Sigüenza - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Sigüenza E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Sigüenza is celebrating 900 years since the Reconquista from the Muslims 12-14 July 2024. The town is also putting in a candidature for World Cultural Heritage and is working to develop the town and environs as a tourist destination. The town has special significance for the authors, who wish Sigüenza a great future.

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Early history

The creation of Spain

Muslims in Spain


Castle and Parador

La Virgin de la Mayor

The forest

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Sigüenza is celebrating 900 years since the Reconquista from the Muslims 12-14 July 2024. Since then it has basically been a Christian city under the direction of the bishops. It was a Christian city under the Visigoths during 292 years (419-711) and one should probably also include the 39 years when Christianity was the state religion in the Roman Empire (380-419), with a total of 1221 years. The town is also putting in a candidature for World Cultural Heritage and is working to develop the town and environs as a tourist destination. The town has special significance for the authors, who wish Sigüenza a great future.

Early history

Sigüenza is a little known gem among the historical cities in Spain, situated in the province of Guadalajara about hundred and thirty kilometers north of Madrid. Sigüenza can be one of the oldest cities in Spain, much older that the 900 years celebrated in 2024. Sigüenza like other towns in the region is unique as it did not experience the industrial revolution. That is why visiting it is a great opportunity to discover almost intact Medieval and Renaissance architecture. Sigüenza has also been the scene of many battles throuhout its history. The region was populated since the Paleolitic. Very rich water sources attracted people from early on. The river Henares runs through Sigüenza. Two other rivers flow on its flanks, Rio Dulce and Rio Salado. Rio Salado (the Salted River) makes it very rich in natural salt, extracted in salt pans. Situated on the high plateau of Castille, Sigüenza is about over 1000 meters above sea level.

Rio Dulce at La Cabrera south of Sigüenza.

The use of salt became indispensable in the Neolithic period. Until then, the high intake of meat covered the daily requirements for salt consumption. It was during the Neolithic that man started developing methods of preserving food, due to the seasonal nature of food production associated with permanent settlements. (Weller, 1996).

The author visited the salt pans with her father when she was a little girl when some of the salt pans still belonged to the Gamboa family.

This Paleolithic drawing in the Casares cave shows a ritual dive (immersion). This is probably a shamanic ritual (the representation of entering a trance or the spirit world) or a rite of initiation).

Prehistoric paintings were in a cave, Cueva Casares found not far from Sigüenza (47 km to the south east). There is evidence that the cave was not an isolated place but communicated with settlements in the south and northwestern parts of Spain.

Entrance to the Casares cave, in Riba de Saelices, Guadalajara 47.2 km south east of Sigüenza.

The Cueva de los Casares is a cave containing archaeological, paleontological and paleoanthropological remains, particularly prehistoric rock art. It is located 1,162 meters above sea level on the banks of the Rio Linares in Riba de Saelices in the Alto Tajo Natural Park (Parque natural del Alto Tajo) in the province of Guadalajara. The cave and its images discovered in the 1960s are hardly known outside of Spain.

The sediment sequence in the cave reveals a mostly in situ archeological deposit containing evidence of both Neandertal activity and carnivore action in level c, dated to 44,899– 42,175 calendar years ago. The Neanderthal disappeared likely due to climate change.

The Celtiberian fibula above representing a rider. Under the horse's head, there is a cut human head, maybe from a defeated enemy. This kind of fibulae are considered to be an emblem of elite warriors.

The Celts when they migrated, during the Bronze Age, encountered ancient local Indoeuropean settlements. The Celts came from Central Europe with their livestock, iron metal technology and castrum culture. The Celts are described by classival geographers and historians to have entered the Iberian peninsula ariund the 9th century BC. Especially wellknown is the Celtic Halstatt culture (1200 BC to 450 BC) in present day Austria, Salzburg Land, see author´s book Christmas Nativity Hallstat.