The Vordtriede Quiz - Jürgen Lang - E-Book

The Vordtriede Quiz E-Book

Jürgen Lang

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The unique quiz informs playfully about the former Jewish family. They lived from 1926 to 1939 in Freiburg Haslach. Behind it there stand single mother Käthe and their children Fränze und Werner. Only because they were Jews, they were pursued and expelled. Through immediate escaping abroad, they could save themselves. The civic project "Vordtriede House Freiburg" would like to remind kindly. Since 2002 the initiator lives with her family in the former dwelling house on Fichte Street 4. In 2015, the private initiative won a city award. The target groups of the quiz are adults, young people and kids. Just young people are asked to deal with the German National Socialism and their ideology. These events may never recur, neither here in Freiburg nor somewhere else in the world.

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Questions to the project

Questions to the dwelling house

Questions to Käthe Vordtriede

Questions to Fränze Vordtriede

Questions to Werner Vordtriede

Solution to the quiz



References and biography

On the author


The unique quiz informs playfully about the former Jewish family. They lived from 1926 to 1939 in Freiburg Haslach. Behind it there stand single mother Käthe and their children Fränze and Werner. Only because they were Jews, they were pursued and expelled. Through immediate escaping abroad, they could save themselves.

The civic project „The VORDTRIEDE HOUSE Freiburg“, would like to remind kindly. Since 2002 the initiator lives with her family in the former dwelling house on Fichte Street 4. In 2015 the private initiative won a City Award for „Civic Engagement“.

The target groups of the quiz are adults, young people and kids. Just young people are asked to deal with the German National Socialism and their ideology. These events may never recur, neither here in Freiburg nor somewhere else in the world.

Freiburg im Breisgau, February 2016

The project manager


The quiz was developed especially as a contribution to the „Haslacher Adventskalender“. On the 15th of December 2015, it was presented to the public for the first time.

The starting point of the idea of creating a quiz was in September 2015, after the Germany-wide article series to the „30th day of death Werner Vordtriede“, unfortunately not found resonance.

This booklet wants to wake up interest for the family saga, as well as related subject areas such as emigration, German studies, intellectuals, Jewish history or German National Socialism.

Of course the booklet may be also used as a teaching preparation.

This English first edition corresponds to the German 2nd edition. Merely question No 9 and 35 have been updated and also the references complemented.


The VORDTRIEDE HOUSE is a private initiative which works in the interest of the emigrated family Vordtriede. They lived from 1926 to 1939 at number 4 of the