IC3 - Ciprian Adrian Rusen - E-Book
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Test how well you know your way around a computer for the IC3 exam IC3: Internet and Computing Core Certification Computing Fundamentals Study Guide is your ideal study guide to focus on the Computing Fundamentals exam module in preparation for the IC3 exam. This book covers hardware, software, peripherals, operating systems, and basic troubleshooting, presented in a clear, concise style. Hands-on examples and self-paced exercises show you how to perform critical tasks needed to pass the exam, and the companion website offers a diverse set of study tools including the Sybex test engine, a preassessment test, practice questions, and videos. Readers also gain access to electronic flashcards, and the chapter files needed to complete the exercises in the book. This guide focuses on the Computing Fundamentals module helping you test your skills and solidify your understanding in preparation for the exam. * Review the various hardware components essential to the computer * Understand which peripherals are crucial, and which are nice to have * Brush up on basic troubleshooting for common minor issues * Master your operating system and fundamental software When you are serious about certification, IC3 provides the practice that inspires self-confidence.

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Seitenzahl: 223

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2015

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IC3® Internet and Computing Core Certification Computing Fundamentals

Study Guide

Ciprian Adrian Rusen

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Ken Brown Development Editor: Tom Cirtin Technical Editor: Vlad Falon Production Editor: Dassi Zeidel Copy Editor: Linda Recktenwald Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield Production Manager: Kathleen Wisor Associate Publisher: Jim Minatel Supervising Producer: Rich Graves Book Designers: Judy Fung and Bill Gibson Proofreader: Kim Wimpsett Indexer: Ted Laux Project Coordinator, Cover: Brent Savage Cover Designer: Wiley Cover Image: ©Getty Images, Inc./Jeremy Woodhouse

Copyright © 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

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ISBN: 978-1-118-99170-1 (ebk.) ISBN: 978-1-118-99350-7 (ebk.)

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About the Author

Ciprian Adrian Rusen is a recognized Windows Consumer Expert – Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP). He has published several books about Windows and Microsoft Office, and he's also a very active tech blogger at http://www.7tutorials.com.

On his website you can find many tutorials about Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. He and his team of editors also publish how-to guides about other Microsoft products like Windows Phone and Xbox One. If you would like to keep up to date with the latest Microsoft consumer products, you should subscribe to his blog.



Who Should Read This Book?

What's Inside?

What's Included with the Book

How to Contact Sybex

IC3 GS4 Exam Objectives

Assessment Test

Answers to Assessment Test

Chapter 1 Understanding Operating Systems

Operating Systems and Their Roles When Using Computers and Devices

Working with Files, Folders, and Libraries

Customizing Your Computer


Exam Essentials

Key Terms

Review Questions

Chapter 2 Understanding Hardware

The Internal Hardware Components of a Computer

Peripheral Devices That Can Be Connected to a Computer

The Most Common Types of Computers and Devices

How Information Is Transmitted inside a Computer

How to Evaluate the Performance of a Computer or Device


Exam Essentials

Key Terms

Review Questions

Chapter 3 Understanding Software

The Dependencies between Hardware and Software

Installing, Removing, or Reinstalling Software

Software Licensing and Its Implications

The Most Common Types of Office Applications

Using Templates to Get Started with an Application

Personal Entertainment Applications

Compressing Files to Save Space

Optimizing Your Computer’s Hard Disk Performance

Protecting Yourself from Malware


Exam Essentials

Key Terms

Review Questions

Chapter 4 Troubleshooting Problems with Your Computer

Dealing with Problems Caused by Software

Dealing with Problems Caused by Hardware

Creating Your Own Backup System


Exam Essentials

Key Terms

Review Questions

Appendix A Answers to Review Questions

Chapter 1: Understanding Operating Systems

Chapter 2: Understanding Hardware

Chapter 3: Understanding Software

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting Problems with Your Computer

Appendix B Using the Practice Files

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