Successfully Pass  the  Scrum PSM-I Exam - Jochen Ziegler - E-Book

Successfully Pass the Scrum PSM-I Exam E-Book

Jochen Ziegler



Do you want to pass the PSM-I exam with flying colors and become a sought-after Scrum Master? Then this book is your ultimate resource! With detailed coverage of all Scrum fundamentals, practical guidance, and valuable insider tips, it gives you the tools you need to succeed on the exam. Dive into the world of agile project management and learn how to effectively lead teams, implement agile principles, and drive continuous improvement. With this comprehensive guide, you'll be well equipped to hit the ground running as a certified Scrum Master and realize your full professional potential.

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Successfully Pass the Scrum PSM-I Exam

Your Comprehensive Companion for Scrum Masters

Jochen Ziegler


© 2023, Jochen Ziegler

Druck und Verlag: epubli GmbH, Berlin,

Printed in Germany

Bibliografische Information der Deutschen NationalbibliothekDie Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar.


The contents of this book have been prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability for the correctness, completeness or the individual examination success of the readers.

This book serves as a guide for exam preparation for PSM-I certification, but it is not a substitute for reading the official Scrum Guide in detail. It is important that you familiarize yourself with the Scrum Guide to gain a full understanding of Scrum principles and practices.

Please note that the rights to the PSM-I certification belong to This book is not an official textbook and was created without influence from or other organizations.

We recommend that you critically examine the information in this book and interpret it in the context of your individual requirements and experience. We accept no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from the application of the concepts described in this book.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you good luck with your PSM-I exam and your further career as a Scrum Master.

Your PSM-I Exam Prep Team


Dear Readers,

Welcome to "PSM-I Exam Prep: A Comprehensive Guide to Professional Scrum Master Certification". This book is specifically designed for those who want to successfully pass the Professional Scrum Master (PSM-I) certification exam from

Scrum has become one of the leading agile methodologies in recent years and is used by organizations worldwide to effectively manage their projects and deliver high-quality products. As a Scrum Master, you play a critical role in introducing and implementing Scrum in your organization. The PSM-I certification is an important step on your path to professionalization and recognition of your skills as a Scrum Master.

In this comprehensive guide, you will gain all the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully pass the PSM-I exam. Our goal is to provide you with a detailed and practical guide based on the official Scrum Guide and proven best practices.

This book not only provides you with comprehensive coverage of the exam content, but also valuable tips and resources to optimize your exam preparation. We cover Scrum fundamentals, the roles and responsibilities of the Scrum Master, Scrum events and artifacts, and Agile principles and best practices. In addition, we provide practice tests and case studies to test your knowledge and strengthen your practical skills.

We are committed to helping you not only successfully pass the PSM-I exam, but also strengthen your role as a Scrum Master and give you the tools and knowledge to succeed in practice. Scrum is more than just a framework - it's a mindset, a culture, and a way of approaching projects. We want to encourage you to apply what you learn in your projects and in your organization to create sustainable value.

We are convinced that you are optimally prepared for the PSM-I certification with this comprehensive guide. Use this book as your faithful companion and set out on the path to a successful career as a Scrum Master.

We wish you success in your PSM-I certification and are glad you chose this book.

Your authors

Chapter 1: Introduction to Scrum and the PSM-I Certification

1.1 What is Scrum?

Scrum is an agile framework developed to effectively manage complex projects and meet the demands of a rapidly changing environment. Scrum is based on the principles of empirical process and promotes an iterative and incremental approach to product development.

In the Scrum framework, there are various roles, artifacts, and events that are used to structure the development process and optimize team collaboration. The framework places great emphasis on flexibility, transparency and continuous improvement.

Scrum originated in software development, but is now successfully applied in many other areas, such as project management, product development, marketing and organizational development.

Understanding the basic concepts of Scrum is essential for preparing for PSM-I certification. This chapter provides a detailed introduction to Scrum and its historical development. It explains the basic principles of the framework and provides an understanding of how Scrum works and what benefits it offers.

Scrum is a framework based on the empirical process, which consists of the three pillars of transparency, inspection and adaptation. It promotes an iterative and incremental way of working, producing valuable results in short periods of time called sprints.

The roles in the Scrum framework are the Scrum Master, the Product Owner and the Development Team. Each role has clear responsibilities and contributes to the successful implementation of the Scrum process.

The Scrum Master is responsible for supporting the Scrum Team in the effective application of Scrum and removing obstacles. The Product Owner is responsible for managing the product backlog, prioritizing requirements and communicating with stakeholders. The development team is self-organized and is responsible for implementing tasks during the sprint.

To ensure project success, Scrum uses various artifacts that contain information about the project status and requirements. The product backlog is an ordered list of requirements that requires prioritization and continuous adaptation. The sprint backlog contains the tasks that are processed during a sprint, and the increment is the result of a completed sprint that is potentially shippable.

Scrum places great emphasis on transparency and regular reviews. For this reason, there are various events that promote collaboration and exchange within the team. Sprint planning is used to set the goals for the upcoming sprint and select the backlog tasks. The Daily Scrum is a short daily meeting where the team discusses progress and identifies obstacles. The Sprint Review provides an opportunity to present the increment and solicit feedback from stakeholders. The sprint retrospective allows the team to reflect on the completed sprint and identify opportunities for improvement.

Scrum offers numerous advantages and areas of application in various industries. The application of Scrum enables improved efficiency, transparency and flexibility in product development. Due to the iterative nature of the framework, feedback can be obtained more quickly, resulting in higher customer satisfaction. In addition, Scrum offers the possibility to better adapt to changing requirements and to shorten the delivery time of products.

In software development, Scrum has proven to be particularly successful because it divides the development process into manageable sprints and promotes close collaboration between development teams and other stakeholders. In addition, Scrum can be applied in other industries and project contexts, such as marketing, event management, product development, education, and organizational development. Scrum principles and practices can be adapted and leveraged in a variety of ways to improve collaboration, flexibility, and quality across different work domains.

By using Scrum, companies and teams can realize a number of benefits. These include:

●Faster time to market for products and services

●Better adaptability to changing requirements

●Higher quality and customer satisfaction

●Improved team collaboration and communication

●Transparent work processes and clear responsibilities

●Promoting innovation and continuous improvement

●Reduction of risks and errors through regular inspection and adjustment

These advantages make Scrum an attractive approach for companies and organizations that want to increase their effectiveness and competitiveness.

Significant successes have already been achieved with the use of Scrum in various industries. Companies in the financial sector, for example, have used Scrum to reduce time-to-market for new products and respond agilely to changing customer needs. In healthcare, Scrum has helped improve the efficiency of patient care and accelerate the development of new medical devices. In education, Scrum enables more flexible curriculum design and fosters collaboration between students and teachers.

The application of Scrum in various industries shows that the framework is universally applicable and proves its value regardless of the specific domain or project type.

Understanding the benefits and application areas of Scrum in different industries is of great importance for aspiring Scrum Masters. It enables them to fully grasp the potential of Scrum and to adapt and implement the principles and practices of the framework accordingly.

The knowledge of these basic concepts of Scrum forms the basis for a successful PSM-I certification.

1.2 PSM-I certification at a glance

The Professional Scrum Master I (PSM-I) certification is a recognized and respected certification for Scrum Masters who want to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in Scrum. This certification was developed by, a leading organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of Scrum.

The PSM-I certification provides a comprehensive review of a Scrum Master's knowledge and skills and ensures that certified professionals are able to effectively apply Scrum in practice. It is a valuable recognition and quality credential for Scrum Masters and can be of great benefit for both professional development and career opportunities.

In order to obtain the PSM-I certification, certain requirements and prerequisites must be met. First of all, candidates should have a basic understanding of Scrum and ideally have gained practical experience in applying Scrum in projects. It is recommended that candidates have at least six months of experience as a Scrum Master or in a similar role.

For the certification itself, candidates must successfully complete the PSM-I exam. The exam consists of a series of multiple-choice questions and requires a deep understanding of Scrum principles, roles, artifacts, and events. Candidates must demonstrate their knowledge of Scrum values, Scrum roles and their responsibilities, the various Scrum artifacts and their management, and the execution of Scrum events.

The PSM-I certification is of great importance for Scrum Masters as it demonstrates their competence and professionalism in the application of Scrum. A PSM-I certification demonstrates to potential employers that the Scrum Master has the required knowledge and skills to successfully implement and lead Scrum in a project or organization. This can lead to expanded professional opportunities, higher market value, and better career prospects.

In addition, PSM-I certification also provides a platform for continuous learning and development. As a certified Scrum Master, one can become a member of the community, which provides access to exclusive resources, training and events. The certification also encourages Scrum Masters to share their knowledge and experience with other professionals and participate in the advancement of Scrum.

The PSM-I certification is thus not only a testimony to the competence of a Scrum Master, but also a stepping stone for further professional development and learning opportunities. It enables certified Scrum Masters to advance their careers and make a valuable contribution to agile development in their organization and the Scrum community at large.

1.3 Audit structure and format

The PSM-I exam is an essential component of the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM-I) certification and tests a Scrum Master's knowledge and skills related to Scrum. To effectively prepare for the exam, it is important to understand the exam format and structure.