Love, Love, Love - Stephen Turoff - E-Book

Love, Love, Love E-Book

Stephen Turoff

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How can we become aware of pure unconditional love? With simple yet shattering words, Stephen Turoff seeks to awaken us to knowledge that already resides deep in our hearts: that God is love and love is God. Love is the power that created the universe and permeates all Creation. When we realize this, we are led to a recognition of our true nature as human beings. Stephen's astonishing message – presented here as transcripts from a series of six seminars – can rouse us to reassess our lives and the way we think and act. We are perfect beings who have forgotten our divine nature. Our true self wants to awaken to the divine presence within. With guidance, we can teach ourselves to listen to the voice of our heart, in order really to know and experience truth. Stephen leads us to a deeper understanding of our connection with God and the purpose of our lives on earth. The knowledge he shares is based on profound life experience and a singular understanding of God and universal laws. 'Stephen Turoff is a psychic surgeon with a world-wide following and a history of "miraculous" healings as long as an NHS waiting list … even some mainstream doctors reluctantly acknowledge the evidence of his success.' – More to Life magazine 'Stephen Turoff has been a spiritual healer for over 40 years. During that time he's achieved near-legendary status in his field, attracting the attention of both international media and a string of distinguished clients. He's also been the subject of numerous television programmes.' – Psychic News

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STEPHEN TUROFF started his career as a carpenter but soon realized that he wanted to focus fully on spiritual work. Now, with over forty years’ experience, he is one of the best-known psychic therapists in the world, working with the Power of Light to raise consciousness, bring inner balance and well-being. Stephen is also a teacher of meditation and kriya yoga and holds seminars which lead to a deeper understanding of who we are as human beings and the purpose of our life in this world. Based in Essex, England, Stephen continues to help numerous individuals with their personal development and healing, both in the UK and abroad. He is the author of Seven Steps to Eternity.





Clairview Books Ltd., Russet, Sandy Lane, West Hoathly, W. Sussex RH19 4QQ

Published by Clairview Books 2019

© Stephen Turoff 2019

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The right of Stephen Turoff to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

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Print book ISBN 978 1 912992 02 7 Ebook ISBN 978 1 912992 03 4

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1. Love, Love, Love

2. The Yoga Of Oneness

3. Angels Are Amongst Us

4. Aura Of Divinity

5. The Prophets

6. Let There Be Light

This book is made up of transcripts of seminars given by Stephen Turoff in Bled, Slovenia, between 2004 and 2008. Only minor edits and corrections have been made to the texts in order to retain the intimacy and immediacy of the original live events. Our thanks go to the Slovenian organizers of the seminars and to Emma Goldie for checking the manuscript.


Love, Love, Love

God morning everybody. Maybe I’m in the graveyard? God morning everybody! I know you’re very private people, but I didn’t know you were thatprivate that you can’t even get into a graveyard! You think that’s where you end up…? In the graveyard? Only the body – for you cannot die!

I wrote a little quote on here today: ‘What is a true mark of a human being?’ And it’s so simple. Love, love, love. That’s the simplicity of it. The mark of a true human being is love, love, love. Now, I decided – well I didn’t decide – God decided, to call this seminar ‘Love’. So we can’t feel that love if we think we are a separate unit. We can only feel that love when we understand we are not separate. So the first thing we are going to do is for those of you that can, stand up. I want you just to turn to the person next to you, and hug them. Yes, yes, walk around, walk around.

You see, it’s not a good morning, it’s a God morning. See love, love, don’t be afraid to love. Wonderful, you see, open your heart to it. You cannot put anything into a cup that is full of dirty water. Throw the old water out. Get ready to fill the cup with good stuff. How can God put love into your heart if it is so full of rubbish, so full of fear, so full of hate, so full of anger … and violence? How can God put anything into a heart that is so full of this stuff? You have to pull it out first, pull this old stuff out. Don’t allow yourself to live in fear. The moment you say ‘yes’ to God, God says ‘yes’ to you.

Even now some of you can’t open your heart to God. Your mind is somewhere else. Don’t you think God knows you? God knows you better than you know yourself. Why do we fill our hearts with this lie? We live a lie. Why is it so easy to lie instead of telling the truth? You remember the words of Jesus. Speak the Truth and the Truth will set you free. He was talking to you and me. He was saying to you, live the Truth … you are wasting your life by not living the Truth. To live in the darkness when you can live in the light. To live in fear when you can live in love. What is this love that we’re all looking for? Because if I was to ask any one of you, it would be a little different.

People live without love out of fear. Because when you are in love, you are in fear of losing it. You think you’ve never had it so good. And somebody will take that love away from me. But nobody can take true love away from you. First of all, you are born in love. I’m not just talking about biological parents. The divine father loves you. You see, this inner connection is what we need. Do you understand your potential? Not just as a human being, but as divinity! All the teachers who have ever come into the world tell us of this divinity that we have. Truly, you are made in the image of God, and of course, in our culture we have built up these images in statue, form, in words … we have called it God, Allah, Brahman. Many names we have given to this Force. But you see, who has called God, God? We have, we gave God the name God. We have no understanding of what this Force is, so we try to explain it in our language, in our feeling, and, with some people, with the expression. Some will say, well, ‘God is love’; well, this is how we want to see and feel God. Some will say ‘God is to be feared’, because if you do not accept the law of God, he will punish you. What kind of God punishes you? All this has been built up in cultures. And from these cultures have come words, and from these words have come religions.

Religion gives us a way of life … or laws to live by. All cultures have been built upon religion. If you look even into your country and see how your country was built … It’s written in now, into the constitution of your country. The same as every country in the world. Somewhere you will see the signs of religion. But true religion does not make you a prisoner. It does not put fear into you. True religion sets you free, because you don’t practice the religion, you practice spirituality. You practice the truth.

When you look at all the teachers in the world, all the spiritual teachers, they all give the same message. You are the Truth. You are born in the image of God. Why is it so hard to face the Truth? Why is it so hard to set yourself free from untruth? From our religion, our physical life as a human being, our country? There is always change … Who makes the change? You do … by how you think. You know, I always say, if the thinking is right, the action is right. Some would say thought, word and deed. Or, Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

To love unconditionally is only a word, because you don’t know what unconditional love is. Why can’t we express unconditional love? Because this world was not created for that. It was created as a play of duality. Of light and dark. Of love and hate. Of love and fear. Take your own lives. You know what it feels like to be in love. How quickly can that love be taken from you? It could be just one phone call. That’s it. And your life can be upside down. Because this is our life of duality … of attachments. We attach so much importance to things. We attach importance to things that are not permanent. We attach to the body … the body is going to go. What can we really take to God with us? We can’t take this body; we are going to say goodbye to it. And you have done this thousands of times. Not just once. You can’t take your personality, your name or your fame. Or your wealth. You can be the richest person in the graveyard. What is that going to do for you? The only thing you can take with you is your truth. That’s the only thing; you take your truth to God.

And you know, most people … when you are standing there and God says: ‘My child, what have you done?’ You will lie. You won’t mean to lie, but you will lie. You will say to God, ‘God, I have done my best!’ And you know you haven’t done your best. You know it. Can you actually sit there now and tell me you have done your very best in your life? No you haven’t. Oh you try… We all try! But that’s the difference between a Master … and us. A Master doesn’t change his mind. You see the Master knows … God is too big to miss. You cannot miss God.

This brings the next question: ‘Where is God?’ And you have to answer the question with a question: ‘Where is there no God?’ You see, you think you are separate from God. In all religions they look up to heaven. But you see you are in heaven or hell now. Because it’s a state of mind. What do you think is going to change when you die? Only the location. That’s it. Location, location, location! It’s the same when you buy a house, you know. Location, location, location. It’s the truth.

You know the Masters do not change their mind. For them, there is only God. This is the hardest point for people to understand. That you are not separate from God. And God is not separate from you. There is no separation. What you have is amnesia. You have forgetfulness. You forget who you are. You forget where you have come from. You forget where you are going. This is the simplest question that all the Masters have to ask themselves: Who am I? Where have I come from? Where am I going? Three simple questions.

Let’s write them down… Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? Now, I know some of you will know the answer to this because the answer is very simple. But you see, just to know the answer isn’t good enough. You have to put it into your heart. You see people say, ‘God is in your heart’. Well of course, it’s paradoxical because there is nowhere where God isn’t. But to put the Force directly into the heart you have to take it from here [points to forehead] and bring it down into the heart chakra [draws hand down to heart]. This is what we have to do.

But let us look at this. Who am I? We are talking about the I. The answer is simple … God. Where do I come from? God. Where am I going? God. Now, when you understand these words, it leads you on to the next aspect. And what does it say to you? If you put this together, what does it say to you? It says you have never left God. That there is nowhere to go. You have never gone anywhere. And you are not going anywhere, because truly, there is no place to go.

This was why God was created. God is the word we gave the energy, the process. Life is God, God is life. Life is a process. Whatever you do against life, life has a way of changing, to safeguard itself… to evolve. That’s how life was created. You see, God is not separate from life. People have this impression that this is all life and God is up here [stands on chair], looking down. Again, it’s paradoxical, because yes, God is looking up and God is looking down. When you understand there is only God, you will understand that there is only one of us here. There is only one soul, not many souls. That’s the great illusion. That’s the great lie. There was no one to know who I was, so I created all that is…

Now it gets complicated. Should love be complicated? No! Love for the sake of loving. When you love from the soul, you love from that highest point of realization. When you love from the human mind, you are in dangerous waters. Because it always changes. What the mind wants today, the mind doesn’t want tomorrow. Always in a state of flux. But when the soul loves, the soul loves from the point of view of just loving. And when it looks at you, it sees itself. But when the mind looks at another person, it only sees the personality. This is what the Masters do, see? You see the Masters, they are very clever. They don’t just love God. They see God in everything. Do you know, when we were children we had a game in England we called hide and seek? Well it’s the same with God. God is hiding everywhere.

Look at the tree; when I look at a tree, I say, God I see you … you can’t hide from me. When I look at a flower, God I see you! You can’t hide from me. When I breathe the air, God I feel you! You cannot hide from me. When I look at an animal, God I see you! You cannot hide from me. When I look at you … God I see you! You cannot hide from me! Because I love you unconditionally, I cannot live in fear of you. I step out of that game, of love and fear. In other words; I balance myself. People say to me: ‘Stephen, you know, you are so down to earth, but you get all these lights appear, God speaking and all this stuff happening.’ It’s because I have my feet on the ground, but my mind, my head, is in God, to balance everything.

You see, if you listen to the words of the Masters: What did Jesus say to us? Turn the other cheek. Try to understand the philosophy behind what he said. If we attach to the action, there is a reaction. Watch … [pushes colleague suddenly but gently; she jumps and gasps … then hugs and reassures her]. There’s an action and a reaction. All the time. And this is how human beings are: we act and we watch, we act and we watch. And this is what makes us live in such a world as today. Because you know, in our hearts we always want to act right. But sometimes the head gets in the way. And instead of expressing love, we express fear. The head takes over. From our fear comes our anger, and from our anger comes violence. From one to the other, from countryman to countryman. From country to country.

What are we doing? Why are we doing it? Is it an inbuilt thing? Is it a part of the process? Well of course it is! Because from that process we evolve. You know, if you take 2,000 years ago to today, we’ve evolved scientifically, and we are evolving spiritually. But the way we are evolving, we are forgetting who we are. I told you, God is everything. He is the very nature of everything, the nature of life itself. Look how we are abusing it, and every one of us here is guilty of it. And you know, we turn our backs on it, because we say: ‘What can I do?’ Well, generally the war only starts with one person.

Of course, you can change. Don’t try to change the world. Change yourself. Give love a chance. Give this soul, that is your very essence, a chance. If I was to say to you: ‘How do you want to live?’ You will say: ‘In peace.’ But look at you – you are not in peace; most of you are in pieces! Oh, you put on this little smile. You put this on [reaches for glasses]: I can’t see without my glasses on. Where are my eyes? We don’t live in peace, we live in pieces. Oh, but I want to be happy! Explain to me what happiness is? What is happiness? ‘Being in peace with yourself.’ Being in peace with yourself. Inner peace. Everybody has his own image in his head. Some people would take a big chopper and chop you up and be happy doing it! You see, happiness means something different to everybody.

For me, happiness is a moment between two evils, because today you could be very happy, and tomorrow you could have a gun in your hand. Or even in the next moment it could change like that… Why does it happen? It happens because you can’t love yourself, so you want to love something or somebody else, hoping that they will love you back; hoping that they will need you. And if you don’t get it in the way you want it, God help us! Because then the old fear comes out, and the anger comes out, and the violence comes out. Do you know it’s harder to live like that than it is to live with love and peace? Wouldn’t you like to live without fear? Do you always want to live in fear? Do you always want to live in anger? Do you want to go against your very nature?

The true nature of a human being is to love. We’ve evolved from the caveman. We don’t have to take our club anymore and hit somebody on the head. The club we use now is our expression. When you say ‘I love you’ to somebody, say it from the heart… not just from the mind. Try next time; remember the hide and seek. God is there in front of you. See God within that person. Okay, you may not like their personality, that’s understandable. People say to me: ‘But Stephen, you love everybody?’ Yes I do. But I may not love their actions. I can do little about their actions, but do I love them? Of course. Otherwise my whole philosophy falls to pieces. I love God. That means I have to love myself. And while I am in this duality, I have to love the aspects of God. And each one of you is an aspect: a divine aspect. I love you, that’s it. There’s no ‘whys’ or ‘wheres’ or ‘hows’ or ‘what’. I don’t care if you’re black, white, pink or blue. I’m not concerned if you are Muslim, Hindu, Jew or Christian. I’m concerned only with you as a human being; that while you are in this game of life, let’s evolve together. Let us all join together. This is what joining is about.

Do you think you are separate from God? So, now is the time for rejoining! All the world, all the population of the world, is a part of you. You are not separate from any of it. The power, the love is made manifest… all around you. You have to be blind not to see it. Jesus said that you have eyes but you are blind. You have ears but you are deaf. Listen and you can hear the voice of God speaking to you. He has so many ways of speaking to you: through nature, the wind, stars, trees, the birds, through us.

I want to tell you a story. I have told you this story before but I will tell you this story again. I was in a waiting room and I said to God, ‘God, I love you very much’. And instantly there was a reaction from God. About seven foot away from me, up by the ceiling, came a very loud voice… VERY LOUD! This voice came out of the air, and the voice said: ‘My beloved son, I love you.’ That’s it. The voice was as clear as I am speaking to you now. Most of you know that when these manifestations happen around me, there are always witnesses. But there was no witness this time. This was for me. You see, God will speak with us. People say: ‘Well, why doesn’t God open the door to me?’ Well you see, you have to be a little bit clever, you have to knock on the door louder than anybody else. And you have to keep knocking on it until God opens it. Then you will see a difference in your life.

Yoga and mysticism are words, an expression, but true yoga is living it. To live it. You know, when light hits darkness, a war always goes on. Now, why have I said that? Because there’s many pictures that are taken of me where I extend light. In the last seminar we did, there was light coming out of my head, and we have that on film. And also, if some of you were there, you’d have heard sounds in the air. Like music appearing in the air. There’s many … you know, I always get so excited talking about experiences with God. And do you think I make mistakes? Yes I do.

I can remember when these lights first started to appear, and people were filming them. I said to God: ‘God I don’t need this, why are you giving me this?’ And God said: ‘So you think they are for you?’ How simple to make a mistake, huh? To let your ego get in. You don’t realize. Then I realized that what was happening around me was for people. To share it with people. And it was quite strange when it first started to happen. I can even remember being in Israel, and the national newspaper came to do an article. And as they filmed me, I dematerialized in front of them, and they filmed it happening. And the headlines in their paper read: ‘Magician’! Not how did I do it, not what is happening – just, ‘magician’. But in truth, we are all magicians. All of us have the ability within us to do these wonderful things.

Didn’t Jesus say: ‘greater things than this shall ye do’? Didn’t he say that? Who was he talking to? He was talking to you, me, to the Masters. A Master doesn’t wake up one day and say, ‘Oh I’m going to be a Master.’ A saint doesn’t wake up and say, ‘Oh I’m going to be a saint!’ You know, you have to be dead to be a saint, yeah? You know how it works don’t you? You know, first of all people call you a Master … then they look upon you and treat you with wonder … then all of a sudden they get angry … from their anger they crucify you … after they crucify you … they call you a saint! Wonderful way of life, isn’t it? So if your ambition is to be a saint… we can help you there. Don’t try to be a saint, just try to be a human being. But a good human being. That’s it.

Now a lot of people come to Masters because they want to hear something very special. They want a short cut to God. The Master has hidden knowledge. Well? The knowledge is not hidden. It’s inside of you. Go within. This is what a Master has done. You see, a Master starts off like you. They have an ambition or a desire. Their desire is God. That’s what they want. So they start searching … like you and like me. They get into something called yoga, meditation and mystical knowledge. They take time out to study that knowledge, and to put that knowledge into practice. They don’t turn around and say: ‘Oh, I don’t have time to meditate!’ They make time. Some of these Masters were working people like you and me. They would work all day, but at night, they would spend the night in meditation, connecting with the inner self. Learning about the inner self. How to bring that Divine energy into the physical world. Of course, it’s an art and it’s a science.

This is what yoga is, it’s a science. It’s a science of union. This is what yoga means, union. Union with the self. Of course, we have to conquer different aspects of the lower self to allow the higher self to be manifest. You will see this sign in life: the triangle. Now, what does it represent? Well the first thing that hits you is the [all seeing] eye. What is this eye? Well, it’s symbolic of the ‘I am’. The eye is watching you; it’s watching everything. In other words, it is the Absolute. I AM. Because it is watching everything. I said to you, God is an energy. God is the process of life itself. You – if you want to use the word God or life – is what you are. But who put that into process? We gave this energy a name; we called it God. But this energy is what you are. You are not separate from it.

What does that make you? It makes you the Creator. And of course, sitting here you don’t feel much like the Creator do you? But let’s just look at this. Look at these two beautiful people that have been singing to us. Weren’t they creating music? They were creating sound. There you see God creating. You see, when you think of Creation of God, you look like this. You only see the big things. And if you say, yes I am God, you say: ‘How can I make the earth?’ But, oh, you can! The same as you can make sound. If you can destroy the earth, which man is doing now, you can recreate it. The same as yourselves. You are recreating yourself, every single day. Every moment, you are recreating yourself. You are creating yourself into the person you want to be. Some would say out of choice, some would say not out of choice. But you always have a choice. It’s a choice of being empowered or a choice of being disempowered. It’s up to you … you’re creating your reality now. Right this very moment.

Now, the hard part to understand is that you are not only creating this reality – and you are playing the role of the lover, or of the person who lives in fear – you are also watching it take place. You see, because God is all there is, here there is no wrong or right, there justis. To take what best serves you, to take what best serves your society – that makes your society flourish – with and in contrast with God’s law… And one of these laws is cause and effect; as you sow, so you reap, or the law of karma. I tell you, truly, love sets you free. Love does not make you a prisoner. When you are in love, you can walk on the clouds; when you are in love you can walk on water; when you are in love you can turn that water to wine. This is what love does for you. It gives you freedom – freedom to express yourself as you want yourself to be. Not to be what somebody else wants you to be. Not to live in somebody else’s shadow, but to live without fear, without fear of anybody or anything.

People have fear of dying. I’d say no, you don’t have fear of dying, you have fear of living, because death is going to come upon all of us. It’s like a shadow that follows us around, ready to strike at any time. Be ready for it. What should be our readiness? In the name of God. The name of God should be on our lips. The name of God should be pounding in our hearts. Make no mistake. God is the true reality. If you cannot believe in that now, there will come a time when you will believe in it. And then you will go beyond belief. You will go into a knowing; and then the knowing will change, into the known.

People say to me: ‘Stephen do you believe in God?’ My immediate reaction is: ‘No.’ I don’t need to believe in God. I know God exists. There’s no belief – no belief from my part at all. How do we know God is love? We don’t, we presume God is love. Because, this is what we want to feel. It’s the same as some of the cultures that believe God is hate. They live it, and they murder and kill in that name. So you see, there’s always a duality taking place: light and dark, light and dark. But all the time, the all-seeing eye is ever upon us [draws picture of eye within a triangle]. So, all the time, you could say, God is watching us.

Now, why the triangle? Put into your mind: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Put this into your mind. I am giving you wisdom here that you won’t find in a book. Now, the bottom of the triangle – we can say the base of life – is based on wisdom. Knowing how to do things, that is knowledge, but wisdom comes with experience; knowledge without wisdom is dangerous. It can create many wars. Now, when we look to the left of the triangle, we see growth. What makes a child grow? When you hold the child in your arms! What makes the child grow? Okay, you’re going to say food, but no … love. Love. Love, you see – love makes the child grow. So love, wisdom, love. But you see, it takes something else. There is something else that has to be added, because you know love is wonderful. But you see, to have love there has to be action. And if there’s action, there has to be reaction. So, there’s an energy. What is the energy? It’s power… So Wisdom, Love and Power.

Now, when these are in perfect harmony, it creates another energy. In other words, it centralizes, it centralizes you as a human being. When all these three energies are in perfect balance, they create peace. It’s when these energies are not in balance that you are in pieces. Peace is within … inside of you. The same as anger is inside of you. This is the choice you have. When these energies are out of balance, there is fear. Simple as that.

Where is the love? What are you doing with your life? These are the questions you start to ask yourself. You ask: ‘Do I want this anymore?’ Most of you don’t. You know, if you look at your life – if there’s something in your life that you want to change… Maybe there’s something in your work you want to change? There’s always something we want to change because we’re not happy with it. There’s only one thing you have to ask yourself. Does it best serve you? What you are living now – does it best serve you as a human being? If the answer is yes, then continue … if the answer is no, then change it. You can change anything in your life if you want to. But once all these energies are in perfect balance, Love is the outcome, or Harmony, or Bliss.