The Psychology Podcast S01E09 - Procrastination - Dr. Shishir Palsapure - Hörbuch

The Psychology Podcast S01E09 - Procrastination Hörbuch

Dr. Shishir Palsapure

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Who doesn't procrastinate? We all do. We know it has to stop, but somehow we continue to postpone what would rather be done right away. Surprisingly, a lot of research has gone into the complexity of this behaviour, and researchers have gained a good amount of insight into why people procrastinate, and often when they clearly know they shouldn't be procrastinating. Thankfully, the researchers also have devised various techniques to break the habit. Everyone has a different style of procrastination, and it differs from time to time, task to task. It will be pretty insightful when you identify your style of procrastination while you listen to the episode. The episode also discusses how to break each style of procrastination. Being equipped with a rich set of techniques, you are more likely to stop procrastination each time you have the urge to postpone the task. With each successful attempt, it will get easier for you to break the habit.

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Zeit:0 Std. 18 min

Sprecher:Dr. Shishir Palsapure
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