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An unspeakably ugly man hides in the vaults of the Paris Opera. He has two passions: music and the young singer Christine Daaé. To make her the star of the opera, he uses every means at his disposal, and soon he turns the venerable building into a madhouse, because he frightens singers and staff alike. Christine initially succumbs to his courtship until she falls in love with one of her childhood playmates, the viscount de Chagny, and the phantom becomes furious with jealousy. ABOUT THE BOOK SERIES The ApeBook Classics (ABC) bring to life famous and lesser known masterpieces of world literature in digital format. This means that even works that have almost been forgotten are preserved for cultural memory. apebook adheres to the highest standards in eBook production and offers you high quality, aesthetically pleasing classics at a fair price. Don't settle for cheap and loveless versions if you love good literature, instead choose low-priced but beautiful editions from a real publisher. With the ApeBook Classics you get professionally created eBooks that appreciate the literary value of their content through an appropriate design. Search for more ApeBook Classics titles to build your digital library by typing "apebook" in the browse field. By the way, apebook also offers selected titles as paperback editions. And last but not least: apebook supports the environmental organization "Save the rainforest". By buying the books from our shop, you are doing the same. You can find a complete overview of the publishing programme at: www.apebook.de
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