Quick Flora Mallorca - Horst Mehlhorn - E-Book

Quick Flora Mallorca E-Book

Horst Mehlhorn



This book enables plant lovers to easily and quickly identify over 1,400 wildflowers and many other plants present on Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza as well as smaller islands of the Balearic Islands. Using a newly developed key, a simple table enables you to identify the page where an unknown plant can be identified without even opening the book. Within the book, the species can then be identified with only a few subsequent steps. The criteria for identification are chosen so that not only scientists but also users without botanical expertise can use the book. This is supported by more than 200 colour photographs that also give a good overview of the diversity of plants that can be found on the islands. Short descriptions of all species provide additional information about typical habitats where the plants can be found and the time of year when the plants are in flower. The small, compact format permits it to be taken along even on longer walks. This is even easier if used as an ebook which includes a multitude of hyperlinks for quick navigation.

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Horst Mehlhorn

Quick Flora Mallorca

Your small wildflower guide for your holidays

© 2021 Horst Mehlhorn

Translation from the German language edition:

Quick Flora Mallorca

by Horst Mehlhorn

Copyright © Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, a part of Springer Nature 2020. All rights reserved.

Cover design, illustrations, fotos, translation: Horst Mehlhorn

Publisher: tredition, Hamburg, Germany

ISBN 978-3-347-28955-0 (paperback)

ISBN 978-3-347-28956-7 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-3-347-28957-4 (ebook)

This work, including its parts, is subject to copyright. Any exploitation is prohibited without the consent of the publisher and the author. This applies in particular to electronic or other reproduction, translation, distribution and making available to the public.



Introduction on how to use this book

Suggestions for walks in the field

Usage of the identification table


Table 1 (1-20)

Leaves entire / leaves opposite

Table 2 (21-40)

Leaves entire / leaves not opposite

Table 3 (41-60)

Table 4 (61-80)

Table 5 (81-100)

Leaves not entire / leaves opposite

Table 6 (101-120)

Table 7 (121-140)

Leaves not entire / leaves not opposite

Table 8 (141-160)

Table 9 (161-180)

Table 10 (181-200)




Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands rank among the most popular holiday destinations within Europe. While most travel guides mention the beauty of the vegetation on the islands, they are of little help when it comes to wanting to know the names of the plants. While such literature exists, these books are either out of print, only available in Spanish or Catalan, too time-consuming to use in the field, or simply too big and heavy to take along when going on holiday. This provided the motivation to begin to write this book. Unlike other plant identification books available today, it should

• be small and low in weight for easy transport,

• use no more that ten steps to identify most plants,

• contain more than 1,400 species that can be found on the islands,

• include photographs of many of the plants found on the islands,

• use colloquial terms wherever possible to allow users without specialist knowledge to use the book.

For this purpose, I have developed a novel, multidimensional key. This is based on 4 characteristics with 256 theoretically possible combinations. It enables users to identify the page within the book where an unknown wildflower species can be identified without even opening the book! On that page, the plants can then be determined with only a few additional steps. When using the book on a smartphone, tablet or PC, hyperlinks allow users to jump directly to the quoted page number without tedious scrolling, as in conventional nature guides.

The selection of the species has been based on the works by Beckett (1988, 1993) and Gil and Llorens (1993). While many trees and shrubs could be included, grasses and ferns had to be omitted for space reasons.

I hope you will enjoy using this book and I will be grateful for any suggestions and corrections that will help me improve the content of this book.

Essen, March 28, 2021

Horst [email protected]

Introduction on how to use this book

Throughout this book, four main criteria are used to group all plants: the (1) colour and (2) shape of the flowers, the (3) position of leaves on the stem, and the (4) type of leaf margin. Except for a few exceptions, usage of only these four criteria permits the identification of most species on one double page in less than 10 steps.


In this book the plants are distinguished according to the following colours: white, pink, red, blue, yellow, green, multicoloured and other. Many species have been assigned several times. This was necessary as colours often have transitions that are difficult to grasp, and as the perception of colours differs from person to person.

Flower type

Flowers differ not only in colour but also in shape and they were grouped in the following way: (1) flowers that are too small to see flower details without a magnifying glass, (2) flowers with 2-4 radially symmetrical petals, (3) flowers with 5 radially symmetrical petals, (4) flowers with more than 5 radially symmetric petals, (5) flowers with umbelliferous inflorescences, (6) flowers with a non-radial symmetry axis, (7) daisy- and dandelion-like inflorescences and flowers which do not fit into any of the preceding criteria.


In addition to flowers, plants also differ in their leaves. These can be opposite (8) or not opposite (9).

The criteria not opposite (9) also include plants without leaves as well as plants where leaves are either all basal or in whorls.

Leaf edge

Apart from the leaf position, leaves also differ in their leaf margin. The leaf margin can be entire (10) or not (11). Similar to the position of leaves, plants without leaves are grouped with those plants that do not have entire margins.

Other criteria

Apart from these four main criteria, other important distinguishing features for the identifcation of plants include the shape of the leaves,

the presence (23) or absence (24) of leaf stalks,

The presence (25) or absence (26) of stipules,

and various flower parts (27):

Families of plants with special characteristics for identifying plantsIn some plant families, other characteristics are also of importance during the identification process. Thus, the colour and size of the petals are important for the identification of Fabaceae (28) species,

Typical flower shape of Fabaceae species (28)

the number of rows of bracts are important when identifying Compositae (29),

Composite flower with multiple rows of bracts (29)

umbellifers (Apiaceae) differ with regard to the presence or absence of bracts and bracteoles,

while the shape of the fruit is important when identifying species of the Cruciferae family,

By contrast, the presence, shape, and size of the lower and upper lip (35) is important for the identifcation of Labiates (Lamiaceae) and other plant families.

Flower with a lower and upper lip (35)

Suggestions for walks in the field

Mallorca can be explored best on foot. Nonetheless, it is important to know where you can leave your car and which paths return to the origin of the walk if you do not want to return the same way you came. In many instances, these walks can be combined with the sights of the island, too. Examples for such areas include:

- the Castle of Bellver

- the cloistre of La Trapa

- the city of Soller

- the Castel of Alaro

- the cloistre Lluc

- the cloistre Randa

- the beach Es Trenc

- the castle of Capdepera

- the Coves d’Arta

The parks of S'Albufera and Mondrago are also worth a visit. They do not only offer small visitor centres, they also offer opportunities to get to know different types of vegetation on the island on a single walk. Other worthwhile destinations for plant lovers include the botanical garden in Soller, the gardens Jardins d'Alfabia and Raixa near Bunyola, and the garden Botanicactus between Ses Salines and Santanyi in the southeast of the island. Especially during spring time it can be quite a challenge to visit all these destinations when you are on the island.

Usage of the identification table

The tables on the cover and on the opposite page indicate the page in the book on which a plant species with the corresponding characteristics can be found and identified. For this purpose, the tables are structured as follows:

• Column 1 indicates the type of flower shape.

• Columns two to five refer to pages with plants with entire leaf margins.

• Columns six to nine refer to pages with plants whose leaf margins are not entire.

• Columns 2, 3, 6 and 7 refer to pages with plants whose leaves are opposite.

• Columns 4, 5, 8 and 9 refer to pages with plants whose leaves are not opposite (alternate).

• Each coloured cell refers to flowers that are white, pink, red, blue, yellow, green, multi-coloured or other. Olive cells represent the colour multi-coloured while the orange block represents other colours, e.g. orange or brown.


A) A plant with blue flowers, 5 petals, opposite leaves and entire leaf margin can be identified on page 35.

B) A plant with multi-coloured flowers, irregular flower symmetry, basal leaves and a toothed leaf margin can be identified on page 268.

C) A plant with violet, irregular flower shape, entire leaf margin, and leaves that are not opposite may be identified on page 154.

In the ebook, navigation is also supported by hyperlinks integrated within the table. Similarly, quick navigation within the ebook using hyperlinks is also possible

• in the table of contents,

• by clicking on the header (jump back to the table on page 13),

• by clicking on the page number (jump to the index on page 293),

• by clicking on species underlined in the key or text, and

• by clicking on the picture captions.


Alternate (9):

arranged in two rows but not opposite


part of the stamen that contains the pollen

Basal (22):

arising from the base of the stem

Bracteole (32):

small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a compound flowerhead

Bracts (29):

small and often scale-like leaf just beneath a flower


small bulb arising in the axis of an inflorescence or leaf

Calyx (27):

the group of sepals as a whole


spike-like inflorescence


heart-shaped at the base


calyx-like structure outside but close to the calyx


ripe seeds and structure surrounding them

Involucre (29):

bracts forming a calyx-like structure below an inflorescence of Compositae


compact cluster of flowers

Keel (28):

lower part of a legume flower


milky juice


small scale on the surface of a leaf/flower

Lip (35):

the lower or upper lobe of an irregular flower


with a short narrow extension at the tip


a point on the stem where one or more leaves arise


the other way up from normal


a flat shape, middle part more or less parallel-sided

Opposite (23):

leaves arising at the same level on opposite sides of the stem


more or less egg-shaped


female reproductive organ


inverted egg-shaped (broadest above the middle)


small nipple-like projections


plant which derives its food from other living plants to which it is attached


plant living for more than two years


colourful part of the flower

Pinnate (20):

a leaf composed of more than 3 leaflets


leaves with multiple lobes where the lobes are still connected to each other


flower as a whole including both sepals and petals


stalk of leaves


a plant lying close to the surface on the ground


unbranched inflorescence in which the flowers are born on stalks

Sepal (27):

outer part of a flower, often green and leaf-like


without a stalk

Siliqua (33):

narrow cylindrical pod with a ratio of length to width greater than 3: 1

Silicula (34):

pod with a ratio of length to width smaller than 3: 1

Spike (1):

inflorescence with sessile flowers

Stamen (27):

male reproductive organ within a flower

Standard (28):

upper part of a legume flower

Stigma (27):

receptive surface of the flower to which the pollen adhere

Stipule (25):

scale-like or leaf-like appendage on the leaf stalk

Style (27):

part of the flower that connects the ovary with the stigma


densely covered in soft hairs

Umbel (30-32):

inflorescence in which the flower stalks all arise from the top of the main stem

Whorled (21):

more than two leaves arising from the same level

Wing (28):

lateral part of a legume flower


membraneous extension of a stem or stalk

OliveOlea europaea (Oleaceae)

Flowers small




2A-Leaves in whorls

Polycarpon tetraphyllum (1)

2B-Leaves fleshy

Crassula vaillantii

2C-Leaves different


3A-Leaves acute

Asterolinon linum-stellatum

3B-Leaves rounded


4A-Plants woody below (rocky coastlines)

Polycarpon polycarpoides *

4B-Not woody below (on sand + beaches)

Polycarpon alsinifolium

1B-Woody climber

Boussingaultia cordifolia


Phillyrea media


Olea europaea (p.18)

2-4 petals


1A-Leaves linear

Crassula vaillantii

1B-Leaves egg-shaped

Radiola linoides

1C-Leaves lanceolate



Olea europaea (p. 18)



3A-Flowers 2-3 mm/inflorescence axillary

Phillyrea media

3B-Flowers 4-6 mm/inflorescence terminal

Ligustrum ovalifolium

Asterolinon linum-stellatum Star Flax (Primulaceae) Annual/stem 4-angled/leaves lanceolate/flowers 0-2 mm/calcareous fields/Mar-June

Boussingaultia cordifolia Madeira-vine (Basellaceae) Woody climber/leaves cordate/ inflorescence 5-20 cm/flowers 2 mm/5 stamens/fields-marshland-road sides/Sep-Oct Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/leaves fleshy/ leaf stalk longer than the leaves/flowers 1-2 mm/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

Ligustrum ovalifolium (Oleaceae) Shrub/leaves oval/flowers 4-6 mm/inflorescence terminal/June-July

Olea europaea Olive (Oleaceae) Tree/leaves lanceolate/flowers small and aromatic/oak forests-rock crevices-marshland-garigues-pine forests-olive tree plantations/May-June

Phillyrea media (Oleaceae) Shrub/flowers 2-3 mm/inflorescence axillary/tree heathermacchia-oak forests-rock crevices/Mar-June

Polycarpon alsinifolium Four-leaved Allseed (Caryophyllaceae) Procumbent annual/ leaves ovate or lanceolate/flowers 2-3 mm/petals divided/1-5 stamens/sandy soilsbeaches/Mar-July

Polycarpon polycarpoides* (Caryophyllaceae) Woody below/petals 1-2 mm/5 stamens/ rocky coastlines/Apr-Aug

Polycarpon tetraphyllum Four-leaved Allseed (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves obovate and in whorls of 4/flowers 2-3 mm/petals divided/1-5 stamens/fields-walls-rocky soilsroad sides/Mar-July

Radiola linoides Allseed (Linaceae) Annual to 10 cm/leaves ovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca/May-Sep

5 petals


1A-Leaves cordate


2A-Flowers 2 mm

Boussingaultia cordifolia

2B-Flowers > 5 mm


3A-Leaves egg-shaped

Cynanchum acutum

3B-Leaves narrow

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

1B-Leaves not cordate


2A-Sepals of the flower fused


3A-Petals hardly bigger than the calyx


4A-Flowers sessile

Silene disticha

4B-Flowers with stalks


5A-Flowers solitary or in pairs

Silene sedoides

5B-Flowers in groups of 5-15

Silene nocturna

3B-Petals >> sepals


4A-Petals deeply divided


5A-Plants without hairs

Silene vulgaris (4)

5B-Plants with hairs



Silene nicaeensis

6B-Plants woody below

Silene mollissima*

4B-Petals not deeply divided


5A-Plants without hairs

Saponaria officinalis (3)

5B-Plants with hairs


6A-Flowers stalked/calyx 4-7 mm

Gypsophila pilosa

6B-Flowers sessile


7A-Calyx 7-10 mm

Silene gallica

7B-Calyx 11-14 mm

Silene tridentata

2B-Sepals of the flower separated


3A-Petals of the flower fused


4A-Stem round

Centaurium pulchellum

4B-Stem 4-angled


5A-Flowers up to 2 mm

Asterolinon linum-stellatum

5B-Flowers 4-7 mm

Anagallis arvensis (9)

3B-Petals of the flower separated


4A-Leaves with stalks

Stellaria pallida

4B-Leaves sessile


5A-Petals of the flower divided


6A-Flowers with 3 styles

Stellaria media

6B-Flowers with 5 styles


7A-Flowers with 5 stamens


8A-Petals < sepals

Cerastium semidecandrum

8B-Petals > sepals

Cerastium pumilum

7B-Flowers with 10 stamens


8A-Petals < sepals

Cerastium brachypetalum

8B-Petals > sepals

Cerastium glomeratum

5B-Petals not divided


6A-Flowers with 1-4(5) stamens


7A-Flowers in umbels

Polycarpon alsinifolium

7B-Flowers not in umbels

Polycarpon tetraphyllum (1)

6B-Flowers with 5 stamens


7A-Plants without hairs


8A-Petals to 2 mm

Polycarpon polycarpoides

8B-Flowers 12-20 mm

Lonicera pyrenaica*

7B-Plants with hairs


8A-Flowers in axillary clusters

Paronychia argentea

8B-Flowers in terminal clusters

Paronychia capitata

8C-Flowers terminal/12-14 mm

Gomphocarpus fruticosus

6C-Flowers with 6 stamens

Frankenia pulverulenta

6D-Flowers with 10 stamens


7A-Plants without hairs


8A-Leaves with stipules


9A-Stipules papery

Spergularia bocconei

9B-Stipules not so

Spergularia nicaeensis

8B-Leaves without stipules


9A-Flower stalk longer than calyx

Minuartia hybrida

9B-Flower stalk not so

Minuartia mediterranea

7B-Plants with hairs


8A-Leaves with stipules

Spergularia marina

8B-Leaves without stipules


9A-Petals > sepals


10A-Leaves elongated

Arenaria grandiflora*

10B-Leaves egg-shaped

Arenaria balearica*

9B-Sepals > petals


10A-Calyx 3-5 mm

Arenaria serpyllifolia

10B-Calyx 2-3 mm

Arenaria leptoclados

6E-Flowers with many stamens


7A-Plants without hairs

Aizoon hispanicum

7B-Plants with hairs


8A-Flowers with 3 sepals

Cistus clusii (2)

8B-Flowers with 5 sepals

Cistus monspeliensis

More than 5 petals


1A-Herb/leaves grass-like

Nothoscordum fragans



2A-Leaves fleshy

Drosanthemum floribundum

2B-Leaves not so

Myrtus communis (5)

Flowers irregular


1A-Leaves sessile

Polygala nicaeensis

1B-Leaves with stalks

Prunella laciniata

Aizoon hispanicum Aizoon (Aizoaceae) Annual to 25 cm/leaves lanceolate + sessile/ flowers 9-10 mm/5-15 stamens/flowers solitary/rocky coastlines/Jan-June

Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-7 mm/fields-road sides/Apr-May

Arenaria balearica* Balearic Sandwort (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant leaves ovate/ flowers 4-6 mm/10 stamens/oak forests-walls-shady slopes-rocky soils/Apr-July

Arenaria grandiflora* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant/leaves oblong/flowers ca. 15 mm/ 10 stamens/mountains-rocky crevices calcareous fields/May-July

Arenaria leptoclados (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves ovate to lanceolate flowers 4-7 mm/10 stamens/calyx 2-3 mm/calcareous fields-walls-rocky soils/Mar-June

Arenaria serpyllifolia Thyme-leaved Sandwort (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-7 mm/10 stamens/calyx 3-5 mm/Mar-July

Asterolinon linum-stellatum Star Flax (Primulaceae) Annual/stem angled/leaves lanceolate/flowers 0-2 mm/calcareous fields/Mar-June

Boussingaultia cordifolia Madeira-vine (Basellaceae) Woody climber/leaves cordate/ inflorescence 5-20 cm/flowers 2 mm/5 stamens/fields-marshland-road sides/Sep-Oct

Centaurium pulchellum Lesser Centaury (Primulaceae) Annual/hairless/flowers 5-9 mm/ rocky coastlines-fields-sandy soils-beaches/Apr-May

Cerastium brachypetalum Grey Mouse-ear (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/hairy/flowers 5-10 mm/petals divided/petals < sepals/10 stamens/calcareous fields-rocky soils/Mar-July

Cerastium glomeratum Sticky Mouse-ear (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate to ovate/hairy/petals > sepals/petals divided/10 stamens/fields-walls-rocky soils/Feb-June

Cerastium pumilum Dwarf Mouse-ear (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/petals > sepals/ petals divided/5 stamens/fields/Mar-July

Cerastium semidecandrum Little Mouse-ear (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/hairy/flowers 5-10 mm/5 stamens/petals<sepals/fields-walls-rocky soils-road sides/Mar-June

Cistus clusii (Cistaceae) Hairy shrub/leaves linear/flowers 2-3 cm/petals divided/3 sepals/ many stamens/garigues-pine forest-sandy soils-beaches/Apr-May

Cistus monspeliensis Narrow-leaved Cistus (Cistaceae) Sticky glandular shrub/twigs hairy leaves linear-lanceolate or ovate/flowers 2-3 cm/5 sepals/many stamens/tree heather-macchia-olive tree plantations/Apr-June

Cynanchum acutum Stranglewort (Asclepiadaceae) Woody climber/leaves cordate/ flowers 8-12 mm/rocky coastlines-beaches-sandy soils/June-Aug

Drosanthemum floribundum (Aizoaceae) Stiffly hairy shrub/leaves succulent/flowers solitary/flowers 10-25 mm/many stamens/rocky coastlines-garden plant/Mar-June

Frankenia pulverulenta Annual Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Hairy annual/leaves oblongspatulate/petals 3-5 mm/6 stamens/rocky coastlines-marshland-beaches/Mar-Nov

Gomphocarpus fruticosus Bristly Silkweed (Asclepiadaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves linearlanceolate/flowers 12-14 mm/stamens fused/fields-marshland-road sides/May-Sep

Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/flowers with long stalks/ calyx 4-7 mm/petals entire or lobed

Lonicera pyrenaica* (Caprifoliaceae) Plant woody below/flower 12-20 mm/5 stamens/ May-June

Minuartia hybrida Fine-leaved Sandwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flowers 5-8 mm/stalk of the flower longer than calyx/10 stamens/calcareous fields-walls-rocky soils/Mar-Sep

Minuartia mediterranea (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 5-8 mm/10 stamens/flower stalk < sepals/calcareous fields-walls-rocky soils/Mar-Sep

Myrtus communis Myrtle (Myrtaceae) Evergreen shrub/leaves acutely lanceolate/flowers up to 3 cm/many stamens/tree heather macchia-oak forests-marshland/May-June

Nothoscordum fragans (Liliaceae) Bulbous plant/leaves with parallel veins and linear/flowers in umbels (4 cm)/petals with pink central vein

Paronychia argentea (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub/leaves linear-lanceolate, egglanceolate or rounded/flower clusters 8-10 mm/5 stamens/fields-road sides/Mar-June

Paronychia capitata (Caryophyllaceae) Procumbent plant/softly hairy/leaves oblanceolate flower clusters 8-10 mm/flowers terminal/5 stamens/fields-road sides/Mar-July

Polycarpon alsinifolium Four-leaved Allseed (Caryophyllaceae) Procumbent annual/ leaves ovate or lanceolate/flowers 2-3 mm/petals divided/1-5 stamens/sandy soilsbeaches/Mar-July

Polycarpon polycarpoides* (Caryophyllaceae) Plant/woody below/petals 1-2 mm/5 stamens/rocky coastlines/Apr-Aug

Polycarpon tetraphyllum Four-leaved Allseed (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves obovate and in whorls of 4/flowers 2-3 mm/petals divided/1-5 stamens/fields-walls-rocky soilsroad sides/Mar-July

Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Plant woody below/lower leaves obovate-lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 8-11 mm/flowers in terminal inflorescences and with 8 stamens/garigues-macchia-forests/Formentera/Apr-July

Prunella laciniata Cut-leaved Self-heal (Lamiaceae) Hairy annual with stipules/leaves pinnately lobed/flowers 14-20 mm/many flowers/5 stamens/fields-road sides/Menorca/ May-Sep

Saponaria officinalis Soapwort (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with elliptical leaves/flowers 25-38 mm/petals entire or lobed/forests-crop plant/June-Sep

Silene disticha (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/calyx with rough hairs/calyx 8-9 mm/petals hardly protruding from calyx/flowers almost sessile/flowers in groups of 3-8/May

Silene gallica Small-flowered Catchfly (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/lower leaves spatulate or oblanceolate, upper leaves lanceolate or linear/flowers sessile/calyx 7-10 mm/petals entire or lobed/fields-road sides/Apr-May

Silene mollissima* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant/petals divided/calyx 17-25 mm/rock crevices/May-June

Silene nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky, hairy annual/petals divided/calyx 10-13 mm/ May

Silene nocturna (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy annual/leaves with short stalks, spatulate or obovate to lanceolate/petals hardly protruding from calyx/petals divided/calyx 9-13 mm/flowers almost sessile/fields-road sides/Apr-June

Silene sedoides (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy annual/leaves succulent/flowers stalked/ flowers in groups of 1-2/calyx 6-8 mm/petals hardly protruding from calyx/rocky coastlines/May

Silene tridentata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves lanceolate above, oblanceolate or obovate below/flowers sessile/calyx 11-14 mm/petals entire or lobed

Silene vulgaris Bladder Campion (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with lanceolate leaves/flowers 12-16 mm/petals divided/calyx inflated/fields-road sides/May-June

Spergularia bocconei Greek Sea-spurrey (Caryophyllaceae) Herb with papery stipules/ leaves with terminal bristle/flowers 7-9 mm/3 styles/10 stamens/fields-rocky coastlinesmarshland-road sides/Dec-June

Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves succulent/flowers 6-8 mm/ petals entire/10 stamens/sepals approximately as big as the petals/Apr-Sep

Spergularia nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with succulent leaves/flowers 9-12 mm/ 10 stamens/Mar-July

Stellaria media (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves hairless/leaves ovate or lanceolate/ flowers 4-7 mm/petals divided/0-10 stamens/fields-road sides/Jan-June

Stellaria pallida Lesser Chickweed (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves acutely ovate/ flowers 4-5 mm/2 stamens/fields-walls-rocky soils-road sides/Jan-Dec

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort (Asclepiadaceae) Plant with acutely-ovate leaves/base of leaves cordate/flowers 5-10 mm/rock crevices/May-July

Cow BasilVaccaria hispanica(Caryophyllaceae)

Flowers small


1A-Leaves lanceolate

Silene apetala

1B-Leaves fleshy


2B-Leaves almost imbricate

Crassula tillaea

2C-Leaves not so

Crassula vaillantii

Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/flowers 1-2 mm/leaves succulent/leaf stalk longer than the leaves/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/lower leaves narrow and lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/petals missing or hidden in calyx/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/fieldsroad sides/Feb-Mar

2-4 petals


1A-Flowers with 2 or 3 petals

Crassula tillaea

1B-Flowers with 4 petals


2A-Flowers up to 2 mm big

Crassula vaillantii

2B-Flowers 4-5 mm

Exaculum pusillum

Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/flowers 1-2 mm/leaves succulent/leaf stalk longer than the leaves/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

Exaculum pusillum (Gentianaceae) Herb with lanceolate leaves/flowers 4-5 mm/stigma divided in 2

5 petals


1A-Sepals of the flower fused


2A-Flowers with 2 styles


3A-Stem without hairs


4A-Flowers 6-8 mm

Gypsophila pilosa

4B-Flowers 8-16 mm

Vaccaria hispanica (p. 24)

4C-Flowers > 16 mm

Saponaria officinalis (199)

3B-Stem with hairs


4A-Leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide

Petrorhagia nanteuilii

4B-Leaf sheath much longer than wide

Petrorhagia dubia

2B-Flowers with 3-5 styles


3A-Calyx of the flower < 13 mm


4A-Petals not visible or lacking

Silene apetala

4B-Petals entire


5A-Calyx < 3 mm

Silene gallica

5B-Calyx 11-14 mm

Silene tridentata

4C-Petals lobed


5A-Calyx not contracted

Silene rubella

5B-Calyx opening contracted

Silene cerastoides

4D-Petals deeply divided


5A-Flowers solitary

Silene colorata

5B-Flowers in groups of 2-8

Silene nicaeensis

3B-Calyx of the flower > 13 mm


4A-Flowers in groups of 1-3


5A-Stem with glandular hairs

Silene almolae

5B-Stem without glandular hairs

Silene sericea

4B-Flowers in groups of > 3


5A-Plants without hairs

Silene muscipula

5B-Plants (almost) hairless

Silene secundiflora

5C-Plants with hairs


6A-Petals entire

Silene pseudatocion*

6B-Petals of the flower divided


7A-Plants woody below

Silene hifacensis*

7B-Plants not woody below

Silene bellidifolia

1B-Sepals of the flower separated


2A-Petals of the flower fused


3A-Leaves with stalks

Nerium oleander (7)

3B-Leaves sessile


4A-Stem 4-angled


5A-Petals > sepals

Anagallis tenella

5B-Petals and sepals of equal length

Anagallis arvensis (9)

4B-Stem not 4-angled


5A-Flowers 5-9 mm/stems branched

Centaurium pulchellum

5B-Flowers bigger


6A-Flowers salmon coloured

Centaurium bianoris *

6B-Flowers pink

Centaurium erythraea (30)

2B-Petals of the flower separated


3A-Leaves without stipules


4A-Flowers with 4-5 stamens


5A-Flowers 5-9 mm/stems branched

Centaurium pulchellum

5B-Flowers bigger


6A-Flowers salmon coloured

Centaurium bianoris *

6B-Flowers pink

Centaurium erythraea (30)

4B-Flowers with 6 stamens


5A-Flowers terminal

Frankenia hirsuta

5B-Flowers different

Frankenia laevis (6)

4C-Flowers with 10 stamens

Rhodalsine geniculata

3B-Leaves with stipules


4A-Sepals of the flower 2-4 mm


5A-Leaves with terminal bristle

Spergularia bocconei

5B-Leaves without terminal bristle

Spergularia marina

4B-Sepals of the flower 4-6 mm

Spergularia media (18)

More than 5 petals


1A-Leaves almost cylindrical

Drosanthemum floribundum

1B-Leaves triangular


2A-Flowers 24-30 mm

Lampranthus multiradiatus (19)

2B-Flowers 30-40 mm

Lampranthus roseus

Flowers irregular


1A-Leaves with stalks

Thymus richardii*(8)

1B-Leaves sessile


2A-Flowers < 8 mm/stems almost hairless


3A-Bracts/leaves oval or triangular

Micromeria microphylla*

3B-Upper bracts/leaves lanceolate

Micromeria nervosa

2B-Flowers > 8 mm


3A-Stem without hairs

Polygala nicaeensis

3B-Stem white tomentose

Teucrium marum*(12)

Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-7 mm/fields-road sides/Apr-May

Anagallis tenella Bog Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Hairless annual/stem 4-angled/leaves rounded/flowers 6-10 mm/marshland/Apr-Sep

Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers 11-18 mm/ calcareous fields/Apr-June

Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/lower leaves obovate, stem leaves oblong to narrowly ovate/flowers 9-15 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-garigues pine forest-macchia-marshland/Apr-Aug

Centaurium pulchellum Lesser Centaury (Gentianaceae) Branched annual/leaves ovatelanceolate/flowers 5-9 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-May

Drosanthemum floribundum (Aizoaceae) Dwarf shrub to 15 cm/leaves almost cylindrical flowers 10-25 mm/many stamens/with transparent/papillae/rocky coastlines/Mar-June

Frankenia hirsuta (Frankeniaceae) Plant with terminal flowers/leaves rolled in/petals 4-6 mm/rocky coastlines/Apr-May

Frankenia laevis Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Plant with leaves in whorls/petals 4-6 mm/ rocky coastlines/Apr-May

Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves linear to lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/petals lobed/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with papery joints

Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-angled/flowers 24-30 mm/many stamens/garden plant/Apr-May

Lampranthus roseus (Aizoaceae) Dwarf shrub to 15 cm/leaves 3-angled/flowers 3-4 cm/ many stamens/without transparent papillae/garden plant/Apr-May

Micromeria microphylla* (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/flowers 5-8 mm/leaves in pairs/ leaves and bracts oval or triangular/fields-rock crevices-walls-road sides/May-June

Micromeria nervosa (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves acutely ovate/flowers 4-6 mm/upper leaves or bracts linear-lanceolate/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

Nerium oleander Oleander (Apocynaceae) Shrub/leaves oblong lanceolate/flowers > 3 cm marshland-garden plant/May-June

Petrorhagia dubia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/stem hairy/leaf sheath > 2x as long as wide/ flowers 2-3 mm/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with veins/calyx tubes with papery joints

Petrorhagia nanteuilii Childling Pink (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flower with 2 styles or stigmas/stem partly with glandular hairs/leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide/calyx with veins/calyx tubes with papery joints/fields-roadsides/May-June

Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Plant woody below/lower leaves obovate-lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 8-11 mm/flowers in terminal inflorescences and with 8 stamens/garigues-macchia-forests/Formentera/Apr-July

Rhodalsine geniculata (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy plant/flowers axillary/flowers 5-8 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-road sides/Apr-May

Saponaria officinalis Soapwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual plant/leaves acutely ovate/ flower with 2 styles or stigmas/calyx without veins/calyx smooth and tubular/June-Sep

Silene almolae (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/stem with glandular hairs/flowers in groups of 1-3/calyx 12-18 mm/3 styles

Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/lower leaves narrowly lanceolate, upper leaves linear-lanceolate/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/petals hidden in calyx or missing/fieldsroad sides/Feb-Mar

Silene bellidifolia (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/flowers in groups/petals divided/ flowers in dense inflorescences/flowers with long stalks

Silene cerastoides (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/petals lobed/calyx opening contracted/ calyx 8-11 mm/calyx with veins/rocky coastlines-calcareous fields-beaches/Mar-May

Silene colorata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves spatulate to linear/petals deeply divided/flowers solitary/3 styles/calyx < 13 mm/calyx with veins/ fields-beaches-road sides/May

Silene gallica Small-flowered Catchfly (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves oblong spatulate/flowers 7-14 mm/calyx < 3 mm/calyx with veins/3 styles/fields-road sides/ Apr-June

Silene hifacensis* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy plant/calyx with 10 veins/rock crevices/Ibiza/ Apr-June

Silene muscipula (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers with short stalks/ flowers in groups/calyx 13-17 mm/3 styles

Silene nicaeensis (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky, hairy annual/petals deeply divided/flowers in groups of 2-8/calyx < 13 mm/calyx with veins/3 styles/May

Silene pseudatocion* (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/flowers in groups of > 3/flowers in inflorescences/calyx 13-20 mm/calyx with glandular hairs/3 styles/Apr-June

Silene rubella (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/petals not divided/calyx opening not contracted/calyx 7-11 mm/calyx with veins/3 styles/fields-road sides/May-June

Silene secundiflora (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flowers 7-8 mm/calyx 13-17 mm/calyx with 5-10 veins/3 styles/rocky coastlines-calcareous fields-beaches/Apr-June

Silene sericea (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/3 styles/calyx 12-20 mm/flowers solitary or rarely in groups of 2-3

Silene tridentata (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/upper leaves lanceolate, lower leaves obovate/flowers sessile/calyx 11-14 mm/petals entire or lobed/3 styles/Ibiza

Spergularia bocconei Greek Sea-spurrey (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves with terminal bristle/petals < sepals/sepals 2-4 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-marshlandroad sides/Dec-June

Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves linear and succulent/ flowers 3-6 mm/sepals 2-4 mm/Apr-May

Spergularia media (Caryophyllaceae) Plant with stipules/leaves succulent/flowers 9-12 mm/sepals 4-6 mm/7-10 stamens/rocky coastlines-marshland-salt meadows/Apr-June

Teucrium marum* Cat Thyme (Lamiaceae) Grey dwarf shrub/stem white wooly/leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 10-12 mm/flower without upper lip and with 4 stamens/rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forests/Apr-Oct

Thymus richardii* (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub/flower 7-9 mm/calyx with 10-13 veins/rock crevices-shady slopes/Ibiza/June-July

Vaccaria hispanica Cow Basil (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate/flowers 8-16 mm/calyx with 5 wings/2 styles or stigmas/fields-road sides/Feb-July

Grey-leaved CistusCistus albidus(Cistaceae)

Flowers small


1A-Aquatic plant

Elatine hydropiper

1B-Land plant


2A-Leaves fleshy

Lythrum portula

2B-Leaves not so

Elatine macropoda

2-4 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks

Elatine hydropiper

5 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks


2A-Herb/flowers 25-35mm

Mirabilis jalapa

2B-Plants woody below/flowers 6-8 mm

Vincetoxicum nigrum

2C-Shrub/flowers 40-60 mm

Cistus creticus

1B-Leaves sessile


2A-Petals of the flower fused


3A-Stem 4-angled/flowers 4-7 mm

Anagallis arvensis (9)

3B-Stem round/flowers 12-14 mm


4A-Flowers solitary

Centaurium spicatum

4B-Flowers in groups/Apr-May

Centaurium tenuiflorum

2B-Petals of the flower separated


3A-Sepals fused


4A-Petal margin toothed

Dianthus rupicola*

4B-Petal margin entire


5A-Plants woody below

Silene hifacensis*

5B-Plants not woody below


6A-Sepals > petals

Agrostemma githago (p. 46)

6B-Calyx < 11 mm

Silene rubella

6C-Calyx 10-25 mm

Silene cambessedesii*

3B-Sepals not so




5A-Plants woody below

Spergularia fimbriata

5B-Plants not woody below


6A-Inflorescence without bracts

Spergularia diandra

6B-Inflorescence with bracts


7A-Seeds black

Spergularia heldreichii

7B-Seeds brown

Spergularia rubra



5A-Plants with hairs/flowers 4-6 cm

Cistus albidus (p. 30)

5B-Plants without hairs/flowers small

Coriaria myrtifolia

Agrostemma githago Corn Cockle (Caryophyllaceae) Grey hairy annual/leaves linearlanceolate/flowers 3-5 cm/5 styles/fields-road sides/May

Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/stem 4-angled/leaves obovate/flowers 4-7 mm/5 stamens/fields-road sides/Apr-May

Centaurium spicatum Spiked Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves ovate below, elliptical above/flowers 12-14 mm/June-Oct

Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves broadly ovate below, elliptical-oblong above/flower 12-14 mm/fields-marshland-beaches/Apr-May

Cistus albidus Grey-leaved Cistus (Cistaceae) Greyhwhite hairy shrub/leaves ovate to elliptical/flowers 4-6 cm/flower stalk 5-20 mm/many stamens/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

Cistus creticus (Cistaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 4-6 cm/gariguespine forest-beaches/Apr-June

Coriaria myrtifolia Mediterranean Coriaria (Coriariaceae) Shrub/stem 4-angled leaves acutely lanceolate to egg-shaped/flowers 2-5 cm/marshland/Apr-July

Dianthus rupicola* (Caryophyllaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-5 mm wide/petal margin toothed/ petals 10-15 mm/rock crevices/July-Sep

Elatine hydropiper Eight-stamened Waterwort (Elatinaceae) Aquatic plant/leaves elliptical/8 stamens/marshland/Menorca

Elatine macropoda (Elatinaceae) Annual/flowers stalked/4 sepals and petals/8 stamens/ marshland/May-July

Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) Annual/leaves acutely-ovate/flowers 25-35mm with 5 stamens/fields-marshland-road sides-garden plant/July-Oct

Silene cambessedesii* (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs/calyx 10-25 mm/ calyx with veins/rocky coastlines-beaches/Mar-June

Silene hifacensis* (Caryophyllaceae) Woody below/hairy/petal edge roled in/calyx 17-21 mm/calyx with veins/rock crevices/Ibiza

Silene rubella (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/calyx < 11 mm/calyx with veins fieldsroad sides/May-June

Spergularia diandra (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves with triangular stipules/flowers 3-5 mm/2-3 stamens/rocky coastlines/Apr-June

Spergularia fimbriata (Caryophyllaceae) Plant woody below/leaves with stipules/petals 4-6 mm/10 stamens/Ibiza

Spergularia heldreichii (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with stipules/inflorescence with (2)6-8(10) stamens/seeds black/capsule 2-3 mm

Spergularia rubra (Caryophyllaceae) Sticky annual/leaves linear with stipules/petals 3-4 mm/stamens 5-10/seeds brown/fields-marshland-beaches-road sides/Apr-May

Vincetoxicum nigrum Dark Swallow-wort (Asclepiadaceae) Leaves broadly ovatelanceolate/flowers 6-8 mm/stamens fused/rock crevices/May-Aug

More than 5 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks


2A-Flowers 1-2 mm

Lythrum borysthenicum

2B-Flowers > 10 mm

Aptenia cordifolia

1B-Leaves sessile


2A-Plants with hairs

Drosanthemum hispidum

2B-Plants without hairs


3A-Flowers up to 2 mm big

Lythrum portula

3B-Flowers > 10 mm


4A-Flowers with 4-5 styles

Lampranthus multiradiatus (19)

4B-Flowers with 8-20 styles


5A-Stamens of the flower white

Disphyma crassifolia

5B-Stamens of the flower red

Carpobrotus chilensis

5C-Stamens of the flower yellow


6A-Flowers 8-9 cm

Carpobrotus edulis (10)

6B-Flowers > 10 cm

Carpobrotus acinaciformis

Flowers irregular


1A-Herb without hairs

Centranthus ruber (11)

1B-Hairy dwarf shrub


2A-Upper lip of the flower divided

Coridothymus capitatus

2B-Upper and lower lip of the flower lobed

Micromeria graeca

Aptenia cordifolia (Aizoaceae) Plant with flat leaves/leaves cordate-ovate and with delicate hairs/flowers 2 cm/flowers with 4 stigmas/fields-road sides/Apr-Nov

Carpobrotus acinaciformis Red Hottentot Fig (Aizoaceae) Hairless plant/flower 11-12 cm many yellow stamens/leaves succulent and 3-angled/rocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-Aug

Carpobrotus chilensis (Aizoaceae) Plant woody below/hairless/flower 25-50 mm/many red stamens/Menorca + Ibiza

Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot Fig (Aizoaceae) Mat-forming plant/hairless/flower 8-9 cm/ many yellow stamens/rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forest-beaches/Apr-Aug

Centranthus ruber Red Valerian (Valerianaceae) Annual with sessile leaves/leaves ovatelanceolate/flower 7-10 mm/1 stamen/fields-walls-rocky soils-road sides/Apr-Sep

Coridothymus capitatus (Lamiaceae) Dwarf shrub with sessile leaves/leaves narrow/upper lip divided/flowers sessile/4 stamens/flowers 7-10 mm/garigues-pine forest/June-Oct

Disphyma crassifolia (Aizoaceae) Grounded-covering plant/leaves succulent/flowers 3-5 cm/rocky coastlines-beaches-garden plant/May-Aug

Drosanthemum hispidum (Aizoaceae) Shrub with succulent leaves/hairy/leaves sessile/ flowers 25-30 mm/Mar-June

Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-angled/flowers 24-30 mm/many stamens/garden plant/Apr-May

Lythrum borysthenicum (Lythraceae) Hairless annual/leaves ovate/flowers 1-2 mm/6 stamens/marshland-calcareous fields-beaches/Mar-Apr

Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

Micromeria graeca (Lamiaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub with sessile leaves/leaves acutely ovate-oblong/flowers with lobed upper and lower lip/flowers stalked/flowers 6-8 mm/4 stamens/fields-garigues-pine forest-road sides/Apr-July

Blue PimpernelAnagallis foemina(Primulaceae)


Flowers small



Valerianella eriocarpa

2-4 petals


1A-Leaves sessile

Veronica anagallis-aquatica (17)

5 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks

Vinca difformis

1B-Leaves sessile


2A-Flowers with 2 to 4 stamens


3A-Flowers 2-3 mm

Valerianella eriocarpa

3B-Flowers 6-8 mm

Lavandula stoechas (20)

2B-Flowers with 5 stamens


3A-Petals entire

Anagallis foemina (p. 34)

3B-Petal margin with hairs

Anagallis arvensis (9)

Flower irregular


1A-Leaves sessile




3A-Flowers with 2 stamens

Rosmarinus officinalis

3B-Flowers with 8 stamens

Polygala nicaeensis

2B-Shrub/flowers with 4 stamens

Teucrium marum*(12)

1B-Leaves with stalks


2A-Herb/leaves simple/flowers 4-6 mm

Mentha pulegium

2B-Shrub/leaves palmate

Vitex agnus-castus

Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers 4-7 mm/petals toothed or with hairy margin/fields and waste land/Apr-Oct

Anagallis foemina Blue Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Annual/flowers 4-7 mm/ leaves linear/ petals entire/calcareous fields and waste land/Apr-Oct

Lavandula stoechas French Lavender (Lamiaceae) Hairy shrub/leaves oblong-lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/4 stamens/garigues-macchia-pine forest/Mar-June

Mentha pulegium Downy Penny-royal (Lamiaceae) Annual/leaves oval/flowers 4-6 mm/ no distinct lower and upper lip/flowers across the entire stem/wet places/Apr-Aug

Polygala nicaeensis Nice Milkwort (Polygalaceae) Plant woody below/leaves lanceolate/ flowers 8-11 mm/8 stamens/garigues-macchia-forests/Formentera/Apr-July

Rosmarinus officinalis Rosemary (Lamiaceae) Aromatic shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves linear/flowers 10-12 mm/2 stamens/garigues-macchia/Jan-Dec

Teucrium marum* Cat Thyme (Lamiaceae) Grey dwarf shrub/stem white-wooly/leaves lanceolate/flowers 10-12 mm/4 stamens/ rocky coastlines-garigues-pine forests/Apr-Oct

Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad (Valerianaceae) Annual/leaves spoonshaped below, oblong above/flowers 2-3 mm/3 stamens/waste land/Apr-May

Veronica anagallis-aquatica Blue Water Speedwell (Scrophulariaceae) Plant with hollow stem/leaves lanceolate/flowers 5-10 mm/inflorescences opposite/wet places/Apr-Sep

Vinca difformis Periwinkle (Apocynaceae) creeping plant with evergreen leaves/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 30-45 mm/scrub/Dec-July

Vitex agnus-castus Chastity Bush (Verbenaceae) Shrub/leaves palmate/flowers 8-10 mm/flowers with 2 lips/wet places/Aug-Oct

Cat’s-head RockroseHelianthemum caput-felis*(Cistaceae)

2-4 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks

Euonymus europaeus (13)

1B-Leaves sessile



Buxus balearica



3A-Plants with 1-3 stems

Cicendia filiformis

3B-Plants with many stems


4A-Leaves mucronate (magnifying glass)

Sagina apetala

4B-Leaves different (magnifying glass)

Sagina maritima

5 petals


1A-Leaves with stalks

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

1B-Leaves sessile


2A-Petals of the flower fused

Centaurium maritimum

2B-Petals of the flower separated


3A-Leaves without stipules


4A-Plants with hairs



Hypericum tomentosum



6A-Flowers 5-8 mm

Helianthemum origanifolium

6B-Flowers 10-15 mm

Helianthemum marifolium*

6C-Flowers 20-30 mm

Halimium halimifolium

4B-Plants without hairs




6A-Calyx of the flower with glands


7A-Leaves 7-25 mm

Hypericum australe

7B-Leaves 13-60 mm

Hypericum perfoliatum

6B-Calyx of the flower without glands


7A-Flowers 10-20 mm

Hypericum triquetrifolium

7B-Flowers 20-30 mm

Hypericum perforatum



6A-Leaves with wavy margin

Hypericum balearicum* (p. 180)

6B-Leaf margin not like this

Hypericum hircinum* (14)

3B-Leaves with stipules



Helianthemum salicifolium

4B-Dwarf shrub


5A-Outer stamens not fertile

Fumana thymifolia

5B-All stamens fertile


6A-Epicalyx oval

Helianthemum caput-felis* (p. 36)

6B-Epicalyx linear

Helianthemum nummularium

More than 5 petals


1A-Flowers 8-15 mm

Blackstonia perfoliata

1B-Flowers 20-30 mm/leaves triangular

Lampranthus multiradiatus (19)

1C-Flowers 80-90 mm

Carpobrotus edulis (15)

Flowers dandelionlike


1A-Leaves sessile

Picris echioides

Blackstonia perfoliata Yellow-wort (Gentianaceae) Erect annual with basal leaf rosette/ stem leaves joint at the base/flowers 8-15 mm/wet places/Jan-Sep

Buxus balearica Balearic Box (Buxaceae) Evergreen shrub/leaves ovate-elliptical/flower groups up to 10 mm/4 stamens/mountain forests-rocky coasts/Jan-Feb

Carpobrotus edulis Hottentot Fig (Aizoaceae) Procumbent plant with succulent leaves/ leaves triangular in diameter/flowers 8-9 cm/many yellow stamens/Apr-Aug

Centaurium maritimum Yellow Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves elliptical/flowers 11-25 mm/garigues-dry meadows/Apr-July

Cicendia filiformis Yellow Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual with 1-3 stems/leaves linear/ flowers solitary/flowers with long stalks/flowers 3-7 mm/fields/Menorca/Apr-July

Euonymus europaeus Spindle (Celastraceae) Shrub/twigs 4-angled/leaves ovatelanceolate/flowers 8-10 mm/oak forests-hedgerows/Mar-May

Fumana thymifolia Thyme-leaved Fumana (Cistaceae) Dwarf shrub with stipules/leaves needle-like/flowers 9-14 mm/outer filaments of the stamens without anthers/rocky areas-garigues/Mar-June

Halimium halimifolium (Cistaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub without stipules/leaves elliptical/ flowers 2-3 cm/on sand/Apr-May

Helianthemum caput-felis* Cat’s-head Rockrose (Cistaceae) Small shrub with stipules/ leaves linear-lanceolate/flowers 16-22 mm/all stamens fertile/epicalyx oval + reflexed/ beaches/May-June

Helianthemum marifolium* (Cistaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub/leaves oval/lower side of leaves grey or white-wooly/flowers 10-15 mm/oak and pine forest-garigues-beaches/ Feb-July

Helianthemum nummularium Common Rockrose (Cistaceae) Dwarf shrub with stipules/ leaves oblong/lower side of leaves with grey hairs/flowers 12-20 mm/all stamens fertile/ epicalyx linear/Apr-May

Helianthemum origanifolium (Cistaceae) Hairy dwarf shrub/flowers 5-8mm/on sand/ Apr-May

Helianthemum salicifolium Willow-leaved Rockrose (Cistaceae) Annual with stipules/ hairy/leaves obovate/flowers 10-22 mm/Mar-June

Hypericum australe (Hypericaceae) Hairless plant/leaves lanceolate/petals 8-11mm/calyx with glands/Menorca

Hypericum balearicum* Balearic St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Shrub/twigs 4-angled/ leaves ovate-oblong/leaf edge wavy/flowers 15-40 mm/oak forest-olive tree plantations/ Jan-Dec

Hypericum hircinum* Stinking Tutsan (Hypericaceae) Shrub/leaves narrowly lanceolate to oval/flowers 25-30 mm/wet places in the mountains/May-Sep

Hypericum perfoliatum (Hypericaceae) Annual/leaves lanceolate/flowers 16-26 mm/calyx with glands/fields-road sides/May-June

Hypericum perforatum Perforate St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Annual/leaves oval to linear/flowers 2-3 cm/waste land/May-July

Hypericum tomentosum (Hypericaceae) Hairy annual/leaves ovate/flowers 10-22 mm/ wet places/Apr-Sep

Hypericum triquetrifolium Crisped St. John’s-wort (Hypericaceae) Annual with wavy leaves/leaves triangular-lanceolate/flowers 10-20 mm/garigues-fields-waste land/ Menorca/Mar-Oct

Lampranthus multiradiatus (Aizoaceae) Shrub with sessile leaves/leaves 3-angled/ flowers 24-30 mm/garden plant/Apr-May

Picris echioides Bristly Ox-tongue (Compositae) Hairy annual/multi-flowered/bracts hairy and in multiple rows/flowers up to 20-25 mm/waste land-road sides/May-Sep

Sagina apetala Annual Pearlwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves acutely spined or tipped (magnifying glass)/flowers 2-4 mm/calcareous fields-walls-rocky soils/Apr-May

Sagina maritima Sea Pearlwort (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves linear-lanceolate/ flowers 4-6 mm/dunes-calcareous fields-beaches/Apr-May

Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (Asclepiadaceae) Winding plant/leaves cordate-ovate/flowers 5-10 mm/in groups of 6-8/grassland/May-July

Narrow-leaved Mock PrivetPhillyrea angustifolia(Oleaceae)

Flowers small


1A-Aquatic plant


2A-With floating leaves

Potamogeton natans

2B-Only with submerged leaves

Potamogeton pusillus



2A-Leaves flat and stalked

Halimione portulacoides

2B-Leaves scale-like/stem fleshy


3A-Seeds black

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum

3B-Seeds grey or brown


4A-With stems below ground

Sarcocornia perennis (16)

4B-Without stems below ground

Sarcocornia fruticosa



2A-Leaves fleshy

Salicornia ramosissima

2B-Leaves different


3A-Leaves stalked

Spinacia oleraceae

3B-Leaves sessile

Herniaria hirsuta

Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Chenopodiaceae) Shrub/leaves succulent + in scales/ flowers small/rocky coastlines-marshland/Apr-Sep

Halimione portulacoides Sea Purslane (Chenopodiaceae) Small silvery shrub/lower leaves cordate/rocky coastlines-marshland/July-Oct

Herniaria hirsuta Hairy Rupture-wort (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves elliptical/ flower 1-2 mm/calyx densely hairy/2-5 stamens/dry places/Apr-June

Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant with leaves on the water surface

Potamogeton pusillus Lesser Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant without leaves on the water surface

Salicornia ramosissima Wood Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves succulent flowers small + with yellow stamens/marshland/Aug-Oct

Sarcocornia fruticosa (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/stem whitish/leaves succulent/ rocky coastlines-marshland/June-Sep

Sarcocornia perennis Shrubby Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Mat forming dwarf shrub/ leaves succulent/marshland/June-Sep

Spinacia oleraceae Spinach (Chenopodiaceae) Annual/calyx with 4-5 parts/4-5 stamens/ crop plant

2-4 petals


1A-Aquatic plant


2A-With floating leaves

Potamogeton natans

2B-Only with submerged leaves

Potamogeton pusillus

1B-Land plant


2A-Leaves not fleshy


3A-Stem not woody

Salicornia ramosissima

3B-Stem woody


4A-With stems below ground

Sarcocornia perennis (16)

4B-Without stems below ground

Sarcocornia fruticosa

2B-Leaves fleshy


3A-Leaves sessile


4A-Leaves linear or lanceolate

Euphorbia falcata

4B-Leaves obovate

Euphorbia peplus (71)

3B-Leaves with stalks


4A-Twigs hairy

Phillyrea latifolia

4B-Twigs hairless

Phillyrea angustifolia (p. 40)

5 petals


1A-Leaves sessile


2A-Sepals of the flower fused

Silene apetala

2B-Sepals of the flower separated

Loeflingia hispanica

1B-Leaves with stalks


2A-Flowers with 5 stamens

Moehringia pentandra

2B-Flowers with 15 stamens

Tetragonia tetragonoides

Flowers different


1A-Stem hairy above

Euphorbia prostrata

1B-Stem without hairs


2A-Leaves with stipules

Euphorbia peplis

2B-Leaves without stipules

Euphorbia lathyris

Euphorbia falcata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear or lanceolate/capsule without wings/fields/May-Sep

Euphorbia lathyris Caper (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves linear/inflorescence with 2-6 rays/Apr-July

Euphorbia peplis Purple Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/leaves not irregular and with stipules/beaches/June-Sep

Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge (Euphorbiaceae) Annual with latex/leaves obovate/fieldsroad sides/May-Oct

Euphorbia prostrata (Euphorbiaceae) Herb with latex/stem hairy above/leaves oblong/ fields-road sides/May-July

Loeflingia hispanica Loeflingia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs/leaves linear/flowers 3-4 mm/3 stamens/beaches/Ibiza/Mar-June

Moehringia pentandra Moehringia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/stem hairy/leaves ovate/ flowers 4-8 mm/flower only with sepals/without petals/5 stamens/shady mountains/ Apr-May

Phillyrea angustifolia Narrow-leaved Mock Privet (Oleaceae) Evergreen shrub/leaves narrowly lanceolate + with 4-6 pairs of veins/flowers 2-3 mm/garigues-pine forest-olive tree plantations/Mar-June

Phillyrea latifolia Green Olive Tree (Oleaceae) Evergreen shrub/twigs with fine hairs/ young leaves cordate-ovate to lanceolate/flowers 2-3 mm/tree heath-garigues-oak forest-pine forest-rock crevices/Mar-June

Potamogeton natans Broad-leaved Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant with leaves on the water surface

Potamogeton pusillus Lesser Pondweed (Potamogetonaceae) Aquatic plant without leaves on the water surface

Salicornia ramosissima Wood Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/leaves succulent flowers small + with yellow stamens/marshland/Aug-Oct

Sarcocornia fruticosa (Chenopodiaceae) Dwarf shrub/stem whitish/leaves succulent/ rocky coastlines-marshland/June-Sep

Sarcocornia perennis Shrubby Glasswort (Chenopodiaceae) Mat forming dwarf shrub/ leaves succulent/marshland/June-Sep

Silene apetala (Caryophyllaceae) Hairy annual/leaves small to linear-lanceolate/petals missing or not visible/3 styles/calyx 7-10 mm/fields-road sides/Feb-May

Tetragonia tetragonoides New Zealand Spinach (Aizoaceae) Annual/leaves 3-angled/ flowers almost sessile axillary, mostly with 15 stamens

HoneysuckleLonicera implexa(Caprifoliaceae)

5 petals


1A-Flowers white with orange centre

Zygophyllum fabago

1B-Flowers different


2A-Petals fused

Centaurium bianoris*

2B-Petals separated


3A-Flowers yellow with black markings

Halimium halimifolium

3B-Flowers white with yellow base

Helianthemum appeninum

Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers salmon-coloured and yellow/flowers 11-18 mm/calcareous fields/Apr-June

Halimium halimifolium (Cistaceae) Hairy shrub/hairs stellate/leaves oblong-elliptical/ flowers yellow with black spot/flowers 2-4 cm/many stamens/3-5 dissimilar sepals/ pine forest-beaches/May-July

Helianthemum appeninum White Rockrose (Cistaceae) Hairy shrub/hairs stellate/leaves oblong-lanceolate/flowers white with yellow base/flowers 14-20 mm/many stamens/ rock crevices/Apr-July

Zygophyllum fabago Syrian Bean-caper (Zygophyllaceae) Plant with inverted-ovate leaves/flowers white with orange centre/10 stamens/waste land-road sides/June

More than 5 petals


1A-Leaves sessile

Nothoscordum fragans

Nothoscordum fragans (Liliaceae) Bulbous plant with parallel-veined leaves/flowers in 4 cm big umbels/petals with pink middle vein/fields-road sides

Flower irregular


1A-Flowers 8-16 mm and with 2-3 stamens

Fedia cornucopiae

1B-Flowers 35-45 mm and with 5 stamens

Lonicera implexa (p. 44)

Fedia cornucopiae (Valerianaceae) Annual/leaves spatulate/flowers 8-16 mm/flowers marked red + pink/2-3 stamens/fields-road sides/Apr-June

Lonicera implexa Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae) Ascending evergreen shrub with sessile leaves/leaves ovate-elliptical/flowers 35-45 mm/5 stamens/tree heath-oak forest-pine forest/Apr-June

Corn CockleAgrostemma githago(Caryophyllaceae)

Flowers small


1A-Flowers violet


2A-Aquatic plant


3A-Upper leaves stalked

Elatine hydropiper

3B-Upper leaves sessile

Elatine macropoda

2B-Land plant


3A-Stems 4-6angled

Valerianella eriocarpa

3B-Stem round

Lythrum portula

2-4 petals


1A-Flowers violet


2A-Aquatic plant


3A-Upper leaves stalked

Elatine hydropiper

3B-Upper leaves sessile

Elatine macropoda

2B-Land plant


3A-Flowers with 2 or 3 petals

Crassula tillaea

3B-Flowers with 4 petals


4A-Flowers to 2 mm

Crassula vaillantii

4B-Flowers 4-5 mm

Exaculum pusillum

4C-Flowers 5-10 mm

Veronica anagallis-aquatica (17)

Crassula tillaea Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Moss-like plant/leaves almost overlapping, ovate-lanceolate, succulent/petals < sepals/petals 1 mm/fields-road sidesrock crevices/Jan-Aug

Crassula vaillantii Narrow-leaved Mossy Stonecrop (Crassulaceae) Annual/flowers 1-2 mm/leaves succulent/leaf stalk longer than the leaves/marshland/Menorca/Mar-June

Elatine hydropiper Eight-stamened Waterwort (Elatinaceae) Aquatic plant/leaves elliptical/8 stamens/marshland/Menorca

Elatine macropoda (Elatinaceae) Annual/flowers stalked/4 sepals and petals/8 stamens/ marshland/May-July

Exaculum pusillum (Gentianaceae) Annual with lanceolate leaves/flowers 4-5 mm/stigma with 2 parts

Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad (Valerianaceae) Annual/lower leaves spoon-shaped, upper leaves oblong/flowers 2-3 mm/3 stamens/leaves toothed at the base/waste land/Apr-May

Veronica anagallis-aquatica Blue Water Speedwell (Scrophulariaceae) Plant with hollow stem/leaves lanceolate/flowers in opposite inflorescences/flowers 5-10 mm/wet places/ Apr-Sep

5 petals (violet)


1A-Stem angled


2A-Plants without hairs

Anagallis tenella

2B-Plants with hairs

Valerianella eriocarpa

1B-Stem round


2A-Leaves with stalks


3A-Herb/flowers 25-35mm

Mirabilis jalapa

3B-Woody at the base/flowers 6-8 mm

Vincetoxicum nigrum

3C-Shrub/flowers 40-60 mm


4A-Leaves egg-shaped

Cistus creticus

4B-Leaves lanceolate

Nerium oleander (7)

2B-Leaves sessile


3A-Sepals of the flower fused


4A-Petal margin toothed

Dianthus rupicola*

4B-Petal margin entire


5A-Sepals > petals

Agrostemma githago (p. 46)

5B-Styles and stigma of the flower hairy

Silene cambessedesii*

5C-Flowers different


6A-Flowers with 2 styles


7A-Stem without hairs


8A-Flowers 6-8 mm

Gypsophila pilosa

8B-Flowers 8-16 mm

Vaccaria hispanica (p. 24)

8C-Flowers > 16 mm

Saponaria officinalis (199)

7B-Stem with hairs


8A-Leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide

Petrorhagia nanteuilii

8B-Leaf sheath much longer

Petrorhagia dubia

6B-Flowers with 3-5 styles


7A-Calyx of the flower < 13 mm


8A-Petals entire


9A-Calyx < 3 mm

Silene gallica

9B-Calyx 11-14 mm

Silene tridentata

8B-Petals lobed


9A-Calyx not narrowed

Silene rubella

9B-Calyx opening contracted

Silene cerastoides

8C-Petals deeply divided


9A-Flowers solitary

Silene colorata

9B-Flowers in groups of 2-8

Silene nicaeensis

7B-Calyx of the flower > 13 mm


8A-Flowers in groups of 1-3


9A-Stem with glandular hairs

Silene almolae

9B-Stem without glandular hairs

Silene sericea

8B-Flowers in groups of > 3


9A-Plants without hairs

Silene muscipula

9B-Plants (almost) hairless

Silene secundiflora

9C-Plants with hairs


10A-Petals entire

Silene pseudatocion*

10B-Petals of the flower divided


11A-Plants woody below

Silene hifacensis*

11B-Plants not woody below

Silene bellidifolia

3B-Sepals of the flower separated


4A-Petals of the flower fused


5A-Basal leaves in a rosette


6A-Flowers salmon-coloured

Centaurium bianoris *

6B-Flowers violet

Centaurium erythraea (30)

5B-Basal leaves not in a rosette


6A-Flowers 5-9 mm

Centaurium pulchellum

6B-Flowers bigger


7A-Stems only branched above

Centaurium tenuiflorum

7B-Stems branched from the middle

Centaurium spicatum

4B-Petals of the flower separated




6A-Plants with hairs/flowers 40-60 mm

Cistus albidus (p. 30)

6B-Plants without hairs/flowers small

Coriaria myrtifolia



6A-Leaves without stipules


7A-Flowers with 10 stamens

Rhodalsine geniculata

7B-Flowers with 6 stamens


8A-Flowers terminal

Frankenia hirsuta

8B-Flowers different

Frankenia laevis (6)

7C-Flowers with 4-5 stamens


8A-Basal leaves not in a rosette


9A-Flowers 5-9 mm

Centaurium pulchellum

9B-Flowers bigger


10A-Stems branched

Centaurium spicatum

10B-Stems only branched above

Centaurium tenuiflorum

8B-Basal leaves in a rosette


9A-Flowers salmon-coloured

Centaurium bianoris *

9B-Flowers violet

Centaurium erythraea (30)

6B-Leaves with stipules


7A-Petals > sepals


8A-Plants woody below


9A-Seeds winged

Spergularia media (18)

9B-Seeds not winged

Spergularia fimbriata

8B-Plants not woody below

Spergularia diandra

6B-Petals < sepals


7A-Stipules forming a sheath

Spergularia marina

7B-Stipules triangular

Spergularia bocconei

7C-Stipules cordate

Spergularia heldreichii

Agrostemma githago Corn Cockle (Caryophyllaceae) Grey hairy annual/leaves linearlanceolate/flowers 3-5 cm/5 styles/fields-road sides/May

Anagallis tenella Bog Pimpernel (Primulaceae) Hairless annual/stem 4-angled/leaves rounded/flowers 6-10 mm/marshland/Apr-Sep

Centaurium bianoris* (Gentiananceae) Annual/leaves sessile/flowers 11-18 mm/ calcareous fields/Apr-June

Centaurium erythraea Common Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/lower leaves obovate, stem leaves oblong to narrowly ovate/flowers 9-15 mm/fields-rocky coastlinesgarigues-pine forest-macchia-marshland/Apr-Aug

Centaurium pulchellum Lesser Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual without basal leaf rosette/stem with multiple branches/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 5-9 mm/fieldsrocky coastlines-beaches/Apr-May

Centaurium spicatum Spiked Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves ovate below, upper leaves elliptical/flowers 12-14 mm/June-Oct

Centaurium tenuiflorum Slender Centaury (Gentianaceae) Annual/leaves broadly ovate below, elliptical-oblong above/flower 12-14 mm/fields-marshland-beaches/Apr-May

Cistus albidus Grey-leaved Cistus (Cistaceae) Grey shrub/hairy/leaves ovate to elliptical/ flowers 4-6 cm/flower stalk 5-20 mm/many stamens/garigues-pine forest/Apr-June

Cistus creticus (Cistaceae) Shrub/hairy/leaves ovate-lanceolate/flowers 4-6 cm/gariguespine forest-beaches/Apr-June

Coriaria myrtifolia Mediterranean Coriaria (Coriariaceae) Shrub/stem 4-angled/leaves acutely-obovate/flowers 2-5 cm/marshland/Apr-July

Dianthus rupicola* (Caryophyllaceae) Shrub/leaves 3-5 mm wide/petal margin toothed/ petals 10-15 mm/rock crevices/July-Sep

Frankenia hirsuta (Frankeniaceae) Plant with terminal flowers/leaves rolled in/petals 4-6 mm/rocky coastlines/Apr-May

Frankenia laevis Sea-heath (Frankeniaceae) Plant with whorled leaves/petals 4-6 mm/ rocky coastlines/Apr-May

Gypsophila pilosa Gypsophila (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/leaves oblong to lanceolate/ flowers 6-8 mm/petals lobed/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with papery connections

Lythrum portula Water Purslane (Lythraceae) Annual/leaves obovate/flowers 1-2 mm/ Menorca

Mirabilis jalapa (Nyctaginaceae) Perennial herbs/leaves acutely-ovate/flowers 25-35mm/ 5 stamens/fields-marshland-road sides-garden plant/July-Oct

Nerium oleander Oleander (Apocynaceae) Shrub/leaves oblong lanceolate/flowers > 3 cm marshland-garden plant/May-June

Petrorhagia dubia (Caryophyllaceae) Annual with glandular hairs leaves oblanceolate/ flowers 2-3 cm/2 styles or stigmas/calyx with brown bracts/Mar-Apr

Petrorhagia nanteuilii Childling Pink (Caryophyllaceae) Annual/flower with 2 styles or stigmas/stem partly with glandular hairs/leaf sheath < 2x as long as wide/calyx with veins/calyx tube with papery connections/fields-road sides/May-June

Rhodalsine geniculata (Caryophyllaceae) Softly hairy plant/flowers axillar/flowers 5-8 mm/fields-rocky coastlines-road sides/Apr-May

Saponaria officinalis