Yorrick´s Ploy - Paul Werner - E-Book

Yorrick´s Ploy E-Book

Paul Werner

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Laura and Solitaire come face to face with a true Mission Impossible, here. On the historical backdrop of the Armada´s failed campaign of 1588, the sisters follow on the long-lost trail of a Spanish traitor who, having left his compañeros in the lurch during the foundering of their ship, the Gran Grifón, near Fair Isle, vanished with both several pocketfuls of ducats and invaluable gold crucifixes, only to re-emerge in the folds of the German Hanse as Englishman Yorrick. Being of the stuff myths are made of, Yorrick later became the founding father of a well-reputed Brotherhood, which, after his death, gradually degenerated into a criminal gang, soon seemed to have vanished from the face of the earth, only to rear its head again more recently as the politically refurbished Thule Tingvall, whose home turf are the far-off archipelagos at the Old World´s Nort-western rim: Hebrides, Orkneys, Shetlands. Consequently, it´s those island territories which become the stepping-stones of the Forster sisters´ bloody route toward that magic place going by the name of Bluebell.

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