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Unlock your brain's potential using mind mapping Mind mapping is a popular technique that can be applied in a variety of situations and settings. Students can make sense of complex topics and structure their revision with mind mapping; business people can manage projects and collaborate with colleagues using mind maps, and any creative process can be supported by using a mind map to explore ideas and build upon them. Mind maps allow for greater creativity when recording ideas and information whatever the topic, and enable the note-taker to associate words with visual representations. Mind Mapping For Dummies explains how mind mapping works, why it's so successful, and the many ways it can be used. It takes you through the wide range of approaches to mind mapping, looks at the available mind mapping software options, and investigates advanced mind mapping techniques for a range of purposes, including studying for exams, improving memory, project management, and maximizing creativity. * Suitable for students of all ages and study levels * An excellent resource for people working on creative projects who wish to use mind mapping to develop their ideas * Shows businesspeople how to maximize their efficiency, manage projects, and brainstorm effectively If you're a student, artist, writer, or businessperson, Mind Mapping For Dummies shows you how to unlock your brain's potential.
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Seitenzahl: 227
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2012
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Mind Mapping For Dummies®
by Florian Rustler
Foreword by Tony Buzan
Mind Mapping For Dummies®
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About the Author
Florian Rustler is an innovation coach working at international level and the founder of creaffective.
As a process moderator he presents strategy and innovation workshops in German, English and Mandarin Chinese to help his clients produce new solutions quickly; for example, when developing new products and services.
As a tutor he teaches organisations the processes and techniques of creative problem solving and assists them with generating an innovation culture.
He learned Mind Mapping while still at school. A teacher introduced the technique in just ten minutes during class but then took it no further. However, Florian didn’t let these ten minutes go to waste. He got hold of Tony Buzan’s book on Mind Mapping, the only one available at the time, and subsequently applied the technique. He later qualified as a Mind Mapping tutor and since then has given hundreds of Mind Mapping classes and published an online Mind Mapping course.
You can find out more about him at: www.creaffective.de.
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Mind Mapping For Dummies is an apt idea, as Mind Mapping is something we already know how to do – we do it constantly without even realising it!
Mind Mapping replicates the way our brains think and the way we absorb information. When we think of any idea, our mind instantly starts connecting this to other images, thoughts and concepts. So why do we force ourselves to make notes, plan and create in a way that our brain doesn’t like?
When I was at university, struggling to study with the mass of lined notes I had made, Mind Mapping helped me to make sense of the information, reduce my notes and remember more. Now it is doing the same for millions of people around the world, helping them to be more productive, creative and efficient in their everyday lives. Join them, and start using the full potential of your mind every day.
With this guide, Florian has created a comprehensive resource on Mind Mapping, which will be of great use to those wanting a step-by-step guide to using this powerful tool, also known as the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of the brain! This book shows you how to Mind Map, what to avoid and gives you the information you need to navigate the jungle of Mind Mapping software out there.
You find out how versatile the Mind Map really is, and how you can apply this technique to plan, study, manage projects, solve problems and brainstorm.
Enjoy exploring the potential of your amazing mind!
Tony Buzan
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