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About the Bagpipe Tutorial: Recommended by the best pipers in the world! Bruce Hitchings, Michael Grey, Robert Watt, Willie McCallum, Dixie Ingram, Rory Grossart and many more. You have purchased one of the most professional and popular books for learning the bagpipes. It includes many famous and traditional melodies (Amazing Grace, Happy Birthday, Highroad to Gairloch, Scotland the Brave, Green Hills of Tyrol, etc.), all the finger techniques, and in contrast to other bagpipe books it has many exercises that you will need to learn the bagpipes successfully. The book is suitable for absolute beginners all the way to intermediate pipers. You can study on your own or use it as a classroom companion book. In 28 easy-to-understand lessons, you will find crystal-clear instructions on how to play the bagpipes from scratch. This book is also used for training purposes by many professional bands and bagpipe schools. Its aim is to give the student a technically and musically solid foundation and expert guidance on the route to becoming an accomplished piper. The Bagpipe Tutorial App, which is available from your app store, is perfectly matched to the Bagpipe Tutorial book. Besides the tunes in the book, it contains more than 250 exercise videos covering all the fingering techniques, embellishments and grace notes that you will need in bagpipe playing. The information is in soundtracks and visual displays, with close-ups of the chanter fingerings at different speeds to help you learn them more easily. You will also need a practice chanter to train your finger technique and your first songs. What you learn will only be transferred to the big set of bagpipes after a couple of months. The practice chanter will accompany you all through your life with the bagpipes. You will learn the fingering of new tunes on the chanter and continuously improve your fingering technique with it. This book, a milestone in the teaching of the Scottish bagpipes, will help beginners and intermediate players to achieve rapid success. It is a professional educational tool for playing and understanding the bagpipes.
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Seitenzahl: 58
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016
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“Good music comes from the heart of the musician and lives in the hearts of the listening audience”
( - Bagpipe School - )
Description of the book
Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 01 – Fingering on the Practice Chanter
Lesson 02 – Scales and Exercises
Lesson 03 – Music Theory
Lesson 04 – Single Grace Notes
Lesson 05 – Changing Notes with a Grace Note
Lesson 06 – The “Throw on D” and your First Tune
Lesson 07 – Half Strikes and Double High G
Scots Wha Ha’e “Parts 1 and 2” Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 08 – Strikes, Double High A and Grip
Amazing Grace Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 09 – Double B, Double C and the Birl
High Road to Gairloch Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 10 – Learning by Heart
Lesson 11 – Double E and Double F
Mairi’s Wedding Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 12 – More Grace Notes and Doublings
Brown Haired Maiden Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 13 – Crossing Noise Exercises
Lesson 14 – The G Grace Note Birl
Pipes Up Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 15 – Rodin
The Green Hills of Tyrol Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 16 – Right and Wrong Habits
Lesson 17 – Revision
Lesson 18 – The Taorluath and Revision of the Grip
Scotland the Brave Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 19 – Rhythm / Monotone Exercises
Lesson 20 – G-D-E Single Grace Note Jumps
Paddy’s Leather Breeches Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 21 – The Set of Bagpipes
Lesson 22 – Strathspey Triplets
Aspen Bank Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 23 – Tachum, Double Tachum and Darado
Devil in the Kitchen Bagpipe Tutorial App
Devil in the Kitchen Bagpipe Tutorial App
Morag of Dunvegan Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 24 – Fast Finger Exercise
Lesson 25 – Music Theory
Lesson 26 – More Exercises and Embellishments
Lesson 27 – More Tunes
Kevin’s Tune Bagpipe Tutorial App
Jock Wilson’s Ball Bagpipe Tutorial App
The Mermaid Song Bagpipe Tutorial App
Orange and Blue Bagpipe Tutorial App
The High Road To Linton Bagpipe Tutorial App
The Skye Boat Song Bagpipe Tutorial App
Heather Island Bagpipe Tutorial App
P.M. Joe Wilson’s Welc. to the C.o.P. Bagpipe Tutorial App
Acknowledgements &
Happy Birthday Bagpipe Tutorial App
Lesson 28 – Grace Notes, Embellishments and Exercises
"How i memorise a song" by Dr. Andy Fluck
Piobaireachd Embellishments
What you’ll need in addition to this book
An A4-sized music book with empty staffs (note lines). You’ll write your exercises in your music book
and especially
the tunes you’ll learn, because physically writing them down is really an
help for the learning process.
During your first year of learning, you’ll also need a practice chanter. You can find one in any specialised shop for bagpipes and accessories. The staff there will be able to give you the special advice you need. If you have a tutor, ask him or her to recommend a practice chanter and accessories.
You’ll learn the first fingerings and tunes on your practice chanter and after around 8-16 months (depending on the time you spend on the exercises), you’ll have reached lesson 21. Then it will be time for you to transfer what you’ve learned on your chanter to the “big” bagpipes – but the practice chanter will always accompany you when you’re learning fingering exercises and new tunes.
The Structure of the Book
Bagpipe music has melody notes (they’re the big notes, which represent the melody of the tune) and grace notes (the small notes), which “grace” or embellish the melody.
With this method and twenty-eight lessons, this book is structured in such a way that you can absorb and memorise the melody and grace notes systematically and successfully.
The Bagpipe Tutorial App contains the acoustic and visual versions of all the exercises in this book, plus all tunes played at different speeds. You can download the app in your app store.
Each lesson in the book will bring you one step closer to your goal of becoming a good piper. Work through the lessons conscientiously – only start the next one if you’re sure you’ve mastered the previous lesson’s exercises and can play them correctly.
By the time you’ve finished with this book, you’ll have learned twenty-two bagpipe tunes (yes, twenty-two!) with all their grace notes. But keep working on your fingering technique every day – and expand your repertoire using sheet music that you can buy in your bagpipe shop.
This textbook is suitable for studying without a teacher, but it’s also the ideal companion book if you are taking private lessons.
In Lesson 28 you’ll find a summary of all the exercises in the chapters, plus the embellishments of classical music (Piobaireachd).
About the Bagpipe Tutorial App: Recommended by the best pipers in the world!
This tutorial app is the most comprehensive multimedia reference in the world on playing the Scottish bagpipes. It contains more than 250 videos demonstrating control of the instrument and finger techniques, including audio-visual information on all the grace notes and embellishments. Numerous exercises convey the essentials of Scottish piping.
Info: For each download of the full version, a part of the revenue flows into a social project, which will be announced by Andreas Hambsch on Facebook at the end of the year.
Info: To receive vouchers and interesting information about bagpipes, activate push notifications in the settings of your mobile phone.
(Only with the full version)
Once the app is installed, you have access to all of its functions and all the videos, even in offline mode. The tutorial is ideal for absolute beginners up to advanced pipers and can be used for independent study or as a source of examples for lessons. Its aim is to give the student basic information about the instrument, a solid foundation in technique and expert guidance on the route to becoming an accomplished piper.
This tutorial app by Andreas Hambsch is a milestone in the teaching of the Scottish bagpipes. Easily understandable and thorough, it is a worthwhile investment for anyone interested in piping. The Bagpipe Tutorial book, also by Andreas Hambsch, is an ideal supplement.
“App – Videos – Basic Exercises 1 – Fingering on the Practice Chanter”