MindCrowd - Nicole Hydrick - E-Book

MindCrowd E-Book

Nicole Hydrick

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We are all vibe carriers, vibe killers, or leaders, depending on the people around us. MindCrowd will teach you how to identify the drives of common groups. You can learn when and how it might be propitious for you to join or leave a group as well as find the most optimal way to increase your influence.

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© Copyright, Nikole Hydrick, Y-Photography.

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Snapshot Systems, 2023

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This product is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged to render any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. The content of each chapter is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or implied by the publisher’s choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages. You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results.

Chapter 1. Introduction

MindCrowd is a system which seeks to explain and elaborate on common groups and their dynamics. The principles outlined in this system are most suitable for groups that vary in size from between three to one hundred people, though it may be applicable for some larger groups. Groups are united for some common reason. The system will teach you how to identify these reasons or group Drives, illustrate the most common groups, and draw out the implications of interactions between yourself and any specific group as well as expected group to group communications or tensions. It’s useful to know whether you can be comfortable in a given group, how accessible or visible that group is, and whether there will be natural conflict between your own motivations and theirs. With MindCrowd you can identify yourself as a vibe carrier or vibe killer for any given group. Vibe carriers can boost morale or enhance the efficiency with which the group moves toward its goals, while killers break or suppress the energy of the group. Given this understanding, it will be easier to discern how you might influence the group or understand your place in its hierarchy.

Sometimes group Drives are obvious and sometimes not. Many of us have had the experience of joining a group under certain explicit circumstances and, as time passes, realizing that the group is not actually going toward its stated purpose. Likewise, perhaps we join a group in order to achieve personal or professional goals and find ourselves more ineffectual than we’d hoped. MindCrowd can serve as a tool, like a compass, to gauge the group’s behaviors over time as well as the effects of our own initiatives or influence to aid in decision making.

Chapter 2. How to Profile Groups


Before profiling, it is wise to be sure a particular group is really a group, not only some people gathered in a common space. Groups are more or less homogenous and many may have elements which do not take part in the group’s process or desire similar outcomes. It may look like people in the stands at a stadium or even protestors on a street are having similar motivations due to similar perceived behaviors, but often we see in these groups contaminating or antithetical elements. Such gatherings with extraneous members tend to be unstable over time and may break up quickly, whereas homogenous groups will be more stable and appropriate for profiling. In groups size also matters, as size has an effect on the group’s behavior. To distinguish between smaller groups and larger groups, we will call the latter crowds. As a general rule, you will see smaller groups of people will have more simple or fewer drives moderating their members' behaviors and crowds will show more possibilities for different group behaviors when they reach toward a maximal capacity of around 100 people. In other words, crowds are more vulnerable to the addition of new initiatives from their members or splitting into smaller more homogenous groups. When you are sure the group or crowd is relatively stable and within the size parameters, you can begin to profile its Drives, or its reason for forming and intended direction, using the diagram and descriptions that follow.



Drives for groups