Nikolay Bessonov Painter - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Nikolay Bessonov Painter E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov was born in 1962 in Moscow. He has a higher art education (MVHPU). Bessonov painted wonderful, romantic paintings of Roma (Gypsies). Roma in art is a different story altogether, a subject we hope to take up later. Another line of his paintings was for a book about Medieval witch persecution, with gruesome pictures of mostly beautiful women coming into trouble. The authors came into contact with Bessonov in connection with an exhibition of Roma Art and Culture. in 1997 in Denmark. Please accept this little booklet for what it is and with all its limitations. We have long wanted to do it for obvious reasons as Bessonov was very talented artist and a great friend of Roma. The booklet is produced from the images we got from him in curating the exhibition. We have some more images in a box somewhere in storage, so this booklet may see a second edition.

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Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov

Medieval scene in what appears to be a self-portrait

Gipsy beggars in a Medieval setting

Gipsy fortune teller in a street

Now we are going to have a great time!

Gipsy girls dancing in the theatre

Roma girls on the way to town

Roma Girls accompanied by a musician on horseback

Fortune teller in a village

A different version with the young mother

A conversation through the window

Gitana women in a Spanish street

Want to know your fortune?

A caravan of Gypsies

Watering the horses

Gipsy fortune teller by waggon (detail)

Gipsy fortune teller by waggon

Young Roma woman by the waggon

Roma fortune teller with gold coin neckless

Roma showing a dancing bear

Coming home to check

Feeding time

Another day

Fetching water

Fetching the samovar

Dancing by the church

Contemplation by the fire

Wedding in the Orthodox church

Young woman with cat

Somnakai – gold

Horse trading

Young Roma training a horse




Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov was born in 1962 in Moscow. He has a higher art education (MVHPU).

Bessonov painted wonderful, romantic paintings of Roma (Gypsies). Roma in art is a different story altogether, a subject we hope to take up later.

Another line of his paintings was for a book about Medieval witch persecution, with gruesome pictures of mostly beautiful women coming into trouble.

The authors came into contact with Bessonov in connection with an exhibition of “Roma Art and Culture” in 1997 in Denmark. Please accept this little booklet for what it is and with all its limitations. We have long wanted to do it for obvious reasons as Bessonov was very talented artist and a great friend of Roma. The booklet is produced from the images we got from him in curating the exhibition.

We have some more images in a box somewhere in storage, so this booklet may see a second edition.

Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov

Nikolay Vladislavovich Bessonov was born in 1962 in Moscow. According to Arthive he has a higher art education (MVHPU). Bessonov worked in the art are genres of painting, design, book illustrations, design for CDs covers and theatrical costume.

Bessonov´s paintings are in private collections in Russia, Spain, Germany, Denmark, USA and Japan. In his last years he turned to the genre of computer art. His works have been well exhibited, across Europe, including at the Russian Embassy, Madrid (1993), Denmark (Roma Art and Culture project 25 cities 1997, the Netherlands folk fair) and the Central Artistic Gallery, Moscow.

Medieval scene in what appears to be a self-portrait

Bessonov wrote a number of books:

"Romany history – a new perspective", Voronezh, 2000.

"The trials of witchcraft – an illustrated history" (edition, Moscow, 2002; Moscow, 2004;-Pb., 2006)

"Gypsies and the press" (Vol 1. M., 2000; Issue 2. 2003).

Bessonov Nikolay. Gypsy tragedy of 1941-1945. Facts, documents, memories. Vol. 2. Armed resistance. Saint Petersburg; Tent. 2010. P. 375, Fig.

He has published a number of historical and ethnographic research articles in periodicals and scientific journals. Bessonov participant in scientific conferences on zygaenoidea.

The artist's studio was located in the suburban Bykovo. The eldest daughter is married to a Gypsy entertainer; a daughter and son-in-law play in the theater "Romen".

More information is available on the website:

Gipsy beggars in a Medieval setting

In Medieval times the Roma moved from Dasht e Navar in Afghanistan via Persia to Constantinople and were listed at Athos mountains in Greece possibly as shoe makers. In 1407 they are reported in Hildesheim, 1416 in Brazov, Transylvania and 1501 in Lithuania.

This would place the scene in the Renaissance, which roughly covers 14th and 15th century.

The gentleman is having his palm read. It is a part of the folklore that Roma read palms and cards, a profession by the women. The men did various work they learned or refined in the Dasht e Nawa camp, like horse breeding and trading, saddlery, metal smelting and forging, made locks (the name Lakatosh in Hungary means locksmith).

The folkloric tradition also have Roma wandering, but in reality estimates are that only about five per cent lived a nomadic life style. The large majority was settled in villages, mostly on large estates where they in villages, estates owned by the church or other landowners they were slaves until 1854. How they settled varies from country to country.

The gentleman here is some sort of musketeer, with his chest and arm armour, his fine long sword and not least his grand hat with the red feather. He is listening intensely to the words of the palm reader, there might be some good news for him here! He has a good pair of boots and leather gloves.

The palm reader and her younger companion, likely her daughter, are more discretely dressed than the lady above. The daughter is paying equally close attention to what Mother is divining from the gentleman´s hand, learning the craft for future use.

Gipsy fortune teller in a street

This is one of his paintings we love the most.

Bessonov painted several copies of some of his work and he was extremely kind in painting a version for the “Roma Art and Culture” exhibition in Denmark, where the cards shown were a prognosis done for the fate of this exhibition.

The painting shows a wealthy Russin couple obtaining the services of a gipsy fortune teller who is sitting in the street by the corner of a house.