12 Days of Christmas - Preethi Venugopala - Hörbuch

12 Days of Christmas Hörbuch

Preethi Venugopala

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When Navya Jacob, a senior architect at a structural design firm in Kochi, is paired with her arch-nemesis Joseph Xavier on a multi-billion-dollar project during Christmas, she is not just disappointed but even considers quitting. It's another matter altogether that she is secretly attracted to the man even though she can't stand him. In the sweet hills of Munnar, Navya discovers new facets of Joseph, which makes her crush deepen. At the same time, she starts receiving Christmas gifts from an unknown admirer. The kind of love she receives over the twelve days of Christmas from this secret lover is dreamlike. Listen to 12 days of Christmas to know whom Navya chooses in the end - the secret admirer or the strong crush!

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Zeit:1 Std. 0 min

Sprecher:Nimisha Sirohi
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