North - A Shamanic Journey - V. Yve P. Roman - E-Book

North - A Shamanic Journey E-Book

V. Yve P. Roman

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An enchanting Native American tale about the searching of the human soul and its home. A shaman who must cross traditional boundaries to find his fulfilment. A seeress who follows the call of the Unknown. Worlds apart, they nevertheless find each other. Before the New can be born, life demands great trials from them. Only the selfless and devoted sacrifice of the lovers will bring salvation....

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A Shamanic Journey

V. Yve P. Roman

Independently published. All rights reserved.

For Pure Hearts:

"May the infinite inspiration of eternal beauty, harmony, and truth weave and illuminate your life."

(Invocation Serapis Bey)


She woke up one morning, and everything was different. Everything she ever believed in shattered like a mirror into myriads of microscopic splinters. No longer was she an innocent child – and that, from one day to the other!

The day dawned with a gleaming red sunrise. She heard the ocean waves breaking gently on the reef, the sea turquoise blue, foaming crests, and a long, lonely white beach. - The sand was as fine as velvet on her skin and stubbornly entangling in her hair while she let the sand warm her.

The wind caressing her face reminded her of a tender hand she once knew. Eons of time separated her from him, but that was in another world. She couldn't help but think of the underwater world where she was at home, moving weightlessly and nimbly. The magnificent, colorful variety of flora and fauna; how the sea anemones joyfully stretched out their calyxes to greet her each time, and the starfish puffed themselves up peacock-like so that she wouldn't miss them. The dolphin that told her stories from afar. Everyone knew her - there. She had never seen a mirror, and now she was alone. Now.

All her friends in the sea could no longer silence her grief; the emptiness in her heart had become too great. She couldn't remember exactly when it had started, and she didn't know why.

She bent down, holding her hand in the water, and waited for an answer. The sea played around her fingers and bare feet - a tender call. Come - come. She knew she had to go. It was time to leave this beloved paradise, her home, for a small eternity. She turned around, walked to her tent of palm fronds, packed the few belongings, and turned north.



The Mukh-Thar lived in the mountains between the Pacific Ocean and the vast grassy prairies. Old-growth coniferous forests sheltered their log cabins. The fresh wind brought the salty sea air with it and, in winter, the blizzard. It was the time of the buffalo.

But their medicine man was busy with other things he kept secret. For weeks he had been riding into the woods at dawn and not returning until after sunset. No one knew why or what he was doing there, and the folks worried. There were rumors of extended journeys into the forbidden world of dark spirits. With a whisper of frightened tongues, he would have let himself be captured by a succubus, which captivated him increasingly and removed him from the tribe. He was supposed to be in the village, blessing the rich harvest, hunting animals, and leading the thanksgiving rituals. Still, he shrouded himself in silence and continued his excursions.

Or-al-Tha was a tall, well-built man with striking features and fabulous, long, straight black hair and tanned skin. His dark eyes were open and clear. They seemed to peer to the bottom of the soul of everyone who looked at him. He had thin but soft lips, and every word he spoke was thoughtful. He never made rash decisions. The eagle nose on his face betrayed his descent from the hunters' house, and nothing escaped his gaze.

The hands that healed were gentle and warm, although they could not deny their power. His demeanor was calm, like that before the storm.