Improving mathematics instruction for girls - Evans Mogoi - E-Book

Improving mathematics instruction for girls E-Book

Evans Mogoi

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Seminar paper from the year 2010 in the subject Didactics - Mathematics, grade: A, Kampala International University (Bachelor of sciences), course: BSC, language: English, abstract: The objective of this study was to investigate the reasons behind poor performance of girls in mathematics in selected schools in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to investigate some reasons behind this poor performance. The methods used of data collection include questionnaires and interview guides to gather information on the academic performance in mathematics. Others were original computer printouts for the results of the students in the specified years of study. The research study recommended that the government should have a policy in place that encourages retaining teachers in upcountry schools, where the government should introduce upcountry allowances in the remunerations scheme of mathematics teachers. Another recommendation made was that enhanced assessment and monitoring of the teaching processes by quality assurors could provide the needed advice and guidance in leaders among other recommendations.

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