing a lot of celebrating and drinking tonight, so we will definitely need a car, baby,” Ethan said, feeling good about spending time with his wife. It had been a long time for them to just go out and spend a romantic evening alone together. He was always working, trying to be successful, and he felt like he was neglecting her. She was a beautiful woman, and he knew he was the luckiest man on earth to be married to her. When he hung up from their call, he started to reminisce about the first time he saw her.

They had met eight years ago at a dinner party for one of his colleagues at the firm where he was a junior partner, and for Ethan, it was love at first sight. He watched her all evening as she glided across the room, and he knew he had to meet her. “Hey, Richard, who is that lovely lady over by the fountain?” Ethan asked his friend at the party. “Oh, that’s Miss Evelyn St. James. She is a big supporter of equal rights for women, and she contributes generously to our firm for pro bono work for battered woman cases,” Richard said, eyeing Evelyn with lust in his voice. “She is a bitch, but she’s a beautiful one and loaded,” he said sarcastically as he downed his scotch. “She doesn’t look that intimidating,” Ethan said, staying focused on her every move. “Go for it, man! She has already turned down every guy in here tonight; you just might get lucky,” he said with a chuckle, knowing every man had struck out with her so far.” I think I just might do that,” he said, as he turned to the bartender and ordered two glasses of Prosecco. As Ethan walked over to her, Evelyn noticed him and turned away. He continued over, not feeling intimidated by her gesture, and asked her if she could hold his drinks while he tied his shoes. She looked down and saw he didn’t have laces, and she laughed as if he had told her a very funny joke. “That is a highly creative way to meet someone,” she said when she finished laughing. “I couldn’t think of another way to approach you,” he replied calmly as he looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “Well, you succeeded, Mr…” Evelyn waited for him to say his name. “It’s Ethan, Ethan Price,” he answered proudly. “I’m Evelyn,” she responded back hesitantly.

Evelyn had very striking features. She was mixed with Cherokee Indian and African American and had the face of an angel. She was very fair-skinned with deep sea blue eyes and lovely long black hair that she wore in an updo for the evening to show off her gleaming diamond necklace. Everything about her screamed elegance. She had a slim, thick hourglass shape with a perfect size D cup. She stood 5’8 with beautiful, shapely long legs and a discreet thigh gap. She was indeed a vision to look at a class-A lady, to say the least, and Ethan was drawn in immediately. They began talking, and Evelyn shared with him that she was from Queens, New York, and was raised by her wealthy grandparents after her mother and father were killed in a plane crash. She was an only child and, after their deaths, inherited their fortune. She was a very guarded woman and liked to be in charge. She hired escorts because she didn’t want to get too involved with anyone seriously, and she was an advocate for women’s rights. She had never been married and had no desire for children, and she loved fine art and music. She was 36 years old and was considered one of the wealthiest women in Philadelphia. She owned several companies and invested her money wisely. Everything about her fascinated Ethan, and the more they spoke, the more he wanted to know. They had taken their conversation out to the balcony, and before they knew it, they were being told the party was over. By the end of the night, they both knew they were meant to be together. He had escorted Evelyn home that night, and from then on, they were inseparable.

Ethan, at the time, was a 39-year-old lawyer and junior partner at a low-key law firm in Bucks County, concentrating on mergers and acquisitions, but kept his head down and worked diligently to one day own his own Corporate and Criminal case law firm. He had a good client base but could not save enough to start out on his own. He made good connections but never found anyone willing to invest or take a chance with him. He won several cases and was a beast in the courtroom, but that never was enough. Ethan was making a name for himself, focusing on business and corporate law, but criminal cases were always his passion.

He stood 6’1 at two hundred and sixteen pounds. He had hazel green eyes and oval-shaped lips. He wore his hair short with tapered sides. He was quite an attractive man and had a way with the ladies. He could charm just about anyone and always worked hard for the prize. When they started dating, he and Evelyn would talk for hours, and he told her how much he wanted to one day own his own law firm. After discussing his dreams with her, Evelyn wanted to open a firm for him. She had the means and could easily afford it because she believed in him and knew how talented he was, but he refused to accept any handouts from her because he wanted to prove he was his own man and could make it big on his own. He worked hard and showed Evelyn he was worthy of her hand in marriage, and six months later, they wed, and she made Ethan the happiest man alive. He continued to strive at work, saving for his own firm, and one day, while working for Davis and Shultz, he met two clients that would make Ethan an offer he could not refuse, changing his life forever.

As Evelyn hung up the phone, she started to think about what she would wear tonight for her special evening with her husband. She was excited and could not wait to find out his exciting news. She knew he was working on some big cases and just assumed he had won a big settlement for a client and wanted to celebrate. Ethan had been so preoccupied lately, but he always spoiled her every chance he could. Buying her expensive jewelry and furs and sending her on fabulous trips whenever she wanted to travel. He was not as financially stable as she was, but he was well respected and was building a small fortune with his firm. She was incredibly supportive of him, and she loved him deeply.

He was a naive, sweet man who didn’t really pry into her past. He was so in love with her that he never really cared how she became so wealthy and who or where the rest of her family was. To him, none of that mattered as long as she was with him. Evelyn had many secrets, none of which her husband knew, and she planned to keep it that way. She had buried that part of her life long ago, and being with Ethan made her feel safe. She had long since forgotten about her past, but in the back of her mind, she knew she would destroy anyone who tried to dig up old skeletons, even the ones she loved.



When Regina got home, she was exhausted. She had worked three extra hours for Mr. Price and had to make a shopping run to buy a gift for his wife. She enjoyed making trips for him because she got the chance to go into high-end stores and purchase expensive things as if they were for her. She had never met Mrs. Price, but from the pictures her husband had all around his office, she got a sense of what her style was. Besides, she never knew Regina was her husband’s personal shopper, and Mr. Price never complained about what she bought. They both were around the same size, and he liked Regina’s taste. She was not too upset anyway about the additional hours she had worked that day because Mr. Price had given her a sizable bonus for landing the new client, Clayton Taylor. She felt good she had some extra money in her pocket and she was finally home to rest in peace. Or so she thought. Just as she took off her shoes and put her feet up on the coffee table to fantasize about Clayton, Nyla walked in, talking nonstop about her day. “Hey, moms, how are you? I missed you today,” Nyla exclaimed as she planted a big, wet kiss on Regina’s cheek. “I’m good, sweetie, just really tired. I had a long day.” Regina replied as she looked at her beautiful daughter.

As much as she wanted her thoughts to be about Clayton, she directed her attention to Nyla. She went on about her day and told her she had gotten a solo part in the school musical. Nyla had a beautiful voice, and she hoped she would be famous one day, like the talented woman she had posted on her bedroom wall. “So, missy, I know you are excited about the show and all, but have you finished your homework and cleaned your room?” Regina asked her as she started to go through the mail on the living room table. “Of course I did, Mother,” Nyla said, aggravated that her mom asked the same questions every night she came home from work. “Watch your tone, young lady,” Regina replied as she watched Nyla roll her eyes and huff away out of the living room into the kitchen.

“Teenagers,” Regina said out loud but to herself. Nyla was a good kid, always respectful and obedient, but lately, Regina had been sensing she was changing. The groans and eye-rolling were becoming more consistent, and Regina assumed it was puberty, or so she hoped. All she could think about was that when she started the sassing off at the mouth, it was because of a boy. She could hear her own mother’s voice in her head saying, “Don’t you start getting too grown just because you're smelling yourself.” Regina chuckled because, as a teenage girl, she never understood what that meant, but when she became a mom, a lot of her own mother’s advice started to make so much sense. She had hoped Nyla had not started liking boys yet because she wasn’t sure if she could handle that right now. “Hey, mamma, you hungry?” Nyla asked as she looked in the fridge for a snack. “No, baby, get you something. I already ate,” Regina said, smiling at her daughter.

She had just started to feel comfortable being back in Philly, and it was feeling like home again. She had been through a lot, moving from state to state trying to survive on the little money she had saved. She was only a child herself when she had Nyla and had endured so much abuse from her baby daddy she just wanted to settle down and try to live a normal life. She still had nightmares of the time she spent with him and knew that if she did not get away from him, her life would be over, and so would her child’s. It was hard to do because every time she thought she had escaped him, he would always find her, but so far, not this time; she finally felt like she would be ok. When she arrived in Philly, she had just twenty dollars left in her name, and Monica had taken Nyla and her in. She had nowhere else to go, so she helped her get on her feet.

Monica had a nice 2-bedroom apartment in Queens Village, a lively, upbeat section of the city, and she welcomed them with open arms. It wasn’t a lot of space, but they made it work. Monica knew about some of Regina’s struggles, but she had no idea all she had gone through. She was simply happy to help her favorite cousin. Regina was so thankful and made a point to look after Mo as much as she could when she landed a job. She was the older cousin, but she felt like she was her big sister. Mo had also helped her land the job at Price and Associates through one of her past conquests she was fucking at the time. She had been involved with a guy who had two open murder cases and had just caught a drug charge a few months prior. He was being represented by Mr. Price, and when she went with Mo to pay another installment of his retainer fee, she met her future boss. He was just starting out on his own and mentioned he was looking for a paralegal to help with his caseload.

Regina jumped at the opportunity to let him know her qualifications since she did have an online degree in law. She studied hard for six years, working odd jobs and living in cheesy motels while she was in hiding. That part she left out, not wanting to scare him off. Mr. Price was impressed by Regina’s demeanor and qualifications and offered her the job a few days later. When they left Mr. Price’s office, Regina could not wait to tell her cousin how she felt. She was excited about landing a fantastic job but irked by the circumstances in which she got it. “Monica, why do you insist on messing with these thug ass niggas?” Regina asked her on the train ride to the Center City that afternoon. “Because they take care of me financially and sexually, and I get to look good and have loads of money in my pocket,” Mo said in a cocky tone. “But you are so smart and have a good head on your shoulders. You deserve so much better,” Regina said, feeling sorry for her. “You are ruining your life, and take my word, dealing with these street dudes is going to land you in a world of trouble,” Regina said, concerned about her cousin.

Monica rolled her eyes at her and began checking her Instagram account on her iPhone, ignoring what she was saying. “You should be grateful to my thug ass man. Because of him, you got a job,” she said, never looking up from her phone. She knew about some of Regina’s troubles and felt bad for her, but she knew that it was her demons to face, not hers. She didn’t have a clue about the horror she had gone through, but she was not gonna let Regina make her feel guilty about her choices. A lot of the dudes she kicked it with were bums, but they gave her what she needed, and that was just fine by her. Regina sat back and huffed as she realized Mo was ignoring what she was saying, and her mind drifted to the terrible moments she endured some time ago. Things had gone so wrong in North Carolina, Regina thought to herself. She had seen too much and knew too much, and the thing that frightened her most was if her past ever found her, the first thing it would do was shut her up permanently.

Regina was just 15 when she met the man who would be her daughter’s father. He was an identical twin, but he and his brother had hugely different personalities. The Spears brothers were definitely men to be admired but very much feared. Jacob was the playful and friendlier one, while James was quiet and mysterious. She met them one Labor Day weekend while visiting her grandparents and cousin in Fayetteville, NC. She lived in Philly with her mother, who worked all the time, so she was alone most days. When she was given the opportunity to go the four hundred and fifty miles to visit on holidays, she jumped at the chance. There wasn’t much to do there in the south, but that didn’t bother Regina. Her grandma and grandpa had a big house with a farm out back, and if she only got to feed the chickens, that was all right with her. Her auntie stayed at the house as well with her daughter Val, who was close to Regina’s age and when she visited, there was always some trouble for them to get into. It was the holiday weekend, and Regina was excited.

It was a beautiful night, and she was so happy no one fused or complained about her being out with her favorite cousin. Val was seventeen, and what the older people called a fast-tail child because she drank beer and smoked cigarettes, and she had already had sex three times and to Regina, that was a world record. Her reputation was scarred, but Val could care less what those old bitches had to say about her in this hick of a town. Her mom was a junkie that got caught up in the drug epidemic that started to plague the country in the early 80s, and she never cared where Val was as long as she brought her home a few dollars every now and then to support her habit. They moved in with her parents so that Val could at least have some type of stability and supervision. She never knew who Val’s dad was, and it was rumored that Auntie slept with a guy for some drugs one night and got pregnant with Val, but when he found out she was knocked up, he left town quickly. Val was a big-boned, pretty girl with short, curly hair and a chubby, round face, and at seventeen, she could easily have passed for an older woman in her twenties. She had a sharp tongue and a feisty attitude to match. She loved hanging out in the streets and flirting., She would go into town and charge the teenage boys in the neighborhood fifty cents to look up her dress and rub on her breasts for five minutes, and that’s the way she made a few dollars to drink and smoke. For Regina, being younger and naive, she fascinated her! She thought Val was the coolest person on earth! She exposed her to things she had never seen or even heard of in her fifteen years.

On that warm Monday night in September, the two girls went into town to cause some mischief. They were hanging out in front of the local nightclub so that they could see who was sneaking with whose husband or wife, and they could shake them down for some money to go to the Waffle House to eat. As they stood there talking, the biggest, longest black Cadillac Regina had ever seen in her life pulled up to the curb with the words Black Bullet written across the top window shield. It looked like something straight out of a movie, and it shone like it had been waxed minutes ago. Val and Regina stood there staring, waiting to see if a movie star would emerge. They watched the door fly open, and out stepped a woman dressed head to toe in a see-through catsuit and rhinestone-studded high heels. She wore a blond wig that was slanted on her head, and her face was covered with cheap makeup that looked as if she had applied it in the dark. “I know one thing, bitch: if my money ain’t right tonight, I’m gonna put your ass in the hospital tomorrow. I promise you that!” A man yelled from the driver’s side of the black hog. You could not see his face through the dark tinted windows, but his voice was harsh and mean and sent a chill up Regina’s spine when he spoke. “Ok, daddy, but I told you shit is slow out here tonight,” the whore said in a slow childlike voice.

“I don’t give a fuck. You had better make it fast,” the man shouted back before speeding off from the curb, leaving the door to slam shut from the speed. The woman looked pissed as she removed a cigarette from her handbag. “Hey, big Val, give me a light,” she called out to my cousin, who was laughing at the scene that had just taken place. It was obvious Val knew her, and Regina was dying to know how. She had never seen a hoe in real life, just on TV or from what she heard the kids talk about in school, so this excited her the most. “I ain’t got no light, Candy, but I’ll get you one if you give me a port,” Val said, eager to get a smoke. “OK, but hurry up. If Twin swings back around and sees me still standing here, he is gonna kick my ass for sure,” she said, looking up and down the street to make sure he was gone.

While Val ran into the alley behind the bar to look for a book of matches, Regina just stood there, not able to speak or move. She was still trying to process the fact that this woman was a whore, selling her body for money. Not the childish stuff Val did for 50 cents, but actually letting men screw her for cash. Val was back in less than a minute. “Here you go, Candy,” she said as she handed her a lighter she had found in the ally. “Thanks, small stuff,” the woman said, lighting her cigarette and handing Val hers for the trade. “What you doing out here tonight, and who’s the skinny bumpkin you got with you?” Candy said in a gritty tone as she gestured over at Regina. “Oh, that’s my cousin, she cool,” Val replied, “We just trying to come up with a few dollars to go over to the Waffle House and get something to eat.”

“Well, listen here, that’s where twin is now, waiting on me to make some money,” Candy said, annoyed that she had to turn a trick tonight because she came up short with her pimp’s money that morning. She was supposed to have the night off and go out to celebrate Labor Day, but she needed to get her drug fix the night before, so she smoked away the money and twin was pissed. He told her she had to make double tonight, but she was just not in the mood.

“Hey, how’s about I give you and cornball over there five dollars apiece to go sit in the Waffle House and eat, but when you see Twin get up to leave, you page me, and I can come back on the corner like I’m still trying to get a trick,” Candy asked hoping she could convince the girls to be her lookout so she could go in the Club and relax for a while. “What do you say?” Candy asked again, hoping they would take the bait. “Hell, yeah, Candy. We don’t have a problem helping you out,” Val said, happy that she and Regina didn’t have to keep standing outside the club like they were trying to pick up a date. Candy reached into her DD bosom and pulled out a 10-dollar bill, along with a card with her pager number on it and handed it to Val. “Now, listen, you call me as soon as you see him about to leave. Don’t let me down, small stuff; I’m depending on you,” Candy said over her shoulder as she sashayed in the club.

As the whole scene transpired, Regina was stuck in one spot. She couldn’t believe what she had just witnessed. “Val, is you insane? Why would you take her money and tell her we would be her lookout out?” She shouted as Val walked back in her direction, waving the ten-dollar bill. “Girl, please, I always help out Candy and some of the other hoes from time to time. They pay me for my services, and I don’t have to lay on my back for it,” she said as she laughed aloud. “Come on, Chile, and let’s go get some waffles. You look like you starving,” Val said as she yanked Regina by the arm and led her toward the Waffle House two blocks away.

When they walked through the doors of the brightly lit restaurant, Regina thought she had double vision. Sitting in a booth near the back of the diner were two men who shared the same face. Both were clad in big gold chains and diamond rings on each finger. Each one had a distinct style of fashion. You could see their clothes were expensive, and you could tell they both were getting money. One was dressed like he had a Clyde’s Dale tied up outside. He wore a huge cowboy hat and a pair of ponyhair boots. The other was a bit more subtle. He wore a baseball cap, a pair of denim jeans and a cashmere sweater. But both had on a ton of jewelry. Val and Regina walked in and took a seat a few tables over so they could hear their conversation clearly. “Man, I’m so mad right now,” the twin in the big cowboy hat said to the other. “That hoe, Candy, must think I’m stupid. That bitch smoked up the money she made getting high last night and tried to convince me she got robbed! I tried to break that bitch’s neck this morning when she told me that shit,” he said angrily to his brother. “I told you to stop messing with those smoking ass hoes. They ain’t nothing but trouble, and they ain’t gonna do nothing but get you busted. You wait and see,” the other twin replied. “I know that Jacob, but the bitch makes good money when she wants to, and she’s loyal,” twin said, sitting back in the booth. His name was James Spears, better known on the streets as killer, and his brother was Jacob. They both were notorious drug dealers and pimps, but you could see James was the meaner of the two evils. Regina later found out he was the one driving the big, black hog. They ran the south, and everybody knew it. They were both nice-looking men in their early 30s, and you could tell underneath their frowns they were actually quite handsome.

They had light brown eyes and stark, strong cheekbones. They were well built and had skin that was the color of strong black coffee with a hit of cream. “Hey honey, can I get another cup of tea?” James called out to the waitress, “And make sure it’s in a to-go container,” he replied. “Sure thing, baby,” the waitress answered, grinning at them with crooked teeth. She made sure she catered to their every need because they were regulars and always left big tips. As Jacob looked around the restaurant, he noticed Regina staring at them. He smiled at her, and she quickly began to blush. She wasn’t much to look at back then, but she had a wholesome aura about her. She was skinny, had thick, medium-length hair, and needed a straightening comb. She had pretty straight white teeth and an oval-shaped face with deep-set dimples. She didn’t wear makeup much, but when she came to visit Val, she would straighten her hair and make up my face with stuff she stole from her Auntie’s dresser.

The best thing Regina had going for her was her long, athletic legs because she ran track in school every day. She had big breasts she inherited from her mom’s side of the family, but other than that, she considered herself a plain Jane. “Why is you looking so nervous?” Val asked as she tried to occupy herself with the menu. “I’m not nervous,” she replied, trying to play it cool. “Excuse me, honey,” Val called out to the waitress who was leaning over the twin's table so they could look down at her top and see her big stretch-marked breasts. “Can we order today, please?” Val said, annoyed that they had been waiting to be served for over 10 minutes. “Just a second, sweetie,” the waitress replied back in a southern drawl. “Is there anything else I can get you, boys?” She asked the twins as they looked at her, amused by her flirting. “Yeah,” James said, “Your phone number so I can call you later,” knowing in his mind he was spinning this bitch already. He had a way about him; he knew he could make a woman fall for him in an instant when he wanted them to. “You ever been to California, darling?” He asked, knowing she was falling for the bait. ”No,” she said shyly, thinking he was really feeling her. “Well, you should let me take you there one day and make you a star,” he said, making a mental note that he could use a bitch like her in his stable. She wasn’t much to look at in the face, but she had a body he knew could make money. He already had five girls working for him on the streets, but he was always out recruiting. They made him plenty of money, and adding another one was worth the extra cash flow. The waitress hurried and wrote down her number and slid it across the table to him.

She knew he was a pimp, but she didn’t care. She saw the way he took care of his girls when they came into the diner and figured anything was better than working in this greasy spoon for pennies an hour. While she stood there grinning and talking, Val got pissed. “Yo, chick, are you gonna take our orders or what!?” She said, now yelling at the top of her voice. She knew what the twins were over there doing, and she never interrupted their business, but she didn’t care. She was hungry and wanted to order. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” the waitress said as she walked over to their table. “How can I help you, little girls, tonight?” the waitress said spitefully. “Well, it’s about damn time,” Val said as she looked over the menu.

“I’d like the all-star breakfast platter with a pecan waffle and a sweet tea with extra ice,” Val said. “And you?” The lady looked at Regina like she was the one giving her the attitude. “Oh, I’ll have the same,” Regina said in a hushed voice. “OK,” she said as she took the menus off the table and walked away. “Hey Val, what you doing out this time of night?” Jacob yelled over at their table. He had been watching them the whole time. “Minding my business, Mr. Jacob, and staying out of trouble,” Val said playfully. “Yeah, right; you better take your behind home and get off these streets,” he said, knowing how likely she was to get into trouble. He had known Val and her mom for years and, at one time, even dated her mom until he found out she was a crackhead. She would steal his product and money from him whenever he’d come to their house to visit. He allowed it to continue for a while because he really liked her, but after he found out she was tricking in the streets, he cut her off.

Val liked him being with her mom even though she knew what he did for a living, but he always made sure they had food in the house, and he took care of them and treated Val like a daughter when he was around. Even after he had stopped dating her mom, whenever he would see her in the streets, he’d still give her a few dollars to have in her pocket. “I will, Mr. Jacob, I promise. I’m just out having a little fun with my cousin for the holiday,” Val said, sounding like a little girl. “Your cousin?” He said, sounding surprised, “Who’s your cousin?” He asked, now eyeing Regina up and down. “She looks like a little boy,” he and his brother chuckled. Regina felt so embarrassed. “Come on, Mr. Jacob, don’t go messing with us tonight. Were just getting something to eat and going home afterward.” “OK, don’t get into any trouble,” he responded before turning his conversation back to his brother. Regina sat there mortified. She couldn’t believe this man just said she looked like a boy. She felt liking crawling under the table she was so embarrassed. She was so happy when they saw the waitress coming over to their table with their plates.

When the food arrived at their table, Val and Regina scoffed it down as if they hadn’t eaten in days. They had been laughing and talking so much that they forgot they were supposed to be paying attention when the twins left so they could warn Candy. They hadn’t even noticed them leaving the back exit of the restaurant, and Regina was relieved they were gone so they couldn’t ridicule her any further, but then she felt bad for the lady prostitute. “Oh, my goodness Val, you didn’t page that hooker to tell her that the twins left already.” Val said she didn’t care, that it was on Candy for messing with the twins’ money, and whatever she got in return, she earned it. “Come on, girl, let’s get out of here and head on back to the house before grandma sends the police out looking for us,” Val said, noticing the clock on the wall marked 2:30 am. As they left the Waffle House, just up the street, they saw the twin James pulling Candy from the club and throwing her in the back seat of his hog, and all Regina could do was think if he really was gonna put her in the hospital as he had promised.