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Many folks have talked down Christianity and it makes it worrisome that their reasons are true. I guess the Kim Michaels' "I love Jesus, I hate Christianity" is still in play in our world due to the lifestyle of many Christians. Christianity is still not appealing for the hates, division, judgment, unforgiveness, and all sort that it most undoubtedly stands for. And it will never appeal to the world because it, religion as it is, is not what Jesus Christ brought to mankind. Christianity is that thorn or weed that Jesus spoke about... It is an illusion of the light and love the Christ lived and preached.
So, what really is the wheat and the weed? How did we emerge at the weed? How can we differentiate between the wheat and the weed? All these and more are what this book proffer answers to. Now I see why Jesus and the religious leaders of his time were always on each other's throat; it is the unending struggle between the wheat and the weed. Get to know how to recognize the weed so that you can always deal with it accordingly.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
Copyright ©2015 by Ayodele Ajileye
All rights reserved.
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All correspondence to
Ayodele Ajileye
Another parable he put before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared also. And the servants of the householder came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then has it weeds?' He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Then do you want us to go and gather them?' But he said, 'No; lest in gathering the weeds you root up the wheat along with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest time I will tell the reapers, Gather the weeds first and bind them in bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into my barn.'"
He answered, "He who sows the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world, and the good seed means the sons of the kingdom; the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the close of the age, and the reapers are angels.
Just as the weeds are gathered and burned with fire, so will it be at the close of the age. The Son of man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, and throw them into the furnace of fire; there men will weep and gnash their teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.
(Matthew 13:25-30; 37-43)
I pray that God will reveal more of the mysteries in this parable to your heart beyond what I can explain in this book and that you spread the news to friends, family and enemies. (Amen)
Bad is the opposite of good. Everybody knows that; why not try not-so-good or not-that-bad. It works.
Satan knows better than to sow dicotyledon seeds on farmland that is covered with monocotyledon plants; his plants would be too easy to identify and uprooted. Cowpea will be too obvious in a maize cultivated field like black is obviously different from white. The counterfeit of white will be ash color and an altered black color is grey. Satan has his target and God’s former high ranked angel is not about to play stupid in his war against God.
The farmer planted wheat but while man (the custodian) sleeps the enemy came and sowed his seed and went his way. The enemy’s seed is so similar to that of the farmer such that any attempt to eradicate the enemy’s seed, the farmer’s good seed might also be destroyed.
God will never come up with or introduce to man what man is wise enough to come up with on his own. God will not come down from heaven to give man what he already has; He only comes to give man what man doesn't have. Whether the farmer plants the good seed or not, the enemy still comes to sow his seed and engage the field. A good farmland is never free of plants, it is either purposefully cultivated crops or covered with weeds. In fact, the presence of weed on a piece of land shows to an extent that the land can be cultivated.
The field is the soul of man; the farmer’s seed is the real life and the enemy’s seed is an apparent life (a life that seems like the real but not). The sower is God and the enemy is Satan.
But what really is life? Life is relational and dynamic. Life is defined base on these two words – relationship and dynamism; how everything relates with its environment and the inevitable changes that occur.
If life is relational, then what is relationship? Relationship is interaction and responsibility. Relationship is interaction with one’s environment; interaction with both living and non-living things, human, near or far, older, younger or within the same age range. Relationship is responsibility. Responsibility is being accountable for something or someone (yourself or your neighbor) and being accountable to someone (to God, to yourself or to someone else). Putting these two together, then we can say that relationship is the method of responsiveness to people and events around us.
The real lives life in all its definitions and manages it all right; it goes through the interactive and dynamic aspect of life with good flexibility. It has no constraints. Though it defines its own limits base on its ability, yet it limits are not walls of Jericho that needs divine intervention to bring down. The real gives allowance for the unforeseen occurrences; there is the plus or minus in all it does. The apparent life, on the other hand, is the life that deviated from the real and trying to meet up with the ideal. It is a life with so many constraints to the body, soul and spirit of man. It is not the opposite of the real but it is not the real; it is the ash that can be mistaken for white or the grey that can be mistaken for black. It is the seeming life which is not what God intended for man in the beginning.
The intention of this book is to present the kind of life that God intends for man and what man now has as well as how to return to the intended kind of life. I pray that God will bring you to the knowledge and lifestyle of His intended kind of life as you continue in this book.
Two plants with two different meaning in the spirit realm. These two plants must have looked alike for the sower to have stopped his servants from uprooting the weeds and they have some things in common. Sure, they are both plants, they are both monocot plant and they both have (almost) the same requirements for survival.
The wheat and the weed are so much alike that any attempt to get rid of one, the other which is the needed and the important could be uprooted. That is religion and relationship. The devil planted the seed of religion to compete in all wise with God's seed of relationship in the soul of man which serves as the soil. The soul provides either and both the wheat and the weed with the necessary nutrients, space and support.
Jesus also had issues with religion, He was always against religious practices. He didn’t like religion and tried to talk people out of it.
“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’ “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. (Matthew 7:21-24)
Jesus saying "I never knew you" meant He has never related with them. Miracles are possible as a result of religiosity as they are as a result of a good relationship (though more and cheaply given in relationship) but the kingdom of heaven is not certain for the religious. People who’ve made it to heaven, according to the Bible, were friends of God and friends are those in a good relationship. We shall consider Jesus’ war against the apparent life as we proceed in this book.
The Root of It All
There is a definite start to everything and the real life and the apparent life are no exceptions. Let's start by understanding what the real life and the apparent life are.
Real life is the kind of life as defined in the introduction; it is both relational and dynamic. It is how it is and living it good as it is, not as it should be. Relationship is an art of interacting with animate matters such as the Supreme Being (God) or human or animal and inanimate matters. It is also the art of being accountable for the objects and to the subjects. Relationship is what typifies the real life. The style of relating is as dictated by personalities involved and circumstances.
Apparent life looks like the real life but is not. It is in most part not real and people have to work to make it real. It tends toward the ideal life; a life that no one should or can live. No wonder it is so laborious to live. It is always with an attempt to make a good front with everyone and everything it relates with. It is what says, “I can’t be emotional because I am a man.” Or “I should not reason beyond this level because my people do not go beyond this level.” Or “I should really stay within this box in whatever I do.” The word that describes this kind of life is religion.
Religion is an act of interacting with animate matters such as the Supreme Being (God) or human or animal and inanimate matters. It is a system put in place by man as an attempt to please a supreme being. A system is one with fixed methods of carrying out specific activities.
So, permit me to use the terms that easily describes the real life and the apparent life, relationship and religion respectively as we proceed in this book.
"In the beginning God" (Genesis 1:1)
God exists from before the beginning and that is why He is in the beginning. He is the beginning. He is the God of relationship and that is seen in the book of the beginning - Genesis where He created everything to relate with one another. When He created man, He gave him life and that life is defined by the purpose of man which comes through interaction with everything that has been created and responsibility for them. God also came to relate with everything He created. To man, the best part of His creation, He came to relate with as a friend and a father. Real life is what He wants and that is what He created and established in and with man. He created the living as well as the non-living and made allowance for inter-relationship between them. Biologists call it Ecosystem. Life is interactive and dynamic.
Relationship is an art, but religion is an act.
Relationship is an art, hence, does not have to be forced. An art is the way of life; it is culture. It is what everyone does spontaneously. It is all encompassing and interesting. God loves relationship because man does not have to be so conscious of it; it comes naturally. God enjoys it when man is not trying to be something or someone he is not in order to please Him which is religion; He wants man to be man and angels to be angels. In man He has friend as well as children and in angels He has messengers. Why then should man try to play angel as religion suggests at times? God already has enough angels to Himself and if He wants more He'll sure create more. Be His friend, that's what He wants from you.
The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. - Karl Marx
Religion came after man sinned in Genesis 3, as man started to try to give God acceptable answers. Man started to think of how to arrange words in relating with God; man was no longer free with God. And this, since close to the beginning, has been what man does and improves on.
Abraham and David were friends of God and I have not yet found a passage in the Bible that shows their attempt to please God. They related with God as freely as friends would and that pleased God.
David did a lot of barging in on God without knocking; he just had to see his friend and so just walked into God's presence for discussion. He said "the Lord is my Shepherd" and as the Lord's sheep and friend he didn't need a pass to the Lord, he just goes in and out to and with the Lord. What is God's response to this? God called David "a man after His own heart." (1 Samuel 13:14)
Abraham was so much a friend of God that he won't allow God to continue in His journey to Sodom until He had dined with His friend. Abraham lived out his normal lifestyle of hospitality with God and that wasn't an attempt to please God. God revealed His mission in Sodom to Abraham because of their friendship and not for the hospitality; Abraham’s hospitality only availed both of them sweet time together. God journeyed to Sodom through Abraham's route just so that He could spend time with Abraham - His friend.
Even Moses, through whom God gave a relationship guide - the ten commandments that has now been translated into religious checkmate, was a friend of God who never attempted to please God, rather, pleasing Him was his lifestyle. He killed an Egyptian because he could not stand the maltreating of his friend's (God's) beloved - an Israelite.
Diversity or division?
At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words. As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there.
They began saying to each other, “Let’s make bricks and harden them with fire… let’s build … a tower that reaches into the sky.