The Making of a Mechanical Optician - W. W. Slade - E-Book

The Making of a Mechanical Optician E-Book

W. W. Slade

7,85 €

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In beginning this treatise we have in mind partially the Optician who is considering the advisability of installing a plant to do his own work, and, naturally, the first question to decide is whether it is advisable to install such a plant. The arguments in favor of doing so are the following: The accommodation to your customer, the new customers it will bring by advertising that you do your own work and the extra profit. The arguments against it are: The extra responsibility and labor it will put upon you; have you enough prescription work to make it an object, and if so, can you afford to hire a man, and would it not be advisable to use the time that you would put into this work to develop your refracting business? This matter you can best decide for yourself, but, assuming that you decide to take the step, the next thing is to lay the plans for your shop and select the machinery.

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