Story of Indian  Clay - Vahine Taino - E-Book

Story of Indian Clay E-Book

Vahine Taino

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Friends you have read about new stories, about OR history of every element present on this earth Which is researched or wrote by some scientist, author, journalist etc… Whether it is living or non-living in human beings there is a feature installed in our system (human body) by who made us (as far we know we have not known yet who made us only “God’) which is called as curiosity. This is a feature which make any living creature living on this earth to know more about that topic it generates a lead that is also called as interest it generates interest about that topic and we human beings started searching for that his history, future everything we try to find the answers of this type questions how? Why? When? By Whom? About that topic. Every stories are related with some place, person OR event it has some special bonding with that place, person OR event and it makes that more interesting and we try to discover its stories and read it. Today we are going to read about an element for most of the people it is more than a waste in our mind or in our modern life they just say it a dust, soil, mud etc. It has many forms element is one but it has many forms in the different names I have stated above.

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1. Soil

2. India

3. Indian Tradition

4. Handicraft in India

Types of craft

5. Indian Clay

Types of pottery in India

Cites that are popular in production of pottery in this time peroid

There is some giant clay identity in India

Other use of clay in India


Friends you have read about new stories, about OR history of every element present on this earth Which is researched or wrote by some scientist, author, journalist etc… Whether it is living or non-living in human beings there is a feature installed in our system (human body) by who made us (as far we know we have not known yet who made us only “God’) which is called as curiosity. This is a feature which make any living creature living on this earth to know more about that topic it generates a lead that is also called as interest it generates interest about that topic and we human beings started searching for that his history, future everything we try to find the answers of this type questions how? Why? When? By Whom? About that topic.

Every stories are related with some place, person OR event it has some special bonding with that place, person OR event and it makes that more interesting and we try to discover its stories and read it.

Today we are going to read about an element for most of the people it is more than a waste in our mind or in our modern life they just say it a dust, soil, mud etc. It has many forms element is one but it has many forms in the different names I have stated above.

So from where we start soil, mud or dust soil is most important and key element on our earth or we can say its earth its act as life for living creatures on earth.

You can’t live away from this element for long times I am going to explain how a soil can be most important element in your life OR use as place most important place in your life you will only deserves its importance when you are very far near from death except on earth.

You are dying in sky searching for soil(earth) dying in sea searching for soil(earth) its most important if I wish I could write more then 50+ pages about it but I have some limitations it’s an introductory so I will cover it in short as introductory.

Therefor in this interesting e-book you got the clue about what you are going to read but I am guiding you will read about history, future about most important element that is soil, dust, mud, clay many names with many forms. About a nation who respect this element discovered it and made his position in his tradition from 500 B.C I think so far or more back how the people of the nation listed the element in importance list of modern age. They give a way soil to money a business, tradition or what we will read it and open the secret

Thank You



Soil from where this name came who first pronounced this name their lot of questions is raised after seeing this four-line word that is “soil” it has many names and forms like clay, mud etc… As


we know there some things on this earth which are very important to us for living we made a close relationship with that things and its one of them from the list the list has some important names like E.g., air, fire, water, and there are many but which we are discussing about is soil a resource which is most important.


A soil originally found in hard form on earth and I don’t know about universe but it must be found on other planets other than earth in any other name or form it’s the base of living on which we live it’s the beam of our earth it’s the son of earth which make his mother alive. Now we have to go for some modern language or we can scientifically other than emotionally.


We have to find the answers of these questions what is soil? Where it came? Who found it? And many questions


It’s a substance found on earth it’s from the mankind started it makes us alive soil has some forms with different names of that form mud when water get mixed with soil it become mud it become very liquid hard substance which work as trap for living who went inside that mud it sticking your body making it dirty and dull.



So, therefore soil has different meanings for different person’s engineers mean soil is any material found on the surface on which the building will stand it varies for farmer it is a way which will help in developing vegetables, fruits, crops for the farmer and for miners it has different meaning for him it is a material which is to be removed to get his substance. Soil sits on the outer layer of the earth which is called “crust” soil is a complex mixture of minerals, waters, dust, rock, sand decaying planets.


Father of soil science- “Vastly Vasilyevich Dokuchaev” is regarded as father of soil science he developed this soil science in Russia there are many types of soil


a.) Sandy soil: - sandy soil called as light soil because it includes high proportion of sand and little clay these soils have quick water drainage and easy to work with they can be quickly warm up in spring days.


b.) Clay soils: - clay soils are heavy soils with high nutrients clay soils remain wet for long time they are wet in winter days and dry out in summer days. There are huge spaces between clay particles which hold water.