The dark behind the web - Andrea Gandini - E-Book

The dark behind the web E-Book

Andrea Gandini

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What You Will Find in This eBook

The purpose of this eBook is to explore the darkest and lesser-known side of technology and the Internet. It will be explained how the dark web is browsed and the way websites are created in the Tor network. Topics such as hacking, data security, the impact of the web and artificial intelligence on society and humans will be touched on as well.

The following theories will be supported:
open code is the solution to maintain control of apps and artificial intelligences; misuse of the Internet may facilitate mass control and undemocratic outcomes; no computer system is 100% secure.

This eBook will answer the following questions:
What is the deep web? And the dark web?
How to access the dark web?
What are Tor and Freenet?
Can the Internet be used to manipulate consumers and citizens?
What are the best practices for data security and privacy?
How do cyber attacks occur?
This eBook works both as a manual and an educational book.

Table of Contents:

What You Will Find in This eBook
The Difference Between the Deep Web and the Dark Web
How to Access the Dark Web: Operational Information and Threats
VPN Tunnel
Tor Browser
Anonymous Emailing
Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies
Tumbling Services
Anonymous Shipping
How to Create Dark Web Sites
Biohacking Sites
AI and Work
Malware, Viruses and Other Threats
Cybersecurity Advice
Body sensors
7-passes wipe
35-passes wipe
Hacker and Cypherpunk
Hacking Techniques
Digital Voting
About the Author

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Andrea Gandini


(First Edition)

Dark Web, Deep Web, Fake News, Social Control, AI, Computer Viruses and Hacking




Andrea Gandini

Published by

Blu Editore




DISCLAIMER: this eBook contains encrypted data aimed at a recognition in case of piracy. All rights are reserved according to law. No part of this eBook can be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the Author and Publisher.It is strictly prohibited to pass on this eBook to others, either in print or electronic format, either for money or for free. Since the concepts and techniques described in this eBook are the result of years of study and specializing, the same outcome is not guaranteed either in personal or professional growth. The reader assumes full responsability for his choices and is aware of the risks associated with any form of activity. This eBook is not meant to substitute for advice and help of an expert professional instructor in the field.

Indice dei Contenuti
What You Will Find in This eBook
The Difference Between the Deep Web and the Dark Web
How to Access the Dark Web: Operational Information and Threats
VPN Tunnel
Tor Browser
Anonymous Emailing
Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies
Tumbling Services
Anonymous Shipping
How to Create Dark Web Sites
Biohacking Sites
AI and Work
Malware, Viruses and Other Threats
Cybersecurity Advice
Body sensors
Hacker and Cypherpunk
Hacking Techniques
About the Author


«Ethics change with technology.»

Larry Niven


«Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.»

R. Buckminster Fuller


«I belong to an unfortunate generation, swung between the old world and the new, and I find myself ill at ease in both. And what is more, as you must have realized by now, I am without illusions.»

Tomasi di Lampedusa


What You Will Find in This eBook


The purpose of this eBook is to explore the darkest and lesser-known side of technology and the Internet. It will be explained how the dark web is browsed and the way websites are created in the Tor network. Topics such as hacking, data security, the impact of the web and artificial intelligence on society and humans will be touched on as well.


The following theories will be supported:

open code is the solution to maintain control of apps and artificial intelligences; misuse of the Internet may facilitate mass control and undemocratic outcomes; no computer system is 100% secure.


This eBook will answer the following questions:

What is the deep web? And the dark web?

How to access the dark web?

What are Tor and Freenet?

Can the Internet be used to manipulate consumers and citizens?

What are the best practices for data security and privacy?

How do cyber attacks occur?


This eBook works both as a manual and an educational book.




Computer age comes with the risk of a mere technical progress without consideration of any moral and ethical development.

The Internet and the mass use of technologies have brought about a change leading to a phase characterized by political, social and economic instability.


Today’s excess of communication, which has become an uncontrollable and gigantic cluster of hyperstimuli, goes to the detriment of interior life. We communicate with the whole world in an almost compulsive way. Quite paradoxically, people in the post-human era, the web users, believe they have friends while they are actually alone, being the amount of their communication so huge that  they are not really communicating with anybody. There is no real conversation, only an exchange of messages in which nobody has time to think.

I am a huge supporter of technology and technological advancement but, at the same time, I am attempting to take a stand halfway between those who, driven by a dystopian vision of the future, reject progress, seen as a process of dissolution, and those who have deep faith in the outcomes of scientific research. In my opinion, reading (eBooks and paper books as well) is necessary for us to keep our critical and viewing skills alive. When reading a book we have time to stop and ponder concepts and ideas. Most citizens, however, never read; they only watch You Tube videos, movies and television, to the detriment of their visualizing and thinking abilities.

What’s more, this tremendous amount of images and entertainment is not offered only by media such as the Internet and TV. As we’ll see in this eBook, nowadays everything has become entertainment around us, deadening any citizens/spectators’ critical skills.

In such a continuous flow of images and headlines, multitasking skill is becoming essential for being considered a good worker. Yet, partial attention comes as a side-effect of it. Also, our workplaces are being threatened by algorithms/AI (artificial intelligence.)

In a world where the unemployment rate is steeply rising, a great many dull people, who are capable of only partial attention and tend

to be mere spectators to politics and all that happens around them, are vulnerable to a social technical-control.

Unaware of this, in what seems more and more a George Orwell’s 1984-like scenery, singularity is approaching.

Singularity is the moment that an artificial intelligence overtakes human intelligence exceeding what we can think of or imagine.


However, busy as they are in reading texts on social networks (Facebook, Google plus, etc.) and using instant messaging programs (such as Whatsapp, Telegram, etc.), people do not seem overly concerned about a future where humans are subjugated to technological control. Emotionality and excess prevail in all but a few cases.


The most successful blog posts tend to focus on three main topics: blood, money, and sex.


Also the most image-based social media platforms (like Instagram, for example), are nothing but a stash of images where there is no identity, but only an ephemeral notoriety.