The Psychology Podcast S01E06 - Guilt and Shame - Dr. Shishir Palsapure - Hörbuch

The Psychology Podcast S01E06 - Guilt and Shame Hörbuch

Dr. Shishir Palsapure

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Guilt and shame are siblings, but still different. On a superficial level, guilt seems to be helping us behave ourselves, but if guilt was really effective, almost everyone would have stopped undesirable actions they are taking. The episode deals with the similarities and differences of these annoying feelings, and their futility of them. It also discusses the substitute emotions to feel instead of guilt and shame, which would be more helpful. You will also understand why the statement 'People's opinions don't matter' fails to deal with shame and boost your confidence. You will understand how some compensatory behaviours, for instance trying to prove yourself, perfectionism can be exhausting. The episode deals with liberating you by learning the difference between self-interest and being selfish. You will also learn to accept yourself unconditionally without thinking that it's ok to have done the mistake, or fallen short of your standards.

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Zeit:0 Std. 16 min

Sprecher:Dr. Shishir Palsapure
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