God's Got This - Heidi Baker - E-Book

God's Got This E-Book

Heidi Baker



God is in control—always.   The world is hurting, and people are living in fear. We want to feel the comfort of God's arms wrapped around us, but with so much uncertainty, how do we trust in Him? Heidi Baker interviewed a number of courageous believers, asking them what challenges they have overcome with God's help. Inspired by their resilience, trust, tenacity, and joy, Heidi recounts the extraordinary true stories of men and women who fixed their eyes on Jesus and never gave up in God's Got This. Heidi also vulnerably shares some of her deepest fears and most difficult experiences, revealing how she, too, learned to overcome life's trials through faith in God and trust in His Word. Let this collection of powerful stories move you and remind you that no matter what storms you face, God's got this.

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Heidi has captured “God’s got this” in absolutely every page of this book. As I am reading through her book, I am challenged to remember that whenever and in whatever circumstances we face, whether it is healing in body, soul, or spirit, or perhaps a financial or family crisis, our heavenly Father has us in the palm of His hand, and no circumstance is too hard for Him. These are stories of real people encountering a very big God, and my prayer for you as you read through it is that you will grow in faith and trust that “God’s got this” for you too.

CAROL ARNOTT, Catch the Fire

I have a friend who’s a businessman, and he spent a couple of weeks in Mozambique with Rolland and Heidi Baker. After returning to his beautiful home and significant business venture, he found himself weeping at the most awkward times. Concerned, he wondered what was happening. He realized he missed Jesus. Literally. It wasn’t that Jesus wasn’t with him. He was a true, radical believer. But the presence of Jesus upon Heidi Baker’s life is so tangible that he hungered for the reality of Jesus more than ever before. Heidi’s devotional, God’s Got This, will have a similar impact on all who read it. It is filled with stories of surrendered trust, frighteningly bold risks, and the supernatural interventions of a loving God. These testimonies from her own life and the lives of those around her reveal God’s goodness in such an astounding way that worship from surrender is our only reasonable response.

BILL JOHNSON, Bethel Church, Redding, CA Author of Born for Significance and The Way of Life

I am so happy Dr. Heidi Baker has put together this book of testimonies about partnering with God to overcome life’s toughest challenges. Heidi is a person who lives in the miraculous presence of Jesus. She has seen firsthand how Jesus heals the blind, raises the dead, and brings multitudes into His kingdom of grace and light. She has also comforted those who have lost absolutely everything. As you read these stories of great trials and great victories from around the world, you will be encouraged to cling to God no matter what. Whatever you are going through, let these words minister to your heart and prophesy hope into your situation.


Heidi Baker loves reading devotionals, and now she has written a great devotional that brings peace to troubled hearts, hope for those facing the clouds of uncertainty, and faith for those being asked to step out of their boats of security and walk on the water to Jesus. I love Heidi and her passionate devotion to Jesus. Her new devotional, God’s Got This, is a great book. I highly recommend it to all. Her faith walks in the midst of persecution and poverty as she and her husband, Rolland, have lived and served on four continents. Out of the richness of their experiences with God, which are mind-blowingly amazing, and her life of devotion she has written her devotional book. This would be a great introduction to Heidi that you could give to a friend who may not know about her amazing life.

RANDY CLARK, Global Awakening

Heidi Baker is a great friend and one of my absolute heroes of the faith. She’s a hero not only because of what she has done for God but also because she has always trusted God in the midst of absolutely impossible circumstances. This devotional is all those years and lessons packed into a book. As I read through this devotional, it just oozes courage, courage, courage as the stories and revelations here highlight how God never fails us and always provides more than what we need, no matter what we face. It’s filled with wild acts of faith, hardship where the “God of all comfort” comes close to us, and testimonies where there was no answer left, then God did great miracles. As you read this book, I’m certain you’ll be filled with more assurance of His nature, more deep trust in what He can do, and a lifting of courage in your personal calling to change history for Jesus. With our God, all things are possible.

BEN FITZGERALD, Senior Leader, Awakening Europe

I honestly cannot say enough good things about Heidi’s new devotional. God’s Got This offers tender stories of real-life people and the struggles they encounter yet victories that offer a renewed sense of hope to all. God’s Got This is truly a refreshing read as it offers not only sound teaching but also a practical application for all readers in every walk of life. It stirs up hope amid uncertainty. It attests to God’s faithfulness through every storm.

WILL HART, Iris Global CEO

Heidi’s life reflects an unwavering trust in God as the One who miraculously provides. In her life choice to walk the canyon floor in loyal relationships with the community of Mozambique, she has empowered a generation of believers into radical love for Him and others. God’s Got This encour-ages a new level of trust in Him amid a convulsing world.

HEATHER JOHNSTON, Founder and Executive Director JH Israel and US Israel Education Association

BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC

Savage, Minnesota, USA


God’s Got This: 40 Devotions of Courageous Faith

Copyright © 2021 Heidi Baker

978-1-4245-6195-7 (faux leather)

978-1-4245-6196-4 (e-book)

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Unless indicated otherwise, all Scripture quotations are from The Passion Translation®. Copyright © 2017, 2018, 2020 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ThePassionTranslation.com. Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from the ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries. Scripture marked KJV is taken from the King James Version of the Bible, public domain.

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I would like to dedicate this book with great love and gratitude to Rolland, Elisha, Crystalyn, and Brock, who have traveled this journey through the years with me, always believing that God’s got this! I also want to dedicate this book to our big, cherished Mozambican family who adopted us as their very own: thank you. Finally, I dedicate this book to my adventurous, super fun granddaughter, Zoe Joy Leora, and our grandson, Lev Leon. May you always know that no matter what the storms of life may be, God is good and loving and faithful, and God’s got this. I love you all so much, and you bring my heart joy.

Our beautiful, blended family


Foreword by Dr. Brian Simmons


Day 1Share and Care

Day 2Always Enough

Day 3The Truth Is Jesus

Day 4Stand Firm, Storm Riders

Day 5God Is Sovereign

Day 6Take the First Step

Day 7The Other Side of Sorrow

Day 8Love Your Neighbor

Day 9God’s Perfect Timing

Day 10Surrender Your Plans

Day 11Greater Victory

Day 12All Our Days

Day 13Lean into Jesus

Day 14Never Give Up

Day 15Trust in God

Day 16Stop for the One

Day 17Beauty for Ashes

Day 18Be Still and Know

Day 19Let Your Light Shine

Day 20God of All Comfort

Day 21Overcome Together

Day 22Omniscient and Omnipotent

Day 23Eyes to See

Day 24This Too Shall Pass

Day 25Catch the Wind

Day 26God Speaks in Grief

Day 27Christ, the Rock

Day 28Ground Zero

Day 29Time to Bloom

Day 30No More Sorrow

Day 31God of the Impossible

Day 32God of Miracles

Day 33Unto Me

Day 34Submit to God

Day 35Light of the World

Day 36No Matter What

Day 37Wait under His Wings

Day 38Engage the Process

Day 39You Are on Assignment

Day 40Quitting Is Not an Option


About the Author


Truth is so much better than fiction. We all like hearing about true-life stories of heroism and love. They move us, challenge us, and convict us. The stories and truths you are about to read in this devotional are all real-life stories of the triumph of love. The book you hold in your hand is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and His endless love for the souls of women and men. It is full of insight that will change your life and enlarge your heart for God.

Missionaries are a unique breed. They leave behind what most of us chase after. God calls missionaries to leave family and lands behind to further the cause of the kingdom of God. They step out in faith to witness the miraculous. They live in different nations, face different tests and trials, and adapt to different cultures. Missionaries experience pressures that most of us will never have to encounter. They lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel. I love missionaries, don’t you? Heidi and Rolland Baker are examples of God-drenched lovers of God, missionaries who have given their lives to touch the poor and needy of the earth, wherever they may be found.

Today, the nations of the earth are crying out for God’s intervention. Famines, wars, pandemics, and political upheavals can be seen on a global scale. Like never before in human history, we need to know that God’s got this! We need the confidence that God not only sees our need but also that His heart is moved to bless and heal. Does God really care about you and me? Does He really care about the nations of the earth? Of course, He does! The cross is the answer to the questions of our hearts. Millions and millions of believers today can testify to God’s mercy that is renewed every morning.

John’s Gospel unveils to us the heart of Jesus. We see Him in chapter 11 standing at the sealed tomb of His dear friend Lazarus. As He looks around and sees the broken hearts of Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha, Jesus begins to sob. His heart melted with compassion for them in their grief. John was there to see it and wrote, “Tears streamed down Jesus’ face” (John 11:35).

This scene can be superimposed over the need of the world today. Jesus is still moved deeply and filled with compassion for the people of the world. Yes, God’s got this! What troubles you troubles Him. He took your pain and trouble so that you can live a life gloriously free and without worry. The whole world is in His hands, and so are you!

What we need is the gospel of the kingdom of God to blanket the earth. It is a gospel of God’s endless grace, eternal love, and exciting power. Miracles are part and parcel of the good news we preach today. There is nothing impossible with God, no one out of God’s reach, and no nation that cannot be revived and transformed by His power-driven hands. The lives of Heidi and Rolland Baker are testimonies of this power. They have witnessed great miracles and glory invasions. They have seen mass conversions and miracle breakthroughs. The world today is greatly blessed by the lives of these two world changers. Their testimony can be your testimony.

The God of glory lives in you and wants you to be an outlet of his power and love. Let your heart soar as you read this book. More than a devotional, it is a road map for you to turn to and find the heart of God—our wonderful God who can do more than we ask or dream. Take the next forty days and go deep. May the message contained in these pages challenge and change us!


The Passion Translation Project


I’ve been deeply inspired by the anointed and powerful lives of men and women who fix their eyes on Jesus through the trials of life and never give up, knowing God’s got this. We interviewed courageous believers and asked them, “What did you overcome with God’s help?” The following forty stories are authentic responses. We vulnerably share our deepest fears and the hardest parts of some of the most challenging times of our lives. I’ve been profoundly impacted by The Passion Translation, so we’ve chosen to mostly use this fresh, heart-level translation of the Bible.

The resilience, trust, tenacity, intimacy, and joy that my friends have expressed through their extraordinary stories are powerful testimonies that are not only moving but also reassuring that God’s utterly totally, and always got this. My prayer, from Philippians, is that you would “Tell [God] every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always” (Philippians 4:6–8).


Share and Care

If you keep my commands, you will live in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands, for I continually live nourished and empowered by his love.

JOHN 15:10

My first days in Mozambique were extremely difficult. The nation was war-torn, the streets lined with burned cars and destroyed buildings. A Bible school allowed me to stay in their building but only for three nights. Rolland, Elisha, and Crystalyn hadn’t arrived yet, and there were no cell phones to call anyone. I had nowhere to stay, and I was quickly running out of money and food. I sat outside in the dirt near a water spigot, crying out to Jesus for help and leaning on God alone.

Something inside of me knew that God had called us to this nation. I knew He wanted me to learn the language of the people and the language of the Holy Spirit, and I knew that He would lead us. Near that spigot, I sensed He wanted me to trust Him more. I remembered how He always provided for us before. Suddenly a woman with her hair in a bun, wearing a long, flowered skirt and tennis shoes ran up and tossed me a set of keys. She asked me to take care of her flat while she traveled up north. She told me to eat the food so that the rats wouldn’t get it. I assumed she was a missionary, but she left without even telling me her name or where her flat was. It was wild. I had the keys but no address.

I asked for help from a man standing nearby. We could barely communicate, but when he said his name was Lazarus, I knew we’d be okay. He knew the woman and helped me find her flat. There were no road signs, but we somehow made it to her place just after the gas dial hit zero. As I opened the door, I burst into tears. I had barely slept in three days because car thieves continually triggered my truck’s alarm. I was too exhausted to eat. I just slept. After that, Lazarus and his wife became my dear friends. Along with the street children, they helped teach me their languages. They showed me the beauty and patience of the Mozambican people.

During this process, my trust in God reached a new level. The Lord is in control. He will take care of us. If He asks you to do something, He is going to provide for you. He is going to make a way for you, but He wants you to learn the language of the Holy Spirit. God Himself will help you fulfill your assignment. He also calls you to minister with those in the body of Christ that He is calling to work alongside of you.

Right now, believers all over the world can learn from the believers in the book of Acts. We need to continue sharing like they did: in a radical way. This sharing is also a beautiful part of Mozambican culture; even people who are extremely poor share what they have. I believe we are living in an unprecedented time of ever more merciful sharing and compassionate caring across the body of Christ worldwide.

Jesus, show me what love looks like here on earth. Holy Spirit, empower me to be merciful, generous, and compassionate. I trust in your eternal faithfulness. Draw me into your heart and open my eyes to see those who are in need.



•Share: “All the believers were one in mind and heart. Selfishness was not a part of their community, for they shared everything they had with one another” (Acts 4:32).