The Psychology Podcast S01E08 - Loneliness and Heartbreak - Dr. Shishir Palsapure - Hörbuch

The Psychology Podcast S01E08 - Loneliness and Heartbreak Hörbuch

Dr. Shishir Palsapure

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The episode throws some light on the facts about loneliness, one of the most painful emotions we can experience. It will answer your questions about what causes loneliness, about the role of the internet, how it's linked to depression, and how some businesses are running because of loneliness. Heartbreak can be hard to bear and although many people would like to move on, they may have some reservations. The episode deals with ways to deal with loneliness and heartbreak and healthily respond to them. What works with one person may not work with another, and you will learn how to devise a technique that will work for you. Whether or not you are currently in a relationship or going through loneliness, this episode will help you have healthier relationships.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 14 min

Sprecher:Dr. Shishir Palsapure
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