My Bible: God's Word for Me - Martha Moss - E-Book

My Bible: God's Word for Me E-Book

Martha Moss

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Help your child or student experience exciting stories from the Old Testament: Noah and the flood; the parting of the Red Sea; Joseph and the coat of many colors, the first Passover; David and Goliath; and more. And then see his or her delight as the New Testament stories lead your child deeper into their faith. Primary-age children will delight in this exquisitely illustrated Bible that shares 31 Old Testament and 36 New Testament stories. A prayer is at the end of every story, encouraging children to read prayerfully and to integrate prayer with scripture. Written by Sr. Mary Martha Moss, FSP, author of My Baptism Remembrance Book and My First Communion Bible. My Bible: God’s Word for Me teaches children God’s love and plan for them through carefully chosen Bible stories. This Catholic Bible includes best-loved prayers: the Sign of the Cross; the Apostles’ Creed; the Our Father; the Hail Mary; the Glory Be; the Hail Holy Queen; the Angel of God; a morning prayer; a night prayer; and directions on praying the Rosary. Children are encouraged to connect prayer with scripture and vice-versa.

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Written by

Mary Martha Moss, FSP

Illustrated by

Augusta Curreli

Imprimatur: Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Archbishop of New Orleans December 13, 2018

Library of Congress Control Number: 2019937414 CIP data is available.

ISBN 0-8198-5004-7 ISBN 978-0-8198-5004-1

Cover design by Mary Joseph Peterson, FSP Cover art and illustrations by Augusta Curreli Maps by Chris Sabatino

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

“P” and PAULINE are registered trademarks of the Daughters of St. Paul.

Copyright © 2019, Daughters of St. Paul

Published by Pauline Books & Media, 50 Saint Pauls Avenue, Boston, MA 02130-3491

eBook by


Pauline Books & Media is the publishing house of the Daughters of St. Paul, an international congregation of women religious serving the Church with the communications media.

Dedicated to Hayley Elizabeth Manning, Kessler Gordon Brown, and George Thomas Moss II. May the Bible stories of God’s love always fill your heart with joy.


Introduction xii

Old Testament

Creation 4

Adam and Eve in the Garden 6

Cain and Abel 10

Noah and the Flood 12

God Calls Abram to Leave His Homeland 18

Melchizedek 20

Abraham and Sarah 21

Jacob and Esau 22

Isaac Blesses Jacob 24

Jacob’s Choices 26

Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors 30

Joseph in Egypt 34

Joseph and His Brothers in Egypt 38

Hebrews Come to Egypt 43

Moses Is Born 46

The Burning Bush 48

The First Nine Plagues 52

The First Passover 56

The Red Sea 60

Manna from Heaven 62

The Ten Commandments 64

Ruth 66

Samuel 68

Saul 72

David and Goliath 75

David the King 78

Elijah 80

Elijah and the Prophets of Baal 83

Isaiah 86

Jonah 88

Judas Maccabeus 94

New Testament

An Angel Visits Mary 100

Mary Visits Elizabeth 103

Jesus Is Born 104

The Presentation of Jesus 108

Jesus Found in the Temple 110

The Baptism of Jesus 112

The Temptation of Jesus 114

The Call of the Disciples 116

The Wedding at Cana 120

The Woman at the Well 122

The Sermon on the Mount 126

The Our Father 129

The Daughter of Jairus 130

The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes 134

Jesus Walks on the Water 136

The Bread of Life 138

Who Do You Say That I Am? 143

Who Is Jesus? The Father Answers 144

A Good Neighbor 146

The Prodigal Son 150

Jesus Blesses the Children 157

The Raising of Lazarus 158

Entrance into Jerusalem 162

The Last Supper 166

Peter’s Denial Foretold 170

The Agony in the Garden 172

Before Pilate 176

The Crucifixion 178

The Resurrection 182

Thomas 186

The Road to Emmaus 190

Jesus and Peter 192

Jesus Ascends to Heaven 196

Pentecost 198

The Conversion of Paul 202

Come, Lord Jesus! 206


The Sign of the Cross 208

Apostles’ Creed 208

Our Father 208

Hail Mary 208

Glory Be 209

Hail, Holy Queen 209

Angel of God 209

Morning Prayer 209

Night Prayer 209

How to Pray the Rosary 210

Joyful Mysteries 211

Sorrowful Mysteries 211

Luminous Mysteries 211

Glorious Mysteries 211


Journey of Abram 212

Route of the Israelites 213

Roman Empire 214

Israel at the Time of Jesus 215


Throughout your life you will read many interesting books. Some books will teach you things. Other books will take you on imaginative adventures. And one book will show you God’s amazing plan for the world—and for you! The Bible tells the incredible story of God’s love for us.

God made everything, including human beings. Why? Because hewanted to share his love. He made usso that one day we will be with himin heaven. But God does not forceus to love him. Instead, he gave usfreedom. Sadly, with thatfreedom we’ve made some bad


decisions. Adam and Eve hurt humanity by sinning.

But hope is not lost! The Bible is full of heroes and heroines who have made the right decisions! Many men and women believed in God’s love for us and did brave and daring things to help others know God’s care for the world. Noah listens to God and learns how to build an ark to save his family and animals from a great flood. God tells Moses to use his staff to heal snake bites and to part the Red Sea. And God sends an angel to ask Mary if she will be the mother of Jesus, who came to save us!

This amazing story of God’s saving love is now part of each of our lives. Every time you read the Scriptures you meet God. Whether you read the stories in order or jump around, they each contain something important that God wants you to know. And in every story, we can hear God saying to each of us, over and over again: I love you!


Old Testament


Genesis 1 and 2

In the beginning there was nothing—not one thing! Only God existed. God made everything in the world out of nothing.

First God said, “Let there be light,” and then there was light! Then God made the sky, the sea, andthe earth. God made all kinds of treesand plants. Next God made the sun,the moon, and the stars. God saw thatit was good.

There were no living creatures in thewaters yet, so God made dolphins, whales,and fish of every kind. God also madebirds that fly in the sky. Then God made allsorts of land animals: cows, horses,kangaroos, and all the other wild and tameanimals too. And God saw that it was good.


God loved everything he had created, but he was not yetfinished. So God made the firstman, Adam. God put Adam incharge of all creation, even theanimals. Then God said, “Adamneeds a helper, so he will not bealone.” While Adam slept, God madethe first woman. When Adam awoke, hewas so happy. “There she is at last!” heexclaimed. He called the woman Eve. Godlooked at them and blessed them. And Godsaw that it was all very good.

These are the six days of creation. On theseventh day God finished his work andrested.

You made everything good, O God. Thank you for your gifts!


Adam and Eve in the Garden

Genesis 3

God loved Adam and Eve and placed them in a beautiful garden. In the garden everything wasperfect. There was no illness ordeath or sadness. Every eveningGod walked with the man andthe woman. God asked Adamand Eve to care for the gardenand its creatures. God also


told them that they could eat fruit from all the trees except for one. They were not to eat fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden. “If you eat it,” God said, “you will die.”

Every day Adam and Eve talked to God and walked with him. They were very happy.


One day the serpent approachedEve. “Did God really tell you not toeat the fruit from this tree?” heasked.

“We can eat from every tree inthe garden except this one,” sheanswered. “If we eat its fruit, we will die!”

“That’s not true,” the serpent lied. “If you eat this fruit, you will knoweverything, just like God does.You will be like God!”


Eve chose to listen to the serpent and to disobey God. She took some of the fruit, ate it, and gave some to Adam. He also ate it. Adam and Eve both disobeyed God. At that moment they realized that they were not wearing any clothes.

When God came to visit them, they were ashamed and hid themselves. God already knew they had sinned by choosing not to listen to him. “You cannot live in this perfect garden anymore,” God told them sadly.

God still loved Adam and Eve, so he made them a promise. God would one day send a Savior to save them from sin.

God, may I always listen to your voice and do your will with love.


Cain and Abel

Genesis 4

Adam and Eve had two sons. Cain was a farmer. He grew vegetables and fruit. Abel was a shepherd. He took care of sheep.

One day both brothers offered a sacrifice of gifts to God. Because Abel loved God so much, he gave God the very best of his flock. Cain brought God some fruit, but not the best produce of his land. God knew what was in each brother’s heart. God was pleased with Abel’s gift, but not with Cain’s.


Cain then grew angry and was jealous of his brother. God warned Cain, “If you give your best, it will be accepted. Control your temper so you do not sin.”

Cain did not obey God. Instead he said to Abel, “Let us go out to the field.”

When the brothers arrived, Cain killed Abel!

God knew what Cain had done. But God still asked Cain, “Where is Abel?”

Cain pretended he did not know. “Am I in charge of my brother’s care?” he sneered.

After this terrible sin, God sent Cain away. Cain was worried that other people would hurt him. But God still loved Cain, so he promised to protect him from harm.

Lord, may I always give you the best of what I have and what I am.


Noah and the Flood

Genesis 6– 9

Adam and Eve had other children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren. As the years passed, many people lived on the earth.

Over time more and more people disobeyed God and sinned. They did not want to follow God’s way. Eventually, most people chose evil and the Earth became a violent place. Seeing this, God was sorry he had made humans.