Transfert quantique® The Unconscious Unveiled - Myriam Fassio - E-Book

Transfert quantique® The Unconscious Unveiled E-Book

Myriam Fassio



Myriam and Olivier Fassio are psychoanalysts. Myriam Fassio invented a meta-language out of necessity because she couldn't understand one of her patient's symptoms. This tool allowed her to access her patient's story, her emotions and to understand where her blockages came from. olivier Fassio, as a trangenerationnal psychoanalyst, decides to join the Transfert Quantique adventure. Quantum because we are all entangled without considerations of time, space or distance. Quantum because information management is linked to our intentions, our thoughts ans we now know that, despite ourselves, our convictions guide and create our lives. "NOTHING IS IMMUABLE, OUR LIFE IS JUSTE THE SYMPHONY OF OUR INTENTIONS". Myriam Fassio

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How Transfert Quantique ® came into being

Transfert Quantique ®

How does quantum mechanics fit

into these transfers (Transfert Quantique)


Our place in the clan, the “Transpose-Familia” theory

Transgenerational : Lobsang and the law of blood

Twinning: Sarah and her loving double

The father : Pierre and a strict father’s faux-pas

The mother : The coastal weather report on the Isles of Mother: warm, cold, calm... storming

Jezebel the rebellious teenager… And her helicopter mom


The couple : Eve and Richard – From dream come true to nightmare

The career : Ysaïe, the child forced to parent

Money : Mary-Lou never or ever penniless?

Narcissistic Malignancy





Consultations & workshops Making an appointment

To our children and grandchildren


We would like to thank all the people, who we have met on our paths, who have allowed us to evolve, to learn, and to dive headfirst into the incredible adventure of introspection.

We thank our close family, loved ones, and friends that have supported us in this project. We thank our patients for the ongoing trust that they have given us and still demonstrate today.

A special thanks to Justine Vincent without whom Transfert Quantique ® would not exist.

“Emotions that are not expressed

do not die.

They are buried alive

and come back to haunt us later

under another appearance.”

Sigmund Freud

Chapiter 1

How Transfert Quantique ® came into being

On a day in March 2012, I welcomed a young 20-year-old woman into my practice. Her long hair hid a pretty face with fine features and her red lips shone with lip gloss. Justine was rather tall and her exceptional intelligence contrasted with her childlike shyness. She used precise language when describing her symptoms. Justine explained that over the last three years, she had had great difficulty facing the outside world. She had repeated fainting spells without explanation. She no longer accepted feeling stuck in a prison, with invisible bars, that condemned her youth. I tried to decode her suffering as much as I could, by asking pointed questions. She suffered from agoraphobia, and medical phobias (medicine, hospitals, and everything related). She could not distance herself from her mother without losing consciousness. I was confronted with a real problem and could not use my usual tools with Justine. She could not stand being touched. Physical contact provoked fainting spells, anxiety attacks, muscular contractions, and spasmophilia. She felt like she was suffocating and this again sometimes led to fainting. In just the last few years Justine had developed a depression syndrome that was difficult to endure without medication. Despite our exploratory sessions, I could not find the origin nor a solution. I felt extremely frustrated.

Several months later, upon their request, I brought the young patient’s parents into my office. Maybe they could offer more information, and help in understanding this strange infliction that their daughter suffered from? Without any therapeutic results or new information to explain this situation, I had reached a therapeutic block, I didn’t know how to access Justine’s unconscious mind. Yet, I had to find a solution because failure wasn’t an option. I thought about how to solve Justine’s mysterious ailments, after each full day of consultations and especially each night before sleep. I had to find a solution, and I would find it. It was constantly at the forefront of my mind.

Two months later, EUREKA! I was awoken one early morning by an illuminating idea that could finally be the solution to understanding Justine’s baffling ailments. Everything was clear in my mind. Seemingly, I had discovered a new technique to access information deeply buried in the patient’s unconscious. I only had to put my theory into practice. I knocked on my fellow psychoanalyst and colleague, Sandrine ’s door. She has been working by my side for many years and came from the same educational background. We have an almost twelve years age difference, and I recognize my younger self in her, with the same passion for our profession. We entirely trust each other and know we can fully count on one another. Her office was right next to mine. Whenever I have moved my practice’s office space, she always followed, so that our collaboration could grow and endure. Sandrine is a Freudian psychoanalyst who has observed my practice from a distance, and with true objectivity. That very morning I briefly explained to her the young patient’s case and most of all how I proposed to treat her. As Sandrine had participated with me in Systemic Constellations (whose origins are mentioned later in the text) it was easier to explain it to her than I had expected. Her eyes sparkled in surprise and amusement. She said: “Seriously, do you realize what you are saying?” but her curiosity got the best of her and she said: “Alright let’s do this!”

My idea was simple since I could not access Justine’s unconscious mind directly, which was auto-censored by Justine herself (as is the specific nature of all unconscious minds), all I needed to do was transfer Justine’s unconscious mind onto another human “interface” (which would be Sandrine in this specific example) to find answers. In this case, we call the person in Transfert Quantiques ® who accesses patients’ unconscious “the interface”, in the same way, that a computer screen displays a computer’s hard disk and functions as an interface for the human user. To this end, I used systemic constellations as created by Bert Hellinger1. First, specific goals must be decided to inform the unconscious on which zone to explore and update. The unconscious is censured to keep any repressed anxiety-provoking material from repeatedly coming up. However, if I was successful in my transfer of Justine’s unconscious onto Sandrine, logically there shouldn’t be any censorship. The principle is based on empathy. As is common knowledge, empathy is the ability to feel another person’s emotions resoundingly. The more sensitive the person, the more they are empathetic. Sandrine, being a deeply sensitive person, was perfect for this role. I decided to interview her as if she were Justine. We would then collect the necessary information from Justine’s unconscious mind to understand the problem.

Subsequently, we would be able to modify all negative information through a required update via the integration of new programming that better corresponds to the patient’s ambitions.

Like a hard drive, the unconscious needs defragmentation (disc cleaning) including software sorting, and useless data removal.

For the latter, I created a Transfert Quantique ® protocol that requires enunciating intentions out loud. The therapist places her/his hand on the patients’ emotional center (the heart) to integrate the words. The action would aim to send correcting information thus allowing an update of erroneous data through these repairing intentions. I had small “updating programs” that I had written or that others have given me. Intention phenomena are well described in quantum mechanics and more specifically in the cases where an observer changes the results of an experiment. I was able to fine-tune the protocol beforehand from doing extensive research, reading, note-taking (in a leatherbound grimoire-like notebook), and attending many conferences and conventions concerning the quantum field.

I called Justine to my office. Her mother came with her but stayed in the waiting room for the time being. Sandrine didn’t know anything about my young patient’s history except for her symptoms. Sandrine asked the young woman if she agreed to entrust her with her unconscious mind and Justine accepted. The young woman sat across from her. Sandrine concentrated on Justine’s first and last name with her eyes closed. Immediately, Sandrine had excessively uncomfortable sensations. Standing with her eyes closed she described what she was feeling “I feel like a sugar cube melting in water.” She continued to explain. Her legs felt weak. She felt a general state of unwellness, feverishness, and had intense anxiety in her chest. She complained of kidney pains. While Sandrine continued to speak, Justine confirmed that this was precisely what she had been feeling over the last three years. Sandrine then described a small room and a shelf where there were medications. She felt trapped, as if she was suffocating, like a prisoner in this small room. We did not, neither the patient nor I, know what this was about. Sandrine was in an anxious state that was getting worse by the second, she felt as if she was going to die. Justine validated that this was exactly what she felt when she had her symptoms. I turned towards her and asked ---- “who died in your family? Who provoked a tragedy in your family?”

She then burst into tears. After this emotional release, she finally confided in us that her uncle Jack, her mother’s little brother, died when he was 11 years old. She did not know anything more about it. She cried as if the event had just taken place. Since it concerned her directly, I asked Justine to bring her mother into our session. First Justine refused, she was afraid it would stir up painful emotions for her mother. She didn’t want to be the one to grant permission for that to happen. I answered that this was her mother’s wish, who like every loving mother wanted to see her daughter happy, joyful, and living a normal life. This was the explicit request her mother had formally made to me.

I invited her mother into my consultation office. I asked her about how her brother died and more precisely the specific circumstances surrounding her brother’s death. Then it was Justine’s mother’s turn to burst into tears, in the same way, her daughter had as if the event had just happened yesterday. I asked her when he had died and she answered --- thirty-five years ago.

I was surprised about the intensity of her suffering, after all this time. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the mourning period was far from over. The information she then revealed was essential, her little brother Jack had died at eleven years old --- when his older sister (Justine’s mother) was seventeen years of age. This was exactly the age at which Justine’s mysterious symptoms had begun. Jack had broken his arm. An operation was necessary to insert pins. His father and sister took him to the hospital, while his mother stayed home. Unfortunately, on the operating table, Jack had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia and died. In the hospital hallway, the doctors broke the tragic news of his death to his father and older sister. They came home without Jack, where the mother was waiting. This account helped me to fully understand the storyline in which Justine was trapped. The tragedy had not been accepted, digested nor overcome by her mother. Thirty-five years later, the trauma was intact. She sobbed and sobbed as if the death had just taken place. This intense relationship between mother and daughter provoked a strong entanglement that allowed information to circulate from one unconscious to the other.

I did my best to explain to Justine’s mother that her unconscious was acting like a WiFi router, emitting frequencies that provoked in her daughter a reactivation of Jack’s death, with all the layered and unprocessed emotions. This tragedy, in that it had not been resolved, was therefore expressed through genetic imprint and then passed onto her daughter. Science has identified what are called “behavior genes” that transport traumas. It was hard to deny the evidence: when the brother passed away, Justine’s mother had been seventeen years old. The young patient’s symptoms had begun at the same age. The younger brother died from an allergic reaction to anesthesia.

Justine found it impossible to take medications since her unconsciousness judged them to be deadly. And since Jack died in a hospital, it was inconceivable for her to trust doctors or go to a hospital. Everything that was even remotely hospital-care-related was also experienced as being potentially deadly.

Suddenly the situation was crystal clear, seemed inherently logical, and above all gave me access to my patient’s suffering.

Justine’s mother had not allowed herself to grieve her little brother’s death, and this active trauma was at the origin of all her daughter’s anxiety. I advised her to work on her bereavement as soon as possible to liberate her daughter from this “incarceration” that had lasted too many years. She explained to me that her anxiety was rooted in the fact that if she wasn’t sad to the point of tears when she thought of him she felt like she was betraying him. Thanks to Justine’s case, Transfert Quantique ® was born that day. Justine was able to lead a normal life just one week after the session. All the notes, which I had kept taking tirelessly, allowed me to help this teenager who was trapped in a narrative that wasn’t her own, but that she had loyally decided to carry. From the 5th month of the gestation period onward, fetuses start taking on inherited blockages and burdens. It is as if these beings are internalizing “the trash” of the generations before them to alleviate the future generations’ pain. When searching for the reasons behind these acts of love, we can find correlations to the honoring of one’s parents and ancestors. Nothing is transmitted, it is the child who decides to lighten the loads of “the upper floors.” My stubbornness and pathological curiosity made what could have been a therapeutic failure into a tool. That’s alchemy for you!

After the first sessions where Sandrine took on the interface role, I am now able to orchestrate the full practice and conduct Transfert Quantiques ® independently. In this way, I am both the interface, the practitioner that interprets what needs updating, and who conducts the updating via intention integration. Those of my colleagues and graduated trainees, who also conduct Transfert Quantiques ®, have likewise learned these gymnastics.

1. Bert Hellinger was a German psychotherapist born in 1925. After several years as a missionary in Africa, he specialized in family relations and developed the family constellation tool.

Chapiter 2


TRANSFER (“transfert” in French): The transportation of something from one place to another (Regarding Transfert Quantique ®, the transfer of unconscious data from one individual to another).

QUANTUM (“quantique” in French): The description of atom and particle behaviors that explains certain electromagnetic wave properties.

We also use entanglement, whereas there is an exchange and modification of unconscious information by the therapist’s nonphotogenic-material observation.

Everything that exists in this world is conducted by quantum laws. This is a disruptive term in therapeutic circles because it is not mastered by specialists nor by the rest of the world.

Everything is quantum. For light exists in all living things and all that is in perpetual motion. We believe that quantum mechanics is the theory of the spiritual world. Transfert Quantique ® is a tool that works on the three parts that constitute human beings: the body, the soul, and the spirit. The Transfert Quantique ® is carried out in three stages: In the first phase, the patient explains her/his problem. The therapist then carries out what we call an anamnesis during which the patient is asked a precise list of information. As previously explained, soon after the therapist becomes the interface for the patient’s unconscious, the way a screen is an interface for a computer’s hard drive. The therapist can thereupon proceed in reading the information as it appears in four different forms:

Mental images that are of the same quality as those in dreams,

feelings felt in real-time,

straightforward thoughts,

body pains – biological codes indicating symbols of conflict (i.e. responsibility: shoulder pain, guilt: neck pains, etc.),

This information is accessible by a connection to the patient’s database that is called “preconscious” in psychoanalysis. The first and last names are sufficient for the interface to make the connection between the patient and the therapist. The first and last names act as a digital IP. This works similarly to a WiFi router which also uses waves and frequencies. The first and last names are the access keys.

Empathy, the emotional resonance from one individual to another, is the method used here.

It is like the exchange of data between two computers. It is unnecessary to add moral value. There isn’t room for morality in a default unconscious system, which belongs to experienced or inherited conditioning programs. It is ruled by laws that are more in the order of “authorized/non-authorized” far from the notions of “nice/mean” or “good/evil” which in actuality brings us closer to the digital world. In nature, everything is mathematical, or more precisely, algorithmic. The unconscious mind has incredible algorithms that rest on simple binary principles with two possible response propositions: the same thing (repetition) or its opposite. This “machine” isn’t complicated, it is complex and governed by logic alone. The Transfert Quantique ® offers the possibility for the patient to be released from a binary response to offer a change of state. There is a third choice, which comes into being directly molded from the subject’s desires. A change of state is a quantum leap. For example, our human ancestors who lost their body hair because of climatic and other environmental changes must have undergone a quantum leap.

The reading protocol for all patients has various connection points, as listed below:

A synthesized image that determines the patient’s actual emotional state

Connection to:

All first and middle names

The mother

The father



The outside world

The couple archetype

The male and/or female archetype

One’s spouse

One’s children



life path...

All this information is updated in real-time and acts in the present tense.

Some individuals are frozen at emotional ages inferior to their actual age, we call these crystallizations.

Crystallizations are among the data that need updating because they are faulty and are those that create situations characterized by conflict or blockages that are repeated in the patient’s present experience. Each connection is explained to the patient in detail.

There is a phenomenal amount of information harnessed and often in great detail. It is possible to add connections such as traumas, instances of abuse, deaths, events, or specific things or people that are problematic in the patient’s life.

Thus, through Transfert Quantique ®, a holographic duplication of the patient's unconscious is juxtaposed onto the therapist’s unconscious, allowing the therapist to read the information. This theory seems straight out of a SCI-FI movie and yet this is exactly what happens. The patient’s first and last names are used as digital IPs and connection points. Through the latter, the interface begins to quickly feel and can access after a few seconds, the patient’s emotions, physical sensations, and thoughts. The information accessed by the interface should correspond to the patient’s objectives. First, the therapist (who has taken on the role of the “interface”) explains her/his physical sensations, as well as the mental images, and the thoughts they perceive. This information is a synthesis of the problem’s origin that requires treatment. They proceed to make all the necessary connections needed to understand the problem. We have observed that a first name if shared with someone from one’s family or parent’s past, can induce a life trajectory deviation.

The energy can be positively charged if it helps one to go forward. It can also be negatively charged if they were named after someone with negative associations such as someone who died tragically, committed suicide, or was either depressed, alcoholic, sick, the victim of professional and/or social failure.

Concerning the gestation period, it is significant to know whether there was a single fetus or more. The interface may feel a huge sadness regarding the loss of a twin, or joy of being in their mother’s womb, and/or fears and anxiety about the idea of having to leave the womb. There can be various other emotions, both positive and negative, depending on the mother’s history.

In the same way, we check whether the birth was experienced as trauma or not. In the case of a cesarean, if done urgently to save the baby’s life it can be experienced as a great relief, being an act planned by both the mother and the obstetrician.

The role of the therapist/interface is exceedingly demanding. It is possible to do two distinctive sessions at the patient’s request when they need a time of reflection about what was collected from a primary unconscious reading, before proceeding to an updating of the information. Often a single objective will be chosen per session to optimize precision in the data collection and problem resolution. The data found enables the creation of a roadmap, giving more insight and order to consequently needed resolutions. Once the information is collected, the next phase is designated as “the integration phase.”

For this phase, the patient lays down. The therapist sits at their side still connected to the patient’s unconscious, places their hand on the heart chakra, and proceeds with a verbal intention integration. The therapist uses a conjoining wavelength to modify faulty unconscious programs. The conjoining wavelength also called “creative assembly wavelength” is both a wave and a vibration. It is composed of light and acts on all of the subject’s dimensions: body-psyche-soul. This is an assembly zone whose purpose is to maintain the joining together and constant motion of new information.

The connection wavelength has the intellectual capacity to respond to the request and can modify either partially or fully the information located where it is sent. Once the integration is finished, the therapist undertakes a second reading of the subject’s updated unconscious mind. In continuity with the interface analogy, once again one could compare the human psyche to a computer. The screen represents the unconscious mind and the hard disk the conscious mind. The unconscious is timeless. Everything that we have experienced from our gestation until today is built in part by our point of view and our genetic heritage. The way we perceive the world and reality determines our programs and our information.

The way we perceive the mother determines:

Our self-esteem

The female archetype

Our romantic relationships

The relationships we have with feminine hierarchy (professional superiors, homeowners (for renters), policewomen, etc)

All relationships with men that are more than 10 years our senior.

The way we perceive the father determines:

Our relationships with the outside world and others

The male archetype

Recognition and acknowledgment

Our relationship with money

Professional success

Relationship with masculine hierarchy (manager, boss, banker, etc.)

All relationships with men that are more than 10 years our senior.

The way we perceive our siblings determines:

Our friendships

Our relationships with colleagues

Our relationships with neighbors

Our relationships with business associates

All people without bonds of hierarchy

We are wholly responsible for our reality, both consciously and unconsciously. We are entangled with elements of our reality, including people, events, or other elements, through high or low frequencies depending on our points of view.

It is a triptych that works in this way:

Point of view => Emotion => Frequency

The high frequencies are love, joy, and peace.

The low frequencies are guilt, fear, anger, and sadness. Transfert Quantique ®’s goal is to replace the low frequencies with high frequencies and to end the repetitious loop of blockages and conflicts, thus updating faulty information and programs. These entanglement phenomenons are explained by the epigenetic theory that belongs, among others, to the quantum field.To end suffering in our lives, we need to be at peace with all members of our original clan and the genes that carry our lineage’s history. The idea is not that we have to love our family, that is not the question, but to accept them (the “other”) the way they truly are, unconditionally, meaning without expectations.

Whether to love is a peculiar question since it is an illusion to believe that we have a choice. Who chooses or not to love another person, a piece of specific music, food, etc. Palatability is an imposed fact despite ourselves!

We do not choose much in our lives consciously. We are submissive to unconscious algorithms that direct our actions and behaviors.

Transfert Quantique ® can greatly help in opening the latitude of choice, to take back control over our lives, and reclaim our inmost freedom. We are compliant by default to the unconscious reactions that only give two possibilities: the same or the opposite. Consider that the same thing and its opposite can have the same result. For example, if you water a plant with a liter of water per day for a month, it dies, if you do not water it at all for a whole month it also dies.

We have identified several intrinsic rules (in the unconscious):

Who judges repeats

The “other” doesn’t exist

I become a mother; I become my mother

I become a father; I become my father

The fear of something attracts it

1. Who judges repeats: For example, if you grow up repeating to yourself “I will never be like my mother” you create an unconscious program that will result in the same situation.

2. The “other” doesn’t exist: the “other” is just the reflection of the conscious and unconscious interior of what we are or who we think we are. For example, I think my boss (who is female) is after me, but I do not know why. I am permanently in conflict with her, in my opinion, she makes unjust remarks. I feel harassed and badly treated.

Explanation: Since my mother is symbolized by the boss, this means I have a relationship with my mother that isn’t harmonious either consciously or unconsciously and that I am reproducing it with my superior. The situation comes from me, from my low frequencies. By modifying these frequencies, I inevitably change my relationship with my boss. Another simpler example: I am in a park, I am reading a book on a bench, and all of a sudden I find myself nose to nose with a terrifying dog without its master:

a. I am scared of dogs. It growls at me because it feels my low frequencies (fear) and reacts also by fear => therefore, it growls to defend itself.

b. I love dogs: it wags its tail because it feels high frequencies (love) and reacts accordingly.

Imagine now that I am in front of my bathroom mirror and that I put lipstick all around the outside of my mouth. I look in the mirror and realize that this is not acceptable and that I did not put it in the right place. How would you react if I told you to solve my problem I will buy another mirror?? If you are sound in body and mind you would say I was “crazy” right?

This is what occurs when we are face to face with someone who acts badly, that we don’t like, etc. Everyone tends to think that the problem comes from the other person and not from one’s self. This isn’t true. Changing the mirror will not help, one needs to change the inside of oneself.

3. I become a mother; I become my mother: When bringing children into the world, the conflicts already experienced in the mother-child relationship will come back in a confrontational way as soon as one takes on the maternal role. For example, my mother didn’t take care of me when I was an infant. She wouldn’t get up at night for me and wasn’t in a loving relationship with me. When I give birth to my daughter, I will feel deep sadness and have a hard time taking care of my baby despite myself. It is as if I could not connect to them. This comes from the repetition of the situation. I identify with this small baby and am reliving this tragic relationship of non-love.

If we are conscious of this, we can find a different version that is both more apt and suitable.

4. I become a father; I become my father: As sons, we are inclined to relive the same relationship with our children and those we have known with our father or its exact opposite. For example, my father was excessively strict with me, and I was a victim of his abusive authority during my entire childhood. I felt frustrated and often unjustly punished. I will repeat, despite myself, the same situation or be an overly permissive father. If we are conscious of this, we can find a third version which is the middle way.

The opposite of renunciation is acceptance. It is an intellectual and emotional path which appeases tensions.

Sufficient understanding leads to peace by neutralizing situations. Renunciation, on the other hand, is the result of discouragement, fatality, and abandonment by the necessity of survival. From my point of view, it can likewise be called “surrender.” It is a partial resolution that leaves a bitter aftertaste of frustration. Remarkably often expectations that are not fed create distinctive bonds. Without these frustrations, these negative bonds would no longer exist. With each frequency modification, the therapist can check the unconscious transformations in the present moment. This is an innovative aspect of the Transfert Quantique ® tool. There isn’t a “classic” therapy method that offers a verification in real-time of a problem’s resolution. As the session continues the negative elements or programs are worked on and transformed. The negative emotions leave room for appeasement, balance, and liberation. Certain connections appear transformed to give life to new models in the unconscious, such as the male and female archetypes, the couple, and more importantly ones positioning with regards to their parents and more specifically the level of parental emancipation.

Little by little, the storyline can be transformed, thus rewriting the patient’s history to their advantage. The session is finished when the patient’s unconscious is saturated with changes. The transformation level directly depends on the specific unconscious mind’s plasticity. The more controlling the patient, the harder it is to create change. Control is a defense mechanism in the face of insecurity. The time it takes to update the unconscious is about 83 hours. In some cases, several sessions are necessary to attain a complete problem resolution.

Thanks to their youth, children react acutely to sessions because their unconscious is still pretty new and not highly perturbed by experienced conflicts. Most of the time, their problems come from lineage heritages from which they can be easily freed. The innovation of Transfert Quantique ® is in how you can access the origins of those problems. We no longer have to heal blindly and thus gain a huge amount of time. The changes are observable in obvious ways and there are always results. It isn’t age-specific. It can be used on fetuses, children, teenagers, and adults without an age limit. Transfert Quantique ® teaches us that the fetus in its intrauterine life thinks and feels love and other emotions. A fun game is to ask the people closest to you: ”from what age onward can one think?” or even “from what age onward does one love?” You would be stunned by the answers....It is a completely gray area. No one can imagine that an infant is a thinking being, that a tubed-up preemie baby in the neonatology service could be traumatized for life by this invasive care. We have discovered over the years a new world with new explanations for sicknesses, blockages, and all the tragic consequences that our transgenerational heritages have on our lives. We carry seven generation layers and all the related traumas in our genes. In this way wars, immigration, and tragedies of all kinds are inscribed in our unconscious minds.

The key to healing is in liberating ourselves from these traumas.

Chapiter 3

How does quantum mechanics fit into these transfert (Transfert Quantique ®)?

Without quantum physics and its physical, physiological, biological, philosophical, and spiritual consequences, the Transfert Quantique ® tool would never have come into being.

Psychoanalysis has always strived towards being considered a scientific tool. Freud based his entire theory on the energy called “libido” and what Jung called “psychic energy.” This revolutionary idea for his time consisted in explaining the conscious and unconscious in terms of energy. This put psychology into the scientific domain. Freud’s wonderful intuition ended up being proven as a result of quantum mechanics.

Even though Freud didn’t work to bring together his discoveries with quantum mechanics, Jung went on to open the dialogue between these two fields as can be seen in his correspondence with W. Pauli (one of this discipline’s pioneers).

Quantum Mechanics studies infinitely tiny particles thanks to elementary particles called “Qantas.” The discovery of these particles’ behavior caused materialists (those who think that thought doesn’t affect matter) to go as far as to even deem it sorcery. This is because the infinitely small behaves in a decidedly different way than the macroscopic world in which we think we live. For a long time, many scientists have refused to hear about the consequences of quantum mechanics on the macroscopic scale. For others, a scientific theory only holds if applied to all scales. Quantum physicists are thus testing the laws of quantum mechanics in all physical domains to better understand these phenomenons. Beyond a new understanding of the universe in its infinite expensiveness and the numerous technological advances that this science has given us — from lasers, computers, MRIs, to fusion superconductors -, some authors such as W. Pauli, E Baaquie, E. Manin, Deepak Chopra, M. Teodorani, A. Triolaire, and Ervin Laszlo have expanded the “quantum persona” to include states of the human psyche. This new science has begun to explore everything that had been rejected until now as being “sorcery” by materialist thinking.

Today, intuitions, telepathy, mediumship, kinaesthesia, visions from a distance, out-of-body experiences, miraculous healing, psychoanalysis transfers, transference/countertransference, and Jungian synchronicity, are the fields of study for many physicians, geneticists, and biologists. For once they have dived with their minds into quantum magic they are no longer afraid to open their fields of science to understand previously incomprehensible phenomena.

What is the psyche, the conscious, the unconscious, and information? How do they work in the physical plane? Quantum physicists do not have taboos nor metaphysical or spiritual bans.

Some open their considerations to the point of trying to understand why life exists in the first place without losing sight of what W. Heisenberg ascertains “Not only is the universe stranger than what we think but it is stranger than we can think.”The quantum field propels us into a world of frequencies and waves. It is no longer surprising to receive images directly on our phones or accessing infinite information through the internet. This seems natural, and we use these tools every day even if we do not understand exactly how they work. Imagine the reaction of an aboriginal man who has lived his whole life far from electronic devices witnessing your “FaceTime'' conversation on your cell phone. He would think you are a sorcerer. Yet this aboriginal man uses the same frequency capacities to communicate with his clan through telepathy. If we witnessed this, we would think he was a sorcerer. These two distinctive communication methods are based on the same physical phenomena! They are just used through different material elements. We have entered a new era, the quantum era.

Returning to quantum mechanics’ mysterious discoveries. What are its principal characteristics?

Wave-particle duality:

Light has two complementary aspects depending on how we study it, it is at the same time a wave phenomenon in the form of wavelength and a corpuscular phenomenon in the form of a photon. A wave isn’t located in space or time, nor does it have a precise position or mass whereas a corpuscle (small body or particle) has a specific position and mass. If we observe an electron, it will be found in a specific place. As soon as we stop observing it, it develops its wave aspect and is no longer in a specific place. It then becomes impossible to predict with certainty, where it will be found the next time we observe it. All matter emits waves. Matter is thus wavelike (beyond space and time) as well as being corpuscular (both here and now). This is what quantum physicists call the two superimposed states of matter. Why superimposed? Because physicists cannot observe these two states at the same time.

Erwin Schrödinger2 was an Austrian physicist and philosopher and one of the fathers of quantum mechanics who co-created the official concept of the wave function associated with the particle state. In 1935, after long exchanges with Albert Einstein, he created a thought experiment that highlighted the impossibility of observing both superimposed states simultaneously. Schrödinger devised a thought experiment (meaning that it was never carried out) now known as Schrödinger’s cat. A cat is shut into a box with a device that kills the animal as soon as it detects the decay of a radioactive body with a mechanism that releases hydrocyanic acid. Within the device, there would be a machine such as a Geiger radioactive detector. In terms of probability, the disintegration has one chance out of two to occur after one minute but according to quantum theory, until the observation is made, the atom is simultaneously in two states: intact and disintegrated while the cat is both dead and alive. Only the observation at the end of the experiment will determine whether the cat is dead or alive. An experiment of this kind, though possible with a particle, becomes more problematic with a pet. Several years earlier, in 1801: Thomas Young demonstrated a strange wave property: their capacity to interact between themselves. The simple fact of observing photons while considering them as a particle and not as a wave modifies the experiment’s results (see Young’s double-slit experiment). This is what is called the “wave function collapse.” The observer has a direct influence on the observed system. The greater the intensity of the observation, the more influence the observer has on what happens.

Other behavior oddities of these funny particles are the “non-locality” or “entanglement” which is probably the most disconcerting discovery in quantum physics. Particles that have been in contact with each other are called “entangled.” The fact that a particle is entangled with another particle makes it so an interaction that happens with one particle has immediate repercussions on the entangled particle that can be located elsewhere. In appearance, this phenomenon contradicts constrained relativity for which exists a maximum speed to the propagation of all information, in other words, the speed of light. In this instance, the interaction is immediate no matter the distance! Therefore, we can speak of “a non-locality” associated with entanglement to which we can add “non-temporality” since everything happens outside of time.

Conscious/unconscious duality

What is the application of quantum theory on human psyche states? The wave-particle duality can be associated with the conscious/unconscious duality. Since the conscious mind is located in an individual’s body, it represents the here and now. It can represent the corpuscular aspect of our psyche. The unconscious is characterized by its “non-localization” in space and time, and it represents the “wave-like” aspect of our psyche.

These two states are superimposed. The unconscious state is non-localized and thus possesses entanglement properties.

Because the observer influences the experiment, when a person makes a conscious choice, this can cause the wave function to collapse. The conscious mind only registers a single vector of possible states bringing all potentials into one, actualized in the here and now. Until now from a scientific viewpoint, all psychic and paranormal phenomena have been treated with disdain.

They did not have their place in a universe ruled by Newtonian causality. Today all these phenomena are research subjects, and they are integrated into scientific research as non-locality and wave phenomena. Quantum mechanics can therefore explain telepathic phenomena and “unconscious to unconscious” communications present in Transfert Quantique ®, in analogical transfer and also in psychophony3.

The unconscious mind is capable to connect to all past information. Sometimes, this information can be accessed in indirect ways thanks to our free will that evolves within our predetermined structure. In our unconscious, the postures of elements give a direction of events to come. However, given that this information can be updated or modified at any moment, the individual’s destiny is never set in stone. It can be modified by its environment at each instant like an equation whose results are modified each time the input amount changes. Conscious intention makes it possible to initiate a specific request, to “collapse” the wave function, and to obtain information that was “unconscious” up until then. This is what happens in a Transfert Quantique ® when the interface searches and finds information in the patient’s unconscious mind. The interface entangles itself with the patient’s unconscious via a request-acceptance agreement that materializes as follows: “do you accept to be me?” this “magic” phrase actualizes the entanglement. The two people are then immediately entangled the way twins, people that are in love or a mother and her child can be. We know that in this type of relationship the two people can feel the same thing at the same time. It is simultaneous, even if it only happened consciously to one of the two, the other will be informed, and will feel exactly what the other felt. We now understand how to transmit unconscious information from one person to another. Now all that is left is to understand how information can modify a state, a behavior, or a physical symptom.

How can information (wavelike) modify matter (corpuscular) via the transformation of cells and/or behavior? In the same way, that matter and energy are intertwined and superimposed, spirit-energy and body-matter are undeniably linked. Western medicine has tried to deny this for centuries.

And yet for some years now, when a doctor is powerless in the face of certain diseases, old methods have resurfaced, as more and more practitioners try to give logical explanations to biological disorders or in at any rate a cause or tentative explanation. Thankfully, some more open-minded doctors, when they hit a dead-end, take a leap of faith and recommend to their patients to consult psychologists like us, in addition to the conventional medical practice. Sometimes even the doctors themselves come with their own problems. Doctors, psychologists, and other practitioners are opening up to new knowledge. The research, work, and publications of Eduard Van Den Bogaert (author of the book HomSham (about sensitive homeopathy)) are game-changers. Jacques Martel’s book “The complete dictionary of ailments and diseases” is a bestseller, a good sign of overall change for those of us with great hopes of seeing mindsets evolve. The Transfert Quantique ® practice confirms the existence of the causes of all situations whether they be psychological or biological. How can an emotion (wave) provoke physical (corpuscular) symptoms? It is visible every day, when we are sad we cry, when frightened our pulse accelerates, our pupils dilate, our hands become moist and our breathing becomes labored. In the same way, when embarrassed, we redden, our ears get hot and our hands get cold.

The brain transforms informational signals into sensations through our cells. Cells communicate with each other thanks to fluxes of specific photons and this occurs independently from any chemical transmission or direct contact. Physical and/or chemical reactions result from these communications.

Born in Brussels in 1960, Eduard van den Bogaert was a practitioner in cooperative medicine. He combined several different disciplines including general medicine, “sensitive” homeopathy, and medical genealogy. Beyond the nervous system and the brain, information propagates in the waveform, either Hertzian, electromagnetic, or through light (biophotons).

It has been observed that outside the brain information is contained on an infinitely smaller scale, in the form of programs within our DNA. DNA doesn’t only have a programming function as we had believed for a long time. Our genes activate or deactivate each day through our emotions, our actions, our beliefs, and our environment. Everything we think, feel and experience gets inscribed in our DNA modified by the RNA which could be compared to a super data calculator that constantly modifies our bodily functioning in a healthy or unhealthy direction. The elements transmitted by our lineage are inscribed in our DNA including the traumas and resolutions our ancestors have experienced. What is our mind, our conscious and unconscious made of? It must be Qantas.

2. For their “wave function associated to the particle state” formula Erwin Schrödinger received the Nobel Peace prize in 1933 with the British physicist and mathematician Paul Dirac.

3. Psychophony (from the Greek psyke, soul and phone, sound, voice) is a tool to contact ones own unconscious invented in Australia by Rosemary Crossley under the name Facilitated Communication (FC) for handicapped people was developed in France by Anne-Marguente Vexiau.


Thought is thus energy that directly affects the way our brains and our DNA controls our physiology. In the same way that wave/corpuscular are considered superimposed states within a duality, we can consider superimposed states and psychology/physiology duality or even psyche/biological duality. The conscious and unconscious emit informational waves that have undeniable repercussions on our bodies. The unconscious is a thousand times more powerful than our conscious mind. It, therefore, has a major influence on our physiology. Depending on our point of view, we can look at disease causes from two different perspectives: physiological and/or psychological. These two realities are superimposed. In “modern” medicine, we identify the physiological cause of a disease with a medical examination of organs, blood work, and X-rays. Doctors define the necessary therapeutic, conventional medication, homeopathic, diet, surgery, and/or psychological protocol. Isn’t knowing the psychological origin of the problem the best way to heal? Once the cause has been established all that is left to do is to send a counter-message to erase the trauma’s origin and change the defective program. It is based on the same principle as the placebo effect. In the example of two people with stomach pains, one receives a chemical molecule to alleviate the pain and the other receives a neutral pill with the affirmation that it will heal them. If this “healing” information is accepted it produces a chemical effect and the pain is alleviated.

Placebos represent results that are 35% scientifically effective, which is still spectacular. If you are looking for water underground in your garden in some places of the world (including France) you have two choices: you can hire a geologist armed with sophisticated field analysis tools that can conduct expensive tests to find water or you can call on a dowser who with their dowser rod can detect the presence of water in the same places. These two people are looking for the same information. Statistically, the dowser will have better results and will be less expensive. Why not use their services?

If, however, a river floods your yard it is preferable to build a dyke than to recite prayers. Let’s stay pragmatic acknowledging that each problem has its best-adapted solution.

Our organism can not only integrate all the information that is directly related to it through luminous rays, but it also automatically receives the information from its environment both near and far. These light rays of extremely low intensity (biophotons) resemble laser beams. Biophotons also have holographic properties. Each particle (electron/quark) can thus be regarded as a hologram. If holograms can be used to store information, we are thus referring to holographic memory. The scenes’ entire information is distributed on the hologram’s entire surface. The entire image can be rebuilt from a fragment of a hologram. If we turn the hologram the image pivots with it and keeps all of its depth. Holograms have this remarkable attribute of being able to record all of an object’s information within each of its parts. If broken, each of its pieces can, by expansion, reconstitute either all of or most of the entire image. Holograms demonstrate how physical reality is organized in such a way that everything is in the part that is in everything and in which the part can more or less be capable of regenerating the whole. In sum, all is in a certain way included (as an engram) in the part that is included in all. Since each particle that constitutes us contains the memory of everything, each particle can be considered a reflection of the entire universe. At the same time these particles are physical, material, subordinated to the present, past, and space. In the here and now, they are also on the spiritual and psychic plains and are situated in another space that is not regulated by time.

In a nutshell, we are made up of particles that are not subjected to space and time and each one contains the entire universe’s memory. Quantum theory causes vertigo by shifting us into a much more spiritual (energy) world than in the case of “traditional” physics. Many authors have explored this reconciliation between spirituality and science. Niels Bohr himself, Nobel peace prize winner in physics and famous quantum theory pioneer recognizes the “profound harmony between ancient far eastern wisdom and modern western science.” In the past few years, we have participated in many conferences on quantum mechanics and new medical fields that apply quantum theory. As more years have passed and their success has increasingly grown among conference attendees, this understanding of quantum mechanics has reached researchers, philosophers, and theologians. All of these people converse in the same language and share their vision of a new world that reconciles ultra-modern quantum theory with ancient spiritual wisdom. We are experiencing the premise of a world where physical science, quantum mechanics, biology, genetics, epigenetics, psychoanalysis, and spirituality are one. They are united by a singular definition of spirituality, like the one Daniel Roumanoff gave in a commentary on Freud’s books and his Indian spiritual master Swâmi Prajnânpad. Spirituality can be defined as the knowledge of reality by experience, as a new unified world with which we hope to wipe away religious wars between materialists and idealists (spiritualists). A world in which, like in nature, spirit/mind are superimposed, entangled, and no longer antagonistic.

Joel de Rosnay said:

“Around 2010, epigenetic discoveries initiated an incredible revolution in biology. Up until then, DNA was considered life’s program. For a long time, we did not believe that DNA could make variations or only by considerably long mutations as is described by Darwin’s selection. Yet, life’s program only codes 15% of the machine tools that make the life-machine function, in other words, the enzymes and proteins. What about the other 85%? Since we didn’t know we called them junk DNA or DNA’s garbage. Today we know that this 85% allows the creation of tiny RNA molecules (which are single-stranded and much shorter than the large DNA molecules) that circulate constantly in the body and regulate gene functioning. Thus, epigenetics is gene expression modulation resulting from behavior. The five following elements: nourishment, physical activities, stress management, pleasure, the quality of our social and family network structures combine to cause the production of small molecules that get attached to enzymes that will be recognized in the core where there is DNA. DNA is protected by a sleeve of histones (which are proteins), the way an electrical wire is protected by plastic. The opening of these histones makes it possible to polymerize the DNA into RNA messengers that will enable or not the fabrication of proteins and enzymes.

All bee larvae are born with the same genetic heritage. It is only when we give royal jelly to certain larvae and not others, that those who received royal jelly become queens. Contrarily to the workers, they become fatter, lay eggs, and live longer. This single difference in nutrition allows the genes to express themselves differently.”

Chapiter 4


From the Greek “ana” rising and “mneme” memory, anamnesis retraces the subject’s history. The anamnesis is the first interview between the patient and the therapist. The objective of this exchange is to find the problem’s origin. Before conducting a Transfert Quantique ®, it is necessary to do this overview and inventory to create the list of elements to update.

It is a meticulous investigation whose goal is to find as much information as possible in regards to the entire puzzle and thus elaborate a clear scenario that explains the symptom construction whether it be physical, social, sentimental, or professional. The symptom is the expression of a repressed conflict in the unconscious. The patient doesn’t have access to this hidden information because it is judged unacceptable by the conscious mind. The psyche consists of filters and censoring elements which protect the individual’s balance. These filters differ from one person to another even if they belong to the same family. Repression is the conscious mind’s protection mechanism. Its goal is to take painful elements out of reality.

The flip side of this repression is the expression of a symptom.

The symptom must be explored and understood to discern its origin. To evolve and become balanced it is necessary not to deny the manifestation of symptoms. If you read on a car’s dashboard an indicator light that shows an oil insufficiency it would be ridiculous to just unplug the indicator light. With symptoms, the body reacts the same way. Similarly, if a rusty nail in a foot causes an infection, we are free to put on a big bandage and to take a large number of painkillers to no longer feel the pain and decide that the infection isn’t a problem.

However, we will not fight the infection this way. Being conscious that we have an infected wound because of a foreign body is not enough to decide to heal. The other solution, which is much more logical, would be to take out this rusty nail and treat the infection. Even if the act creates a consequent amount of pain, the wound could then be cleaned and eventually scar over, healed. Later the scar will continue to remind us of the wound but will no longer be painful and will not keep us from walking. The problem is solved, and we will be able to move on.

It is what is called resolution. Anamnesis, which can consist of several sessions depending on the cases, is the gathering of the maximum amount of information concerning the family situation, marital, professional, medical, and personal history, including the way the subject’s birth happened if they know about it. It is like a police investigation whose goal is to search for the guilty element(s) of the uncomfortable situation and the subject’s symptoms. The investigation is complex because the problem’s origin isn’t always in the subject’s lifetime but sometimes from one or several ancestors’ heritage.

During the Transfert Quantiques ® we have observed that heritages can be traced back up to seven generations before the subject. For this purpose, we proceed to the anamnesis’ second stage of exploring the family tree which carries precious information that we need. It is impossible during the anamnesis to undertake exhaustive work on the family tree. About ten sessions are required to weed, analyze and clean one’s tree. However, it is vital in preparing for the transfer, to see how the patient first perceives their family tree in their unconscious mind. Everything put on paper during these exchanges is significant. This rough draft directs the research, gives clues, and shows what needs to be worked on. It is fundamental to ask the patient questions about the story of their ancestors. What traumatic experiences have they survived: war-caused deaths, separations due to emigration, spoliation, incest, abuse, abortions, deaths at birth, miscarriages, recurring diseases, illegitimate children, divorces, bankruptcies, etc... There are many life stories to discover in each family tree. Damaging heritages are generally about deaths and heavy traumas linked to sexuality. Even if the idea of “marital duty” still existed not so long ago it doesn’t take away the fact that a forced sexual act is rape. In our unconscious, it is inscribed as trauma and it will travel through onto the descendants’ genes. This is how we can observe suffering around the question of sexuality without the patient having had life experiences that could explain these complications.

One, therefore, has to ask our elders, if they are still alive, and if they are willing to admit heavy and difficult to evoke secrets.