Thank You, Dear Universe - Anjana Gill - E-Book

Thank You, Dear Universe E-Book

Anjana Gill

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You and the universe – unbeatable together It's absolutely fascinating to find out what is possible all of a sudden. 95,7 % wish fulfilment – that is actually real. "The author did something wonderful: I see the whole world from a different angle now." With playful and funny exercises, Anjana Gill opens our eyes and hearts. Step by step, she introduces us to the unique workings of the universe. She makes it easy to go from wish to manifestation, from dream to fulfilment. Anjana Gill: We are not doing "make a wish", but "manifest it yourself" – with the help of the universe. In this book, the reader learns how to ask the universe: first for smaller things like a present or a surprise. Then, step by step, the complexity of those messages to the universe is increased. The ultimate goal is to have our dearest and most eager wishes fulfilled. On the way, the author keeps asking for humorous or entertaining things from the universe. This not only makes reading and living easier and more fun, it also raises our awareness for the impressive and often surprising way the universe works. The universe delivers amazingly swift and fast. Asking the universe is more than fun: It will change our everyday life profoundly. It will make us appreciate the magic of life, will make us feel alive and happy. A reader writes: "Every morning when I wake up, there is this tingling excitement: Will the universe deliver my order today? And how will it deliver? I just love the way the universe gives me what I ask for. It's surprising every time.☺" Will the universe fulfil your wishes, too? Of course it will. Ask the universe for what you want, and it will deliver. "Since I started testing the universe, I can only laugh, marvel, and be happy. I keep having my orders delivered: prizes, vacations, flamingos … it's unbelievable what is possible all of a sudden." In the end, there is just one thing to say: We Love The Universe!

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Seitenzahl: 164

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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Anjana Gill




95,7 % Wish Fulfilment

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Originally published in Germany under the title "Danke, liebes Universum", Copyright © 2019 Publisher „Die Silberschnur“ Ltd.

The Omega publisher is an imprint of  „Die Silberschnur“ Ltd.

Copyright © 2019 Publisher „Die Silberschnur“ Ltd.

eISBN: 978-3-89845-176-9

1. edition 2021

Design: XPresentation, Güllesheim; using several motifs of © redchocolatte, © KatyaKatya and © dinkoobraz;

Publisher »Die Silberschnur« Ltd. · Steinstraße 1 · D-56593 Güllesheim · E-Mail: [email protected]


INTRODUCTIONOr: Happy Anticipation!

TEST 1: Let yourself be surprised ...

TEST 2: "Nice to see you again!“ We Order a Meeting

TEST 3: Cosmic Sign Language

TEST 4: Money, money, money ...

TEST 5: Something tangible – we materialise something to touch

TEST 6: Telephoning for Advanced Learners – Telepathy

TEST 7: Deliver it to me! Cosmic Delivery Service

TEST 8: Attracting the Right Person into Your Life

TEST 9: Things Continue Beyond the Horizon

A FINAL WORD … The „moment-of-happiness effect“




Since I started “testing” the universe, all I can do is laugh, marvel, wonder, rejoice, and be excited. It has sparked an incredibly positive change in my life. All the things that have happened since.

My testing the universe feels like magical forces are at work. I task the universe with something, I order something – and it actually transforms into reality. And because I somehow still can’t quite grasp it, I can’t stop putting the universe to the test.

Every morning, when I get up, I think of a new little task to set the universe – and then I get really excited to see if, how, and when I’ll get what I wished for. Since I’ve been testing the universe, I’ve been feeling this joyful, excited tingling inside me all of the time. Will the universe fulfil my wish – and if so, how? And when? And where?

Meanwhile, though I know my every wish will be fulfilled – the excitement and tingling still remain. I test the universe with the craziest tasks – just to keep playfully challenging it. For example, one task I set it is:

Hello universe,

I see a red balloon, two men sitting on a bench who remind me of the two old guys sitting in the theatre box on The Muppet Show, and my birthday number.

I’m excited to see what you can do, dear universe – you’ve got 24 hours!


And then it kicks off...

I come across my birthday number a seemingly 50 times that same day. The world is suddenly full of balloons – present on every corner – and the next evening, while attending an event and no longer preoccupied with “the set task” at all, what do I see but two men sitting on a bench in front of me, reminding me of what? You might have guessed: it looks just like the two guys in the theatre box on The Muppet Show!

So I simply laughed and enjoyed the moment. But of course that kind of thing is just for practice and to have a laugh. The real goal is to wish fulfilment. Fulfilling your wishes. The manifestation of your desires.

And it works! Absolutely amazing, but it really does work.

Have you had the same previous experience? That although you know how wishing for something goes, you wish for something but it simply isn’t happening for you? And this is despite your having had a lot of practice and your having read at least 10 or more books on wish fulfilment, positive thinking, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Buddhism, and goodness knows what else? And despite having worked hard on mindfulness and tried meditating, among other things – knowing that the quality or purity of your thoughts is crucial. Nevertheless you have the feeling that things are not moving along as they should?

And d’you know why that’s not happening for you? Can you spot the problem?

Because most of what you’ve read is acquired knowledge and pure theory – comparable to possessing knowledge for the written part of your driving test. Even if you’ve passed the written driving test with flying colours, making zero mistakes – it still doesn’t mean you can drive! Theoretical knowledge is instructive and can be very inspirational – a valuable basis, no doubt. But NOTHING changes in our lives just from reading.

In truth, only practice can take you any further.Practical work hand-in-hand with the universe.

Only by experimenting and testing the universe can you get to know how it works and benefit even more from it. But don’t worry – these experiments and tests are anything but dry and tedious. Quite the opposite. It doesn’t get any more exciting than this! These exercises will turn your life upside down – and that’s a promise!

The special thing about this way of testing the universe is that

1. anyone can join in,

2. it brings the magical workings of the universe directly into your daily life, and

3. it’s incredibly fun and fulfilling.

In fact the more fun and enjoyment you get out of testing the universe, the more you will discover and integrate into your everyday life. It is a pure joy.

Have you ever imagined something happening and then it became true and a reality? For sure, right? Then you’ve already used your manifestation powers – the power of making things come true!

You truly have these powers – everyone does. So I know for sure that you have them, too.

So it’s highly likely that you’re already acquainted with these powers and have even had first-hand experience in using them. But if not, that’s not going to be a problem at all. Let’s practice that now! And I promise you that – after these experiments – you’ll be an expert in making things come true, as well as being completely happy in the process. You’ll have become a happy manifestation expert.

What were you just thinking about? You’re not sure whether it was a coincidence when your wish came true that time in the past? You’ve often wished for something that didn’t come true and become a reality? That may be so, of course. Or at least you can feel that is so. But, as my favourite spiritual teacher from India, Gurudji the wise, always says:

To wish is not to manifest! To wish is to wish and to manifest is to manifest.

We’re not talking about “Wish something for yourself”,but “Show it to me, dear universe!”

That is a crucial difference indeed. Wishing is childlike. Wishing is fun, but it is also passive in a certain way. Wishing turns you into a little child that wants a gift from Father Christmas. Perhaps Santa Claus will grant your wish, but maybe not. It depends on whether you were good or not.

With our experiments it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been good or not. You can be who you are. You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not, and you don’t have to try hard. You can simply be yourself. What’s more, our tests are easy to do, and doing them is incredible fun and unimaginably effective. I can hardly tell you how much fun and joy it brings into your life – joy and magic!

When I get up in the morning, I can already feel the excitement and anticipation of the day take hold of me: What and how many wonders and miracles will manifest themselves in my life today? And what items on my wish list will the universe fulfil for me today?Stress, tension, pressure? All gone.Joy, excitement, and magic have taken their place.

The universe and me – we’re best friends forever (BFF), best friends for life. And that will happen to you, too – and much faster than you can imagine right now.

Before we really get started, here’s a little happiness-making test. We’re going to test the universe – you’re going to test the universe.  Your first task to set the universe! This is a significant moment. Tell the universe the following:

Hello, dear universe,

I’d like a positive surprise – within the next 24 hours.


And off we go …

Now be on the lookout. Let the fun begin!  

I’ve manifested many good things in my life, that I know meanwhile. Less good things as well, probably – that’s something I’ll have to think about. But I’ve no desire whatsoever to dwell on the less good things and I’m certainly not interested in digging around in the past. I’d rather focus on the here and now and on fulfilling my dreams.

It took me quite a while to realise that almost everything you wish for comes true at some point. “Hey, you’re a little sorceress!”, I told myself happily when I realised it.

I’ve always been passionate about spiritual things and have read countless books about them – and even published a few spiritually themed books myself. So I’ve known about cosmic laws, such as the law of attraction, for quite a while. I’ve known for some time that, theoretically speaking, everyone and anyone is able to attract certain things and events into their lives. I know that one can supposedly “order” something from the universe. I know that positive thoughts attract positive things. I know there are many things between heaven and earth we can’t even begin to imagine. I know one sees better with one’s heart and I know there’s an incredible world beyond what’s visible to us. – What I didn’t know is how quickly you can attract something into your life. And that is truly incredible.

The time gap between a wish and its fulfilment can be incredibly short, and seems to be getting ever shorter.Not every time, but more and more often!So the real fascination is not even the fulfilment part itself, but the speed at which fulfilment arrives. Often the manifestation, in other words the fulfilment, only takes a few days or even hours to arrive – which is astonishing, absolutely astonishing. Sometimes I get the feeling I’m “shopping” at some cosmic wish-fulfilment centre. And doing so free of charge, too!

I first became aware of this through my very own personal wish-fulfilment notebook; at the start of every year, I buy myself a blank notebook. I begin by writing myself a letter, thanking myself for all the positive things that are going to have happened in the coming year, retrospectively speaking. I date this letter a year ahead, which means I’m writing this letter from the future, so to speak. Then I seal the letter and I’m not allowed to open it again until a year later. What I’ve realised is that almost everything I write to myself from the future in such a letter has come true by the end of that particular year.Now I’ve gone one step further and start the month by writing down what will happen and come true by the end of that month. And lo and behold – here again I’ve found that most of my wishes are fulfilled. Which means that manifestation is possible! And now I can’t stop practising the art of manifesting. I can gradually see myself developing a “manifestation addiction”.  

Incidentally, it all began when I started writing things down in my little magical wish-fulfilment notebook. What’s written down is better at manifesting itself – at least that’s the way it is for me. When I write something down, it usually comes true.Maybe you could also get yourself a personal wish-fulfilment notebook. It certainly won’t do any harm – quite the opposite. It gives your thoughts some structure and does the same for your wishes. This notebook gives you the opportunity to write down your wishes, stick in images of the things you want to attract into your life, record what signs you’ve received from the universe, what “small miracles” have happened, and so on and so forth. Write down whatever you like – it’s certain to be something very special: you and your magical notebook.

Record your wishes in writing – then they’re sure to come true.

I mean you don’t have to show your notebook to anyone and you don’t have to tell anyone else about it. You know what others are like. Those who are so grounded… Those who think it’s all just a matter of coincidences… Forget what the others think. Forget what you’ve heard before.

Can you think back to when you were still a little child? Back then you were still connected to your true original self. Then you got socialised and moulded into a fully functioning member of our society. That’s all well and good, but bit by bit the magical sense of being a human being was sadly also exorcised from you.

Being human amounts to more than just working,booking an all-inclusive holiday,eating sushi, and paying taxes.

When you started dreaming, you were told: “Stop daydreaming, my dear! Don’t go building castles in the air. Keep both feet firmly on the ground. Don’t lose touch with the real world.” And many more “pieces of wisdom” of this nature.At school, on parents’ day, your teacher might have told your mother: “Your child daydreams too often. Your child needs to pay better attention. Your child needs to do more of what is expected of children at that age. Otherwise your child will get poor school grades.”And so one thing led to another.

I tell you – forget all that! Forget any and every kind of expectation. Instead, feel free to dream! That’s the first step.


Before we really get started, here’s a little preliminary test to get you in the mood. The tiresome task of trying to find a free parking space probably isn’t new to you. The next time, before you set of in your car, imagine you’ll find a parking space exactly in front of your destination – then order this parking space from the universe. And make it a parking space that’s big enough for you to comfortably fit your car into, otherwise it’s of no use to you. – This always works like a dream, literally! And it’s a wonderful feeling every time you find a parking space available at exactly the moment directly in front of your destination.

Christina:  “It’s tremendous fun. Every time, before leaving home, I imagine how easily I’ll be able to find a free parking space right in front of my destination. And 95% of the time it actually works. It’s not only great fun – it’s really useful, too.”  

If this test is too easy for you and you’ve already internalised the whole parking thing, or you don’t have a car, then let’s do another little warm-up exercise: the so-called camel materialisation exercise.

Tell the universe you want to see a camel today – or let’s say in the next 24-hours. (Not a live, breathing one! :-))

Here’s the task you set for the universe:

Dear universe,

I see a camel.I’m looking forward to seeing one.You’ve got time till tomorrow.


And off we go …

When I first played the camel game, I thought it might be difficult to encounter a camel in our lines of latitude. A camel in the middle of town – how’s that going to work?

But then I was proved very wrong. I didn’t just discover one camel but several camels all at once. Suddenly these creatures were everywhere: pictured on napkins, a soft toy in a kiosk, a sticker on the car in front of me at the traffic lights, on the cover of magazine. It was hilarious.Naturally I’d originally thought I’d have to meet a real, live, breathing camel.But the task I’d set the universe was limited to: I see a camel. (Not: I meet a real, live camel!)

So the mission was 100% fulfilled. Thank you, dear universe.

And now it’s your turn! Let’s see where camels turn up all over the place for you.

Your task for the universe:

Dear universe,

I see a camel.You’ve got 24 hours’ time.


And off we go …

Have fun!

P. S.: These cosmic games serve to open our eyes, our hearts, our entire attentiveness to the workings of the universe. The more often you play, the better. Play, play, play – then your own wishes will also find fulfilment.Do we try to understand things too often using our heads? Theory is but theory. In truth, only practice can take us any further. Forget for a moment all you have read previously. Forget for a moment all your previous theoretical knowledge. I’ve found that people who approach testing the universe from a position of complete naïveté often achieve the most astonishing results.

Perhaps that’s no surprise since cerebral and rationally minded people usually think primarily in terms of duties and expectations. We all know such thoughts, when your head tells you: “I have to tidy up, do the mail, sort the cupboards, do my taxes, mow the lawn, mend my bike, declutter the cellar…” Admittedly these things also have to be done at some point, but perhaps not right now. There’s a few things that can wait and aren’t so pressing. Right now there are more important things to be getting on with. We’re dealing with the universe right now. Sorry, cellar, you’ll have to wait.Don’t let your head dictate to you what you have to do. If you’ve got the strong feeling you don’t want to do any of these chores right now, and simply need a bit of time to chill out, then so be it.Let your heart rule over your head. It’s worth it. For the universe is certainly trying to reveal something to you…


Once upon a time there were twins within the womb. One twin asked the other: “D’you believe in life after birth? I don’t. No way. No one’s ever come back to tell the tale. Life ends after birth.”

The other twin answered: “But perhaps life doesn’t end after birth. And you see your mother.”

The first twin frowned and responded: “Mother! D’you believe in a mother? Where’s she supposed to be?”

“Well, here, everywhere. All around us.”

“Nah, not a chance. I’ve never seen her! She doesn’t exist.”

“Oh yes, she does!” the other twin argued back. “Absolutely. And sometimes, when you’re very quiet, you can even hear her singing…”

Some things are simply a matter of perspective.  

The universe is always around you, and sometimes, when you’re more quiet, you can hear “mother universe” softly singing.

Hello universe, we’re testing you …