Sigüenza in Pictures - Cristina Berna - E-Book

Sigüenza in Pictures E-Book

Cristina Berna

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Sigüenza is a little known gem among the historical cities in Spain, situated in the province of Guadalajara about hundred and thirty kilometers north from Madrid. Sigüenza can be one of the oldest cities in Spain, much older that the 900 years celebrated in 2024. Sigüenza like other towns in the region is unique as it did not experience the industrial revolution. That is why visiting it is a great opportunity to discover almost intact Medieval and Renaissance architecture. Sigüenza has also been the scene of many battles throuhout its history. The region was populated since the Paleolitic. Very rich water sources attracted people from early on. The river Henares runs through Sigüenza. Two other rivers flow on its flanks, Rio Dulce and Rio Salado. Rio Salado (the Salted river) makes it very rich in natural salt extracted in salt pans. Situated on the high plateau of Castille, Sigüenza is about over 1000 meters above sea level.

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Above is the Sigüenza castle, which is the first you notice when you arrive by CM-1101 (GU-118) from A2 Madrid-Barcelona.

Cathedral of Sigüenza.

The other great attraction is the Cathedral of Sigüenza seen from across the forest with its hiking trails. The cathedral is built like a semi-fortress with towers because the area was still not completely under Christian control in 1124.

Calle Mayor connecting the castle with Plaza Mayor and the cathedral La Virgen de Sigüenza. The houses along this and many other streets are very old and lend their particular charm to this ancient town. It was an important Celtiberian fortified town and the Roman highway ran though Segontia, as it was called back then.

Plaza Mayor de Sigüenza with tha town hall. The Plaza Mayor was built 1484-1494. Cardinal Mendoza ordered that the houses around the Plaza Mayor occupied by churchmen and local dignitaries be built to be worthy of such magnates - the Casas de los Canónigos. The square was built to afford a nice view of the cathedral.

Cathedral of Sigüenza. Bernard de Agén was appointed bishop in 1121 but he had to conquer the place first. By 1169 the cathedral works were advanced to the transcept and opened to worship.

Bernard of Agen was originally from the City of Agén in Aquitaine. He was a Cluniac monk summoned by the Archbishop of Toledo, Bernard de Sedirac, who was also Aquitanian. The Benedictine Abbey of Cluny set op 917 became very powerful in Spain when Alfonso VI in 1079 married Constance of Burgundy, who made him change from the Visigothic rites to the Roman rites of church service.

Moorish army (right) of Almanzor during the Reconquista Battle of San Esteban de Gormaz (917), from Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio, from the Cantigas de Santa María, 13th century.

La Virgin de la Mayor, patron saint of Sigüenza, in the Cathedral of Sigüenza, la Catedral de la Virgin Mayor. This wooden statue was brought to Sigüenza by Bernard de Agén and carried with him in battle. It has a secret drawer for the sacraments and the holy oil.

Tomb of Doncel (in Capilla de San Juan y Santa Catalina, in the cathedral).

One day the inscription will be vandalized and removed as hare speech.

Chapel of Doncel (Capilla de San Juan y Santa Catalina), Sigüenza cathedral.

Magnificent mausoleo de Don Fadrique de Portugal, Sigüenza Cathedral.

Chapel of San Pedro, Catedral of Sigüenza

The cathedral has wonderful cloisters exuding peace and calm.