The Red Mind And The White Mind - Nikolai Rau - E-Book

The Red Mind And The White Mind E-Book

Nikolai Rau



I would like to recommend this book to all people who have always asked themselves whether their own world of thought is different from that of others. Maybe it's deeper than others. But perhaps there are events in your life that you have wanted to get to the bottom of. Perhaps you wondered whether your experiences, no matter how difficult or simple, were connected to your own inner world. And perhaps you would also like to find out whether there are other people who also have a world of thought like you and how these people would describe their world. Try not only to find yourself in it, but also to gain new insights that may have escaped your inner world.

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„Paths are made by Walking.“

Franz Kafka

„Only someone who goes his own way, can´t be overtaken by anyone.“

Marlon Brando

„Do not go where the road may lead, but to where there is no way, and leave your tracks behind.“

Jean Paul

„You can create something beautiful even from the stones placed in your way for you to stumble on.“

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

„War is not made by many people, who argue, it is made by one person, who wants the war, because he doesn´t know the Peace.“

Nikolai Rau




Chapter I „My first Steps“

Chapter II „The first Rise of Thoughts“

Chapter III „A new Art to learn“

Chapter IV „What awaits me?“

Chapter V „Looking for a Reason“

Chapter VI „The Sickness“

Chapter VII „Let me try it again.“

Chapter VIII „My Conversion“

Chapter 9 „The Unspoken Future“

Closing Comments


I want to keep my thoughts in here about the life. The reason why I write this book is to help another people and to tell something about my youth. Like I said in the description, it was my goal to show another people my world and give them a reason to opening up theirselves for a new way or our same ways of Thinking. A short story about myself: I was born in a hospital and was released into a children´s home for adoption. No one really knows what happened to my birth parents at that time, because many recordings about my heritage were destructed. With seven months, I was adopted by two lovely people. I love them and they loved me with the promise to take me as the person I am, to protect me from the Isolation of certain sub-cultures and to pave the way of Freedom on my own. Before my Adoption, I had a Pneumonia. Maybe this was the reason for my giveaway... Nobody knows. The doctors said, that even then my body was stronger then a usual Child Ones. I was able to defeat this sickness with five months without any after-effects. Thank God, but this wasn´t my only challenge or lesson. I had to fight against or live with the Secession and Isolation of another people, without even really noticing that. I liked to write this book, because there are a lot of things happened to me and (so I think) that those are having a deeper sence, while they are shaping me until this day. This is what I want: To give all of my readers new views on Life, on Humanity and their Wisdoms and Ways of Life. I want to Thank You right now for reading this book and trying to understand myself and youself... and probably even another Cultures.


For me there is something like a „red“ and a „white“ Mind (or Mentality). I use this terms just for the simple skills, wich everybody knows as „Talents“. You can have or use a skill or Talent completely or absolutely not. Between the „completely“ and the „absolutely not“ should lay the process of Learning, and just that. What I figured out, was that many people that I met, were calling this Process of Learning a „smaller Talent“. They never want to learn something new in their lifes and prefer to stay in „Moiety“. This is also happening within friendships. Many of this people I knew are afraid of everything new, or what they are calling „new“ or „a new thing“ or „a strange thing“. They are calculating their situations and what could happen next, but stay at their old Visions. I like to say in this part, that this „keeping of the Visions“ was and still is a problem of mine until that day. They even don ´t like to know something about a newly learned person, when they recognize their new and unknown side. Out of that, I noticed that there has to be a System, in how we are learning something new, what a certain number of people don´t know. In my experience, there have to be a lot of Skills and Feelings, wich couldn´t be so obviously... or wich we hide or don´t want to know about. Our System of Learning works formative to the Character, while we are losing something in working of a new Skill and Feeling. We should focus on just one thing in Life, if we want to be successful. If we just stay in the Half, the „Moiety“, or even while we just thinking about it, an inner uncheerfulness will follow us, the „Red Mind“. It is the danger and the inner jam up, to not know about something new or don´t want to learn something new, a Skill or a Feeling. While we are looking for something well in that what we are doing or what we feel (and not just focus on the goal in its primarly position), we will notice the „White Mind“ within ourselves and all around us. It giving us the inner Freedom to do or know something (or even Feel something), without any concerns. At this point I want to tell anybody, that we should let ourselves fall into something new without any fears behind it... for a good reason. I have to take something in a „childish way“. I had to get this experience to understand myself, my way and the concerns of the others. Our giant World of Thoughts and Feelings helps us, to understand another people. What is really important in this Life, to understand the Real intentions and willings of our fellows, to recognize theirselves and to find their Peace for their Real Life-Will. There are two kind of Skills: Skills for myself and Skills for my next fellow. Still my Will and my Will to learn that Skills are blocked from the Culture I was living in. But it is my Desire to tell you all that your Feelings are free and that you should use them, even for another people you love or don´t like. It doesn´t play a roll, everyone in Life helps us to open up the World of us. It is