How to become a successful startup - Razorpay's journey - Sreyoshi Guha Thakurta - Hörbuch

How to become a successful startup - Razorpay's journey Hörbuch

Sreyoshi Guha Thakurta

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Why has Northern California become so important, and why does it hold so much weight in today's world? Because the culture of highly profitable start-ups brimming in this region has led to creating the behemoth – the Silicon Valley. Today, Start-ups are being recognised as important engines for economic growth and employment generation worldwide. They have the struggle, the friendships, the obstacles, the adventures, the success, the pain and the happiness that follows. This episode weaves the tale of a highly successful startup in India - Razorpay, the company that has revolutionised the online payment system in India and has emerged as the country's number one payment gateway.

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Zeit:0 Std. 42 min

Sprecher:Santosh Nair
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