The Psychology Podcast S01E07 - Happiness - Dr. Shishir Palsapure - Hörbuch

The Psychology Podcast S01E07 - Happiness Hörbuch

Dr. Shishir Palsapure

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Happiness means different to everyone. Interestingly happiness includes a spectrum of positive feelings, and each seeks a different set of positive emotions. There are a few myths about happiness, and some positive feelings can be unhealthy too! You can link happiness to various things or make it dependent on them. Only one of these is healthy. You have heard that happiness is an inner job. This episode helps you develop some inner qualities compatible with happiness and discusses the role of relationships and other external factors in happiness. Find out what is the key to happiness. Listen to this episode only after listening to other episodes, especially those dealing with managing negative feelings.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 12 min

Sprecher:Dr. Shishir Palsapure
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