The Psychology Podcast S01E04 - Confidence, a complex emotion - Dr. Shishir Palsapure - Hörbuch

The Psychology Podcast S01E04 - Confidence, a complex emotion Hörbuch

Dr. Shishir Palsapure

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Confidence is sexy. Confidence is elusive. Not anymore. Confidence can help you win the Miss Universe title or a multi-million contract. Learn researched techniques to boost your confidence, without going overboard and being over-confident, nor being complacent. Unlike motivational speakers who encourage unrealistic positive thoughts, and hence hollow confidence, the episode deals with realistic optimism, boosting self-efficacy and ways to deal with self-doubt. Although the feelings of depression and anxiety are closely related to confidence, it's a positive feeling. Moving from poor confidence to adequate confidence is a process you can master. Two types of confidence are discussed, and one of them is a trap. In the end, the episode deals with handling criticism. Imagine if you were more confident from now onwards, how would that influence your relationships and work? What risks would you take if you were more confident? Go ahead and listen!

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Zeit:0 Std. 15 min

Sprecher:Dr. Shishir Palsapure
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