Joaquín Sorolla Landscapes - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Joaquín Sorolla Landscapes E-Book

Cristina Berna



Sorolla was deeply interested in the history and future of Spain. His landscapes can be seen as direct commentary to the subject matter in the landscape paintings. We travel with Sorolla generally from North to South Joaquin Sorolla (born in Valencia 1863-died in Cercedilla 1923) is one of the most successful Spanish painters ever. He was a genius in capturing the essence of the scene he was painting. He lived while photography was being invented and popularized. Some of his breathtaking landscapes show how he was familiar with and employed similar techniques as the photograph. His landscapes are a great introduction to Spanish history. In the course of preparing for his grand masterpiece The Vision of Spain, which hangs in the Hispanic Society of America, Sorolla visited many places of Spain. Here he painted types of people and local dress which made up his vision of Spain, diverse and colorful yet united. Joaquin Sorolla painted many landscapes. Some of the landscapes are recordings like photographs. Others are exercises and development of his talent and technique. It is possible to follow his development as a master of impressionist painting by comparing landscapes by the year of completion. Sorolla only became better with age and maturity.

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About the authors

Cristina Berna loves photographing and writing. She also creates designs and advice on fashion and styling.

Eric Thomsen has published in science, economics and law, created exhibitions and arranged concerts.

Also by the authors:

World of Cakes

Luxembourg – a piece of cake

Florida Cakes

Catalan Pastis – Catalonian Cakes

Andalucian Delight

World of Art

Hokusai – 36 Views of Mt Fuji

Joaquin Sorolla Landscapes

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Christmas Nativity – Spain

Christmas Nativities Luxembourg Trier

Christmas Nativity United States

Christmas Nativity Hallstatt

Christmas Nativity Salzburg

Christmas Nativity Slovenia

Christmas Market Innsbruck

Christmas Market Vienna

Christmas Market Salzburg

Christmas Market Slovenia

and more titles


Deer in Dyrehaven – Outpets in Denmark

Florida Outpets

Birds of Play

Missy’s Clan

Missy’s Clan – The Beginning

Missy’s Clan – Christmas

Missy’s Clan – Education

Missy’s Clan – Kittens

Missy’s Clan – Deer Friends

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Copenhagen vehicles – and a trip to Sweden

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American Vintage Trains

American Fire Engines

American Fire Engines Vintage

American Ambulances

American Police Cars

American Police Cars 2

American Motorcycles

American Big Trucks

American Air Rescue

American Rescue Vehicles

American National Guard

and more titles

Contact the authors

[email protected]

Published by

Cover picture:

“El Guadarrama visto de Angorilla ", 1906-1907

Inside: “La casa de los Gitanos en el Sacromonte”, Gypsies' house on Sacromonte 1910



Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

“Rompeolas de San Sebastián”


Breakwater, San Sebastian

“Rompeolas de San Sebastián”


Breakwater of San Sebastian

“Galicia (Ría de Vigo)”

"El Nálon, Astúrias",

the river El Nálon, Asturias

Paisaje asturiano

”, Asturian landscape

El baño de la reina, Valsaín

”, The Queen’s Bath, Valsaín

“Almendro en Flor”


Blossoming Almond Tree

“Castillo de la Mota en Medina del Campo”


La Mota castle, Medina del Campo

“Vista de Ávila”


View of Avila


El Guadarrama

", The Guadarrama Mountains

El Guadarrama visto de Angorilla

", The Guadarrama seen from Angorilla


Tempestad sobre Peñalara, Segóvia

", Storm on the Peñalara, Segóvia


Vista de El Torneo, El Pardo

", View of El Torneo, from El Pardo

“El arco iris, El Pardo


The Rainbow at El Pardo


Campos de trigo, Castilla

", Wheat Fields, Castile

Castillo de San Servando, Toledo”,

Castle of San Servando, Toledo

“El ciego de Toledo”,

Blind Man of Toledo

“Puente de San Martín en Toledo

”, San Martin Bridge at Toledo


Naranjas, Alcira



Adelfas de La Malvarrosa

", Oleanders at la Malvarrosa

“Barca en la Albufera de Valencia”


Boat in the salt water lagoon of Valencia


Sierra Nevada en invierno

", Sierra Nevada in Winter


“Alhambra y Granada”


Alhambra and Granada

Jardines del Generalife

, Generalife Gardens

“La casa de los Gitanos en el Sacromonte”


Gypsies' house on Sacromonte

“Torre de los Picos”


Los Picos Tower (the Peaks tower)

“Torre de las Infantas de la Alhambra”


Tower of the Princesses

“Noria, Jávea”

“Rocas de Jávea y el bote blanco”,

Cliffs of Jávea and the white boat

“Cala de San Vicente”


San Vicente Creek


Photo credits


Joaquin Sorolla (born in Valencia 1863-died in Cercedilla 1923) is one of the most successful Spanish painters ever. He was a genius in capturing the essence of the scene he was painting. He lived while photography was being invented and popularized. Some of his breathtaking landscapes show how he was familiar with and employed similar techniques as the photograph. His landscapes are a great introduction to Spanish history.

In the course of preparing for his grand masterpiece “The Vision of Spain”, which hangs in the Hispanic Society of America, Sorolla visited many places of Spain. Here he painted types of people and local dress which made up his vision of Spain, diverse and colorful yet united.

Joaquin Sorolla painted many landscapes. Some of the landscapes are recordings like photographs. Others are exercises and development of his talent and technique. It is possible to follow his development as a master of impressionist painting by comparing landscapes by the year of completion. Sorolla only became better with age and maturity.

Sorolla was deeply interested in the history and future of Spain. His landscapes can be seen as direct commentary to the subject matter in the landscape paintings. We travel with Sorolla generally from North to South.

Enjoy this splendid tour of Spain!

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida (born 27 February 1863 in Valencia – died 10 August 1923 in Cercedilla, Madrid) was a Spanish painter. Sorolla excelled in the painting of portraits, landscapes and monumental works of social and historical themes. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of his native land and sunlit water.

Sorolla was the eldest child born to a tradesman, also named Joaquin Sorolla, and his wife, Concepción Bastida. His sister, Concha, was born a year later. In August 1865, both children were orphaned when their parents died, possibly from cholera. They were then cared for by their maternal aunt and uncle, a locksmith

He received his initial art education at the age of 9 in his native town, and then under a succession of teachers including Cayetano Capuz, Salustiano Asenjo. At the age of eighteen he traveled to Madrid, vigorously studying master paintings in the Museo del Prado. After completing his military service, Sorolla, at age twenty-two, obtained a grant which enabled a four-year term to study painting in Rome, Italy, where he was welcomed by and found stability in the example of Francisco Pradilla, the director of the Spanish Academy in Rome. A long sojourn to Paris in 1885 provided his first exposure to modern painting; of special influence were exhibitions o Jules Bastien-Lepage and Adolf von Menzel. Back in Rome he studied with José Benlliure, Emilio Sala and Jose Vellegas Cordero.

Portrait of the painter Joaquín de Sorolla y Bastida by José Jiménez Aranda in 1901

In 1888, Sorolla returned to Valencia to marry Clotilde García del Castillo, whom he had first met in 1879, while working in her father's studio. By 1895, they would have three children together: Maria, born in 1890, Joaquín, born in 1892, and Elena, born in 1895. In 1890, they moved to Madrid, and for the next decade Sorolla's efforts as an artist were focused mainly on the production of large canvases of orientalist, mythological, historical, and social subjects, for display in salons and international exhibitions in Madrid, Paris, Venice, Munich, Berlin and Chicago.

His first striking success was achieved with Another Marguerite (1892), which was awarded a gold medal at the National Exhibition in Madrid, then first prize at the Chicago International Exhibition, where it was acquired and subsequently donated to the Washington University Museum in St Louis, Missouri. He soon rose to general fame and became the acknowledged head of the modern Spanish school of painting. His picture The Return from Fishing (1894) was much admired at the Paris Salon and was acquired by the state for the Musée du Luxembourg. It indicated the direction of his mature output.

Sorolla painted two masterpieces in 1897 linking art and science: Portrait of Dr. Simarro at the microscope and A Research. These paintings were presented at the National Exhibition of Fine Arts held in Madrid in that year and Sorolla won the Prize of Honor. Here, he presents his friend Simarro as a man of science who transmits his wisdom investigating and, in addition, it is the triumph of naturalism, as it recreates the indoor environment of the laboratory, catching the luminous atmosphere produced by the artificial reddish-yellow light of a gas burner that contrasts with the weak mauvish afternoon light that shines through the window. These paintings may be among the most outstanding world paintings of this genre.

An even greater turning point in Sorolla's career was marked by the painting and exhibition of Sad Inheritance (1899), an extremely large canvas, highly finished for public consideration. The subject was a depiction of crippled children bathing at the sea in Valencia, under the supervision of a monk. They are the victims of hereditary syphilis the title implies, perhaps. Campos has suggested that the polio epidemic that struck the land of Valencia some years earlier is present, possibly for the first time in the history of painting, through the image of two affected children. The painting earned Sorolla his greatest official recognition, the Grand Prix and a medal of honor at the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1900, and the medal of honor at the National Exhibition in Madrid in 1901.

A series of preparatory oil sketches for Sad Inheritance were painted with the greatest luminosity and bravura, and foretold an increasing interest in shimmering light and of a medium deftly handled. Sorolla thought well enough of these sketches that he presented two of them as gifts to American artists; one to John Singer Sargent, the other to William Merritt Chase. After this painting Sorolla never returned to a theme of such overt social consciousness.