Make Believe Marriage - Vivi Holt - E-Book

Make Believe Marriage E-Book

Vivi Holt



The vows were fake, but the feelings are real.   "If we're still single at forty, we'll marry each other."   To most friends it's a joke rather than a promise, but not for former high school sweethearts Rachel and Daniel, who run into each other on a plane to Vegas 20 years later. They bond over their unlucky history in love, and after a night of bad decisions and a trip to the drive-through altar, they end up married.   In the moment, it seems perfect: Rachel has always wanted a family of her own; Daniel is nursing a broken heart after his ex-fiancée called off their wedding at the last minute. But when they wake up the next morning a little less starry eyed, they might just regret their hasty I do's.   The clear thing to do is annul the marriage. Except... posing just seems to fit them. And they may just find that the best love stories happen out of order.   Explore all the books in Vivi Holt's Make Believe collection: -  Make Believe Proposal   -  Make Believe Fiancé   -  Make Believe Wedding   -  Make Believe Honeymoon   -  Make Believe Husband   -  Make Believe Marriage 

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Praise for Vivi Holt

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21


More Sweet Romance from Make Believe Series

About Make Believe Proposal

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

About the Author


No one weaves a story like Vivi Holt.


Hallmark moments and complexity of plot and characters smoothly stirred together into a delicious ambrosia. Full five stars and maybe two hankies…


This was simply another wonderful and clean story by Vivi Holt.


Copyright © 2023 by Vivi Holt

This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

All rights reserved.


what would happen if two people were unlucky enough (or lucky enough! really depends) to have to carry out the vow "if we're still single at forty, we’ll marry each other."

Rachel Hill longs for a family of her own, but time is ticking away and she’s never been able to get past the loss of her high-school boyfriend.

Daniel Montgomery leaves the family business to strike out on his own when his fiancee calls off the wedding leaving him alone, confused and broken-hearted.

They run into each other unexpectedly and recall a vow they once made: if they’re still single at forty, they’ll marry each other. With middle-age looming, these high school sweethearts elope without giving it more than a moment’s thought. But in the cold light of day, they soon come to question their hasty choice.




Daniel Montgomery took a swig of coffee. The scalding liquid burned his tongue and left a trail of pain running down to his gut. He choked then grimaced as a drop of coffee landed on his freshly laundered blue shirt. He set the cup on the counter in front of him and reached for a napkin to blot at the stain.

Not a great way to make a first impression.

The cafe buzzed with noise. A bicycle sped past on the road, and a cable car trundled by with commuters clinging to the floor-to-ceiling steel poles as it descended the steep hillside.

Nerves buzzed in his chest.

Today was the first day at his new job. He’d never have thought he’d leave Montgomery Ranches, the family business, to branch out on his own. But a few months earlier, he had been headhunted by one of the biggest new tech companies in San Francisco and hadn’t been able to turn down their offer to be the in-house counsel.

It was a chance at adventure, at something new and different. Not that his life needed any kind of change. At twenty-eight years of age, everything was on track. Dan liked to plan, liked to have everything work out the way he’d conjured it up in his imagination. So far, his life was on track.

He sighed, a smile lingering around the corners of his mouth. His life was so close to perfect, it’d been hard to find the adventure in it. So, even though moving to San Francisco to work for what was essentially a start-up, albeit a very successful one, didn’t make any sense to the people in his life, it did to him. His skin had fairly itched with the need to find something exciting, unknown, and challenging to do. His family had been supportive, but they hadn’t understood at first. Still, most of the resistance had come from his fiancée, Christina.

Dan had hoped she’d be on board. She’d given up her job at Walgreens six months earlier, so she could work on finding a career more suited to her personality, but so far, she hadn’t had any luck. As an art history major, her chances of finding something would be much better here, in what was essentially one of the art capitals of the nation, than they were in Billings. Despite that, she’d quietly resisted the move, even though she’d given him her blessing when he’d asked what she thought about him taking the job. She’d wanted to stay behind in Billings. But he’d assured her it was better for them to be together. They were getting married soon, and she’d have to establish a life for herself in the new city anyway. She might as well do it now, and that way, they wouldn’t have to be apart.

Sometimes he didn’t fully understand his fiancée.

It was hard for Dan to admit that. He didn’t like the unknown. And Christina was such a good match for him; everyone said so. Still, there were many times he’d look into her smiling eyes and wonder what was going on behind them. What was she thinking?

Once they were married, he reassured himself, everything would work out. They’d share an apartment, visit restaurants and museums together, one day even start a family. It would be everything they’d dreamed of. He grinned as he jogged across the street and shot his empty coffee cup into a nearby trash can. Coming to a stop, he peered up into the sky—there it was. The building he’d be working in for…he had no idea how long. It might be months, could be up to two years. The unknown was part of the adventure, and his stomach turned over.

He caught sight of his reflection in the floor-to-ceiling glass doors in front of him. Tall, athletic build beneath a flawlessly designed business suit in black with a blue shirt and dark blue tie. Wavy brown hair and hazel eyes, squinting against the glare of the sun.

He’d never worked at any company not owned by a family member. What if they didn’t like him? He had to make a good first impression, coffee stain and all.

The phone in his pocket vibrated. Dan tugged it free, still staring up at the skyscraper glistening and shimmering in the early morning light.


“Dan, it’s Chrissy.”

“Hey, sweetheart. I’m staring at my new office building…it looks real good.”

“I’m glad. Listen, honey. I’ve decided not to come.”

He blinked and lowered his gaze to the revolving glass doors in front of him. “What?”

“Yeah, look I never really wanted to. You know my entire family lives in Billings. I won’t be able to drop by Momma’s or visit Gran in the home. My friends are all here. What about my Pilates group, and my book club? I won’t have anyone in San Fran. I’ll be all alone.” Her voice trailed off to a whisper, and he thought he heard a sob.

“But I’m here. You won’t be alone, because you’ll have me…”

“Yeah, I know. But still…”

He shook his head, still not comprehending what she was saying. “Sweetheart, I’m not just here for a visit. We’re going to live here once we’re married. You can’t stay in Billings forever, since I won’t actually be there. You know that, right? And besides, I thought you wanted to find a job at one of the galleries here before the wedding.”

She sniffled. “I don’t want to move there. Not ever.”

He frowned. “You want me to come back to Billings?”

Another sniffle. “No. I don’t think we should get married, Dan. We just aren’t right for each other. Momma said it from the beginning, only I didn’t listen to her. But I’m listening now. I’m a Montana girl. I don’t want to live anywhere else. Besides, I thought I was marrying a Montgomery, you know, from Montgomery Ranches. Everyone here knows the Montgomery family and respects Montgomery Ranches. But a guy who works as a lawyer for some start-up in San Fran… Well, no one will know you, who you are…”

His brow furrowed harder. “Does that matter?”

“It does to me.”

“Okay…” He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was this really how she felt about him?

“Look, I can’t talk right now, Dan. We’ll talk tonight. I’ve got to get to Pilates, and Mom wants to meet me at the mall for lunch. It’s a busy day.”

“Right, well, you should get going then.” Dan’s head spun and yet was completely blank. He should feel something. Maybe he should be angry, yell down the phone line. But he couldn’t do anything except breathe—in and out. Slow breaths. Deep.

The phone call ended, and his hand dropped to his side. This couldn’t be happening. What was she saying? She didn’t want to marry him? That couldn’t be right. How could she decide not to marry him because people in San Fran wouldn’t know him by name, wouldn’t be impressed by his family credentials?

Maybe he’d misunderstood her. They’d talk tonight, sort everything out. It was a miscommunication. That’s what it had to be. No one threw away a lifetime together because of something so… He inhaled slowly. No one… Except the more he thought about it, something inside of him clicked. It was just like Christina to think about those kinds of things. He’d never wanted to trade on his family name, instead preferring to live a simple life. But she’d always pulled it out and paraded it around Billings, while clinging to his arm.

“Daniel Montgomery,” she’d say when they arrived for a restaurant reservation, or when introducing herself to someone at the downtown Methodist church they attended, or even at Macy’s when asking the attendant to help them pick out a tie.

“Yes, one of those Montgomerys,” she’d often add with a quirked eyebrow, and it always made him uncomfortable.

Dan headed for the revolving door and somehow made his way through it. His head felt light, almost as though he were taking too many breaths. He should calm his breathing, slow things down a bit. They’d figure things out later. Right now, he had to find his new boss and impress him.

The elevator was packed full of bodies, and he jammed himself into it right at the front of the group. He drew back a black, leather-covered toe so the elevator door could shut then waited as they rose up through the building toward the top floor. By the time they reached it, he was one of only four people left in the small space. He stood back to let the rest of the group out, one hand holding the elevator door open, as though his whole world hadn’t just fallen apart. He even mustered a dim smile and a few “good mornings” to throw at them as they passed him by.

He’d been the lawyer for his family’s very successful billion-dollar ranching enterprise for four years. Christina was supposed to be packing up the last things in her apartment in Billings, Montana, at that moment to come and join him in San Francisco in an apartment building adjacent to his own. He was starting a new, exciting life. Just thinking about it made his gut churn.

His father probably never thought he’d leave Montgomery Ranches. And he’d felt comfortable there. He was known. But that was exactly why he’d wanted to leave. He was still young, and there was a lot he had yet to learn. So far, he’d worked under one lawyer since graduating from Harvard Law—Bernie MacDonald. Bernie was the in-house counsel for Montgomery Ranches and had been ever since his father first needed someone twenty years earlier.

Everyone knew Bernie wanted to retire, and he’d given Dan a year to make the transition to take over his role. Dan had learned everything he could to prepare himself, but deep down, he felt it wasn’t enough. He wanted to learn how other companies did things, make some mistakes, grow as a lawyer, expand his vision.

Then one day, he’d go back to Billings, back to Montgomery Ranches, older, wiser, and ready to help his brother lead the company. Bernie had agreed to push back his retirement by two years and wait for Dan to return. And he intended to soak in as much knowledge as he could before accepting the responsibility of a billion-dollar enterprise to rest on his shoulders.

He stopped in a small lobby with the words Hungerford Incorporated scrawled on the wall in a pewter-colored font. His hands clenched and unclenched. The reception desk was empty. The phone rang, once, twice, then fell silent.

“Daniel Montgomery!” boomed a voice to his left.

He spun to face the sound and found himself staring at Cliff Hungerford, his new boss. Cliff’s face was split in two by a wide grin. He wore a button-down shirt, loose at the collar, a pair of dark jeans, and loafers. His hair was carefully mussed and streaked with gray. Fine lines creased the corners of his sparkling brown eyes.

Cliff held a hand toward Dan who shook it firmly, smiling in response. “Cliff, it’s good to see you again.”

“Welcome! Welcome to Hungerford. I’m so glad you decided to join us. We’re lucky to have you.”

“Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’m excited to get started.”

Cliff led him through the office, showing him cubicles and introducing him to a series of faces with names he barely registered. All he could think about was the phone call and why Christina had said the things she had. Had she meant them?

Finally, Dan found himself in a small office with glass windows that looked out over the rest of the open space. Out there, keyboards tapped quietly, people murmured. One group stood in the open kitchen, and their laughter spilled out across the rest of the office. He smiled without thinking. He always did that. Always smiled if others were smiling. He’d learned from a young age to show people the side of him they wanted to see, to fit in by playing the part. It’d served him well. And right now, it was helping him get through the most difficult moment of his life without letting his boss know that inside he was dying.

“So, that’s the office. I know you won’t remember all of the names I just threw at you…” Cliff’s laughter echoed off the walls. “But you’ll get the gist of things soon enough. You know where the coffee and vegan nut and hemp bars are, so that’s the most important thing.” He winked. “And you just let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.”

Dan nodded. He was finding it hard to breathe. He shouldn’t have worn a tie. No one else in the entire office had on a tie. He looked completely out of place in his suit. He’d have to rethink his entire wardrobe tonight. He focused on his breathing.

“Oh, and don’t forget we’ve got that leadership conference in Las Vegas coming up at the end of the month. I told you about that…right? We’ve already booked a room for you and your fiancée. We’re so looking forward to meeting her. You’ll be married by then, of course. So, she’ll be your wife, and my wife is already planning their itinerary for when we’re busy with our meetings. I’m fairly certain it’s why she told me to hire you over the other guy who went for your job, she wanted another woman around at these things to talk to who wasn’t part of the team. Someone to shop with!” He laughed again and slapped Dan on the shoulder. “So glad you’re with us.”

Cliff left with a rush of air, almost as though he’d commanded it to follow him. Dan stared after him, his mouth slightly ajar. What’d just happened? He should’ve said something. But what?

Um…she might be coming. Or she might not. She could be my wife by the time of the trip, or perhaps not. She’s going to talk to me about it tonight. We’re deciding our future over the telephone, I’ll let you know how it goes.

He swallowed and faced his desk with a frown. No need to deal with that now. First things first—he had to figure out how to log onto the laptop sitting askew on his desk. He scanned the office, looking for help. Then he sighed and sat down.

One thing he’d have to learn, working for a start-up, was that some things he’d have to figure out on his own. Dan powered up the laptop and leaned back in his chair. Things were definitely no longer going according to plan, and he didn’t like it one bit.

* * *

After his first day of work was done, Dan waved his goodbyes and headed out the door. He’d kept a smile plastered to his face all day long. He’d met dozens of people, tried to remember their names, sat in on meetings, filled out paperwork, and even done an online orientation course the Human Resources manager had commissioned for the company’s new recruits. It was all very impressive. And he’d managed to push his grief and shock down deep so no one else could see it.

But as he emerged onto the street, his smile faded. He still couldn’t believe Christina would do that to him. It must be some kind of mistake. He’d call her as soon as he got home, and they’d work things out.

Dan bought a bagel wrapped in a napkin and a coffee from a street vendor and ate as he walked. A few minutes later, he tossed the soiled napkin into the trash. He glanced down at the stubborn stain from earlier that morning on his otherwise pristine shirt. With a sigh, he tightened his grip on the disposable coffee cup and headed toward his condo.

Market Street was a hive of activity. Businesspeople strode down its length, and cars inched along the road behind and around a cable car as passengers leapt from its platform to the road below.

He couldn’t hold back a smile.

This was just what he’d been looking for. A new adventure. Something to stir things up in his life a bit. Not that his life hadn’t been great, just the way it was.

Dan had lived in a luxurious Billings apartment, close to the office but not so close that he felt the need to stop in and check on every little thing. And he’d been right next door to Christina, the woman he planned on spending the rest of his life with. That was how they’d met. She roomed with two other women in an apartment in his building. They’d run into each other in the hall, each wearing workout gear. The park nearby was perfect for their morning jogs together. If she ran a little slower than he liked, it was a sacrifice he was happy to make so they could spend time with one another.

There was a cafe on the corner of their block that did a perfect cappuccino made from single-origin, free-trade coffee and served the best bagels with cream cheese around.

Life was good. At least it had been. Now what would it look like?

He sighed. He had to admit, life was also entirely predictable. Down to where they’d have their wedding, what the tables at the reception would look like, how long the honeymoon in Hawaii would be, and how many children they’d have once they bought themselves a place just outside of town. There’d been nothing unknown, nothing unexpected or spontaneous about his life before now. He’d had a pretty good idea of what every day would be like, what the future held for him.

Dan hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else, but he’d been living in a rut. And getting himself out of that rut had spurred him forward for months now. Only, he’d thought Christina would make the change with him. He’d believed they were on the same page and would share the adventure together. He sighed as he walked into the lobby on the ground floor of his building and nodded to the doorman. He’d been wrong about Christina. Maybe this whole thing had been a bad idea after all.


The last of the cupcakes fit neatly into the white cardboard box, and Rachel Hill closed it with a half-smile.

She hated waste and was grateful she had somewhere to take them that evening. Her neighbor was expecting and had a baby shower at her apartment. Rachel planned on surprising her with the cupcakes.

It was the fifth baby shower she’d attended this month.

Not that she minded. She loved babies and anything to do with babies. It’s just that at twenty-nine years of age, with no prospects of even a date on the horizon, let alone a serious boyfriend who might one day be husband material, she’d begun to hyperventilate just a little with each baby shower invitation she opened.

Rachel strode to the front of the bakery and peered out through the glass window. Lights spilled onto the street from restaurants, boutiques, and galleries, spaced in between with dark shop fronts. She flipped the sign on the door to read “Closed” and turned the lock so it slid into place.

Another smile and she smoothed her apron against her thighs with both hands.

She loved closing up at the end of a successful day. It was almost as satisfying as opening—when the excitement of baking new things and watching as customers studied her creations, then pointed for her to add to their box of purchases, almost overwhelmed her senses. There was no better feeling than when a regular asked for something new then tasted it right in front of her and told her it was like heaven in a pastry.

That’s what Mr. Peterson had said today. Heaven in a pastry.

It’d made her day.

Chuckling to herself, Rachel reached for a cloth and spray bottle behind the counter. She set about wiping down all the glass surfaces. She grimaced at her own reflection. Her hair had been smoothly coiffed when she left the apartment this morning but now was mussed where she’d shoved a pencil behind one ear and swiped at the sweat on her brow. Her mascara had smudged beneath both dark brown eyes, making her look even more tired than she felt, and the pink lipstick she’d refreshed after lunch was almost entirely gone. Only the outline remained.

She would kill for a bath—in a large claw-foot tub, with candles and chocolate and a good mystery book to read. She sighed. That wouldn’t happen, since she didn’t even know anyone with a tub like that, and she could hardly invite herself over to take a bath if she did. Her apartment only had a shower. A cramped, moldy shower that she spent the least amount of time possible in each morning.

The cafe phone jangled, and Rachel set the receiver against her ear while she continued working.

“Jasmine’s,” she called in a singsong voice.

“Rachel, it’s Jasmine.”

“Oh, hi, Jas. Everything went great today, I’m just closing up. We sold out of the bear claws again, everyone loves those things.” She grinned.

“That’s great, Rach. Thanks for all your hard work. Hey, I’m not going to make it there to open up in the morning. I’ve just got so much going on at the moment, and you’re better with the customers than I am anyway. So, could you open for me again?”

Rachel grimaced and set the cloth back on the counter to rub a hand over her face. She sighed. “Sure, Jas. Happy to do it.”

As she hung up, she sighed again. Another early start. She’d been scheduled for the opening and closing shifts at the bakery every day that week and was starting to succumb to the kind of fatigue that made her entire body ache. If she kept living at the same pace, she’d never get a social life.

Before long, she had everything packed away and wiped clean. Chairs were stacked on top of tables. The wet floor gleamed, black and white squares stark against the timber of the small, square tables that dotted the cramped eating space by the windows.

It was her dream to own a bakery of her own one day. She knew she wouldn’t be likely to start out in downtown San Francisco, like Jasmine had with Jasmine’s. Jasmine landed an investor up front after a stint on a reality cooking show. Still, Rachel would be content to open a bakery in a nearby suburb. Just so long as she could make her own creations and set the place up the way she wanted to.

She glanced around the store one last time, flicked off the lights, and pulled the door shut behind her.

Sometimes she wondered why Jasmine had opened the place at all. Her boss seemed to prefer socializing to actually baking. But it gave Rachel the perfect opportunity to learn the skills she’d need to open her own place one day. She virtually ran Jasmine’s on her own already, and as each month passed, Jasmine handed her greater responsibility.

Wandering along the street, Rachel directed her bicycle with one handlebar, the other hand balancing the box of cupcakes. She was grateful she lived only a few blocks away in a small apartment building. The apartments themselves were old, chipped, and badly in need of repair, but she knew it would only be a matter of time until they were sold off to make way for one of the many glittering sky-high condo buildings dotting the streets around her neighborhood.

She hated to see it happen. Her apartment building was filled with families, older folks who’d been there forever, and an eclectic mix of corporate workers, retirees, and blue-collar immigrants. A new high-rise would send them all scattering in various directions, and she knew most of the tenants wouldn’t be able to afford to rent in a building like that.

By the time Rachel made it home, it was completely dark, and she’d bruised one shin on a pedal while padlocking her bike to a metal bar in the underground parking garage. Hopping on one foot while she rubbed the injury, she headed for the ancient elevator and hit the button.

If only she had time to stop at her own apartment and grab a coffee, put her feet up for a few minutes, and soak in the blissful silence. Instead, she braced herself for baby madness and likely an insane number of ridiculous games involving things like tasting poo-colored candy bars wrapped in diapers or guessing the girth of her neighbor’s ever-expanding waistline. She’d never been any good at it. To her, pregnant bellies always looked enormous, and when the time came to guess how long a piece of string could be wrapped around them, she overshot by a mile.

Why couldn’t baby showers simply involve a group of women getting together to chat, sip coffee, and eat delicious baked goods? That would be her kind of baby shower. When the time came for her… Rachel didn’t finish the thought. It’d become a habit she wanted to break. When she met the man of her dreams. When she finally had a child of her own. These thoughts popped into her head involuntarily throughout the monotony of her everyday life and always left a stabbing pain in her heart.

Deep down, she’d always believed it would’ve happened by now. Should’ve happened by now.

Her friends told her twenty-nine wasn’t old and she still had plenty of time. But she couldn’t escape the feeling she’d missed some kind of boat that wasn’t ever coming back to dock in her marina. And no one had even told her it was leaving.

Still, for some reason, every time she dated a man and it looked like it might get serious, she found herself lying on the floor—heart pounding, breath coming in gasps, black spots in front of her eyes—in a full-blown panic attack. Soon after, she’d find an excuse to end things. And that would be followed by another panic attack when she realized she would never get married, would never have a family, and would die alone.

She sighed and raised a fist to knock on Maria’s door.

“Rachel! You made it!” Maria’s face glowed with vitality and good humor. Her blue eyes twinkled, and her long black hair hung smooth and silky over one shoulder. She hugged Rachel, her belly prodding into Rachel’s flat stomach, reminding her again of what she might never experience, the joy of a life kicking inside of her.

“Happy baby shower…or whatever it is you say at these things,” Rachel said with a laugh, handing over the box of cupcakes. “Oh, and I have a gift for you, but it’s up in my apartment. I didn’t want to be any later than I already am, so I just came straight here from the bakery.”

Maria waved a hand to quiet her with a smile, her lilting accent soft and soothing. “You didn’t have to get me anything. Don’t worry about it. Really. I’m just glad you made it. And thank you for the cakes. I love everything you make, and my hips have you to thank for at least an inch of their current width.” She chuckled and ushered Rachel through the kitchen and into the living room where women sat, leaned, or crouched wherever they could find some space.

A gilt-framed mirror hung on the wall opposite Rachel, and she caught a glimpse of her reflection. Wayward curls had escaped her ponytail and frizzed around her face. Hints of red haunted her brown eyes, with dark patches of mascara and exhaustion smudged beneath. Her wrinkled white shirt hung limp over black skinny jeans with a hole in one knee. She sighed and passed both hands over her hair, attempting to smooth it back into place. She should’ve stopped by her apartment, if only to tame her hair.

Then she found a small footrest to sit on and joined the conversation.

When her phone buzzed against her hip, Rachel jumped. She waved an apology and stepped out into the hall before answering.

“Hi, Leah.”

Her greeting was met with a sob.

“Leah? What’s going on?” Her heart skipped a beat. What’d happened? Something was wrong.

“Rach… I…” Leah sobbed again.

“Please, Leah, you’re freaking me out.” Her eyes widened, and she inhaled sharply.

“I’m okay. Everyone’s okay,” Leah managed, her voice choking with tears.

Rachel’s eyes squeezed shut, and she exhaled. “Thank God. What is going on, sweetie?”

She and her sister Leah had always been close. They were only separated by eighteen months, and throughout their childhood, they had shared a bedroom and often even a bed.

As the older sister, Rachel was the one Leah often turned to for sisterly love and advice.

Leah drew in a long, shaky breath. “We just got back from the fertility specialist.”

“Oh.” Rachel’s heart dropped into her gut, and a lump grew in her throat at the tone of her sister’s voice.

“She said we’ve got a ten percent chance of falling pregnant naturally. Ten percent, Rach! Ten percent. That’s basically zero. I’m never gonna have a baby. I’m twenty-eight years old, and I’m never getting pregnant!” She burst into a fresh round of tears.

“What did Tyrone say?” Rachel asked, one hand hovering over her eyes.

“He says it doesn’t matter, that it’s the two of us against the world.”

“That’s right. He’s totally right,” Rachel responded with enthusiasm. “You’ve got each other, and that’s what matters.”

“But it’s not enough,” Leah wailed. “I want a little baby to hold and love. You know that’s all I’ve ever wanted. What if it’s because we waited so long? What if it’s all my fault? I wanted to have a career, I wanted to spend time married to Tyrone without children so we could enjoy some freedom and get to know each other. It could all be my own fault!”

Rachel sighed and rubbed a hand down her face. “It’s not your fault, Leah.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Yes, I do. It’s not your fault, it’s just one doctor’s opinion. You don’t even know if they’re right. Besides, she said ‘naturally,’ right? So, that means you can get fertility treatments. I’m sure there are lots of things you can do to help the process.” Rachel wasn’t an expert, although she’d be lying if she didn’t admit to herself that she’d done more research on the subject than any single woman had a need to. Leah was putting a voice to Rachel’s own fears—what if she’d waited too long to have a baby and she missed out?

“I know you’re right… Thanks, Rach. I’m sorry for being so…”

“Dramatic?” Rachel grinned.

“I was going to say upset.”

Rachel chuckled. “It’s okay. And completely understandable. This is a big deal, but I really think you’ll find a way through it. Don’t give up yet, okay?”

“Okay. Thanks.”

“Just don’t tell Mom. Not yet, anyway.” Rachel grimaced.

There was silence on the phone line.

“You didn’t…”

“I couldn’t help telling her, she called me right after. She was wailing about how she was never gonna get grandchildren. Why did we wait so long? Why couldn’t we see there’s only a small window of opportunity to have a family? She should’ve taught us better…you know, all the usual stuff. Only I couldn’t take it today. I just burst into tears and hung up on her.” Leah sounded contrite, her sobbing now under control. “So, when she called back, I told her everything. And she blamed me…”

Rachel shook her head slowly. They could always count on their mother to make bad news worse for everyone involved.