Four seasons of happiness - Jennifer Janowski - E-Book

Four seasons of happiness E-Book

Jennifer Janowski



Four seasons of happiness is a photography book by the photographer and artist Jennifer Janowski. The Book describes her way of finding happiness in a life changing situation. At the same time it also describes her journey through the happiest country in the world, Finland, where she spent one year photographing and researching for this book and her happiness.

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Finnish people are counted as one of the happiest in the world, they do not always recognize their own happiness. The difficulty in recognizing happiness occurs probably due to the misunderstanding of the term. Finnish people still face the challenges and difficulties in daily living, which are magnitudes with the melancholic mindset and gloomy weather during the autumn and winter


In some people’s opinion I was living the perfect life. I had a job, I was running my own small business and I was married to a handsome man, but still happiness abandoned me.

When I left Germany I was in a really bad condition and I knew I had to do something to get back on track. I didn’t photograph for almost a year, I didn’t go out anymore, I didn’t even want to anymore. At some point I started traveling. I couldn’t stand my life anymore; it did not feel right for me. I had the feeling that I didn’t fit in this huge 120m2 apartment anymore.

Meeting new people all around Europe gave me a new perspective on things, on the world, on bad routines I had and mostly on the way I lived my life. I started questioning my motives for getting married and other decisions I made in life.

While spending a semester in Budapest alone with my thoughts, I decided to get divorced.

Questioning myself what happiness means to me, got me to the point where I realized that I actually don’t know. I know a lot of things that can make me feel happy, but what is the true essence of happiness?

I feel like I’ve been searching for it my whole life but what does it truly mean?