The Making of Flawed Democracies in the Americas - Alex Roberto Hybel - E-Book

The Making of Flawed Democracies in the Americas E-Book

Alex Roberto Hybel

53,49 €

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This book strives to answer two interrelated questions: Why have certain states in the Americas been more successful than others at creating stable democratic regimes? Why have certain states in the Americas failed to create stable democratic regimes? To answer both questions, the author focuses on four states – the United States, Argentina, Chile, and Peru.  Throughout the analysis, he isolates and evaluates the conditions that helped or hindered the development of each state and of its political regime.  He presents his conclusions in the form of time-related explanatory hypotheses. By identifying and examining the conditions that brought about the transformation of each states and of its political regimes, this study ultimately facilitates a discussion of the future of democracy in each of these countries as well as in the world.

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