Homecoming... let the heart speak! - Tapo Vijay Kar - Hörbuch

Homecoming... let the heart speak! Hörbuch

Tapo Vijay Kar

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Human Relationships, love and above all humanity are best tested at times of misery and crisis. And like this cosmos, every event which has marked the history of time, has reaped both elixir and poison; COVID 19 is not an exception. Aditya's journey of self-actualisation and salvation post the loss of his parents was an eye opener to him on one of the most eminent facets of humanity, that distinguishes us as an intelligent species, i.e. our capability to care for the elderly. The guilt of not being able to take care of his old parents in their last moments, drove Aditya to venture into a path of building a destination for all such souls who at the dusk of their life are left alone to survive. As Aditya walked on, the universe colluded to make his dream come true. He saw the real meaning of life and its goals not from the lens of material gain and luxuries but from the view finder of the purpose of humanity, love and care.

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Zeit:0 Std. 26 min

Sprecher:Santosh Nair
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