Global Governance. Impact of the United Nations Organization - Katharina Neugebauer - E-Book

Global Governance. Impact of the United Nations Organization E-Book

Katharina Neugebauer

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Essay aus dem Fachbereich Politik - Thema: Globalisierung, pol. Ökonomie, University of Lincoln, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This essay focuses on two central initiatives, the United Nations (UN): The Global Compact (GC) and the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). Since the UN is traditionally the international framework in which human rights have been established (Seppala, 2009, p. 402), these two initiatives were selected. It is a continuation of the briefing paper that I wrote during the Global Governance seminar. It analyses the effects of Multinational Enterprises on a macroeconomic and corporate social responsibility level and describes the GC and its advantages and disadvantages in more detail. Therefore, this essay will not take up these points again. As a result of globalisation, Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) have become increasingly powerful and important. This concentration of power goes hand in hand with some negative effects such as avoidance of taxation, quasi-monopolies or issues like the non-observance of environmental, labour protection and human rights standards.

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