Within a Budding Grove (Unabridged) - Marcel Proust - Hörbuch

Within a Budding Grove (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Marcel Proust

34,99 €

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Remembrance of Things Past is one of the monuments of 20th-century literature. Neville Jason' unabridged recording of the work runs to 150 hours. Within a Budding Grove is the second of seven volumes. The theme is one of developing sexuality in which the Narrator visits a brothel and we follow the course of his first love affair with Gilberte. When he visits the seaside resort of Balbec and meets 'the little band' of enchanting adolescent girls, he finds one of them, Albertine, especially intriguing but doesn't yet realise how much she will mean to him in the future. Based on the translation by C. K. Scott Moncrieff.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:25 Std. 33 min

Sprecher:Jason NevilleNeville Jason
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