A Mother's Heart Never Forgets - Forced Adoption in the BRD & The Search Continues - Brigitte Kohrs - E-Book

A Mother's Heart Never Forgets - Forced Adoption in the BRD & The Search Continues E-Book

Brigitte Kohrs



A mother's heart never forgets - forced adoption in the FRG The search continues! Is the II part of my biography published in 2015. By multiple request of my loyal readers. I would like to publish the biography in English in September 2023

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Seitenzahl: 85

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Dear Reader A mother's heart never forgets Forced adoption in the FRG & The search goes on!

And my search continued until 2019.

9 more years of hope and anxiety to finally have certainty, where my daughter lived and whether she is well today, was the big question, which also surely asked each of my loyal readers?!

I have promised you all, in my first book, the search for my daughter continues until I have certainty and now be curious about whether I have made it. Me against the authorities and Jugendämter, which as always have put obstacles in my way, with strong will to achieve my goal?!

They have tormented me, lied to me and wanted to dissuade me from my search with all means at his disposal, but a mother's heart never forgets!

The search goes on! My goal is to give my son the opportunity to meet his biological sister, whom he had to do without for decades! Whether I have made it, stands here in my biography!

For decades I have been looking for my daughter, who was born on 16.09.1973, in Berlin - Neukölln together with her identical twin sister, who unfortunately died after her birth. I had to endure the pain of losing my little daughter because she died after birth and I had to endure the pain of having my second daughter torn away from me in a brutal way planned by the Jugendamt immediately after delivery! What kind of pain and humiliation can a person endure at the hands of these people? A lot, if you don't lose sight of your goal and love your child with all your heart. Well for this reason I did not give up, until today, in July 2019. But I was not used to it any other way! For decades, the authorities and youth welfare offices literally went sledding with me and my feelings. Always, the conversations I tried to have with them were accompanied by an icy coldness. Feelings, or being a mother, did not play a role in their adoption jungle, only the adoption laws counted and therefore the fear of showing some humanity ruled over them all. But I know all their tricks and excuses! They want to unsettle me and scatter wrong directions! It is like in a nightmare that does not want to end. You don't get me down, because you've been trying to do that for decades, but I keep coming back until you tell me where my daughter is! This will never be and has never been a walk in the park because there are too many working against me and my good intentions to find my child. What have I done that you treat me so unworthily?

I was only 15 years old and I was completely alienated! I gave birth to her and I am her mother and she has my roots. I will continue to search for her and I will find her because fate will not allow what you have been doing to me for decades with your cover-ups and lies! I will find my daughter! The search goes on and you will not prevent it, not even with your adoption laws! With your fear to help parents of origin, nor to support them in a positive direction. There are many promises. But what remains are speech bubbles and only empty words! I call you and you let your colleagues slander you and they support you! The youth welfare office, your friend and helper? Unfortunately not for parents of origin, rather for adoptive parents! We, the parents of origin are only the incubators for your adoptive parents and afterwards we are disposed of like garbage. In incognito adoptions, the true identity of the child is erased! What is the matter with you? You create an illusion - identity, without consideration, on the child, or its origin family and do also still so hypocritical, as if the true family of the adoptive child does not exist any more, or still much worse, ignores the origin roots of the adopted ones! I would be pleased for my person and also other origin parents, if you reconsider your so perfect adoption laws for the adoption parents and for the well-being of the children, which should stand with all questions and answers, in the first place, also for the so numerous origin parents, in order to decide with honesty, for the well-being of the child.

Is it right to take away the children's roots of origin and let them grow up with a life lie? This is not for the good of a child, but damages his/her soul! It is said that the invisible umbilical cord between mother and child will always be a connection, for a lifetime! Also no adoption laws, or your Ausforschungsverbot §1758 change it. Now where I sit here at my PC and write the continuation of my decade-long search for my daughter, I become conscious, what I had to go through again for 9 years with these authorities humanly, in order to reach my goal! Once/twice hell and back! It is 2019 and nothing has changed for me since 1973. I wished it so much - to get help and support about the youth welfare office, but no where, because to the good end I stand again mother souls alone there, with scanty, or no information, what really happened in 1973 with my daughter. Okay, I have tried to get help and support from you, now the search continues as before alone with my numerous searches. But how, is here the question, because easier it would have been with the official help for me and my daughter. But why simply, if the youth welfare department can make the life even more difficult for me, because I am only her bodily mother! I take my folders, where I have collected all my research over decades, so as not to take double steps.

Because this search robs me of strength on some days! How often did I want to give up?! I had to take longer search breaks. These breaks I needed urgently, otherwise I could not have continued my decades-long search! Now my readers might ask themselves? What drove this woman to search for her daughter for decades? Very simple answer - The love for my children, never let me give up searching for my beloved daughter. I have always felt that there is still someone of us out there, who may feel something warm in his heart, as I do! The way was long and hard that I had behind me and it should become even harder. Thanks to the people who first gave me hints and took them away again the other day. A roller coaster of feelings in which I was pushed again and again by strange people, from whom I hoped for help and support, in my complicated search, in the cold! How often I wanted to end this search, because it tormented me so and I had the feeling, it goes nothing more, I got up again the next day and wanted to fight on to find it! Whenever I gave up and didn't want to go on because I was so disappointed in everyone, it was as if a door opened and a light shone through it, giving me the strength not to give up and to keep searching for my daughter. When I started searching for my daughter decades ago.

I was aware that I would not get much support in my search. my search. But that I would get almost no help and support, I was at no time so much aware, as where I was in the middle of my search actions. It was an up and down of my emotional world! Enough whining, the search continues! But how, that was my question?! I searched for decades my daughter and had accordingly by my searches, some information gathered, but no real proof. I got from my mother the written statement, from whom my daughter from the children's hospital - 4 days after the birth was fetched and that she was taken with the family of the bodily father to West Germany to the relatives. Then I knew from stories that a kinship from West Germany, at the Youth Welfare Office in the place of residence, have applied as an adoptive family! The problem is that these statements were credible, but if you have no written documents about it, it is for the outside world, only allegations and I needed proof! How should I continue the search for my daughter and where would I get support?! I must honestly say, I had a big question mark, hovering over my head! But come time, come advice! I fetched the greatest treasure from my file folder, my mother's passport, without it I could never have started my search.

I was lied to and cheated out of my daughter by everyone at the women's clinic in Neukölln in 1973. bad enough that my twin girl died after birth, but to then let me live with the thought that both children are dead is the greatest sin that has been committed by people against me, really evil! There is no excuse, or excuses for that, for the sake of the child! Life lies for the sake of my daughter?! I didn't want my daughter to live with a life lie all her life and that's why I had to keep looking for my daughter. I do not give up and is the further way just as stony, or stonier I fight for my daughter no matter how old she is today, because she is and remains my child! No adoptive parents, or adoption laws will change that. My old mother's passport from 1973 was the door to my daughter. Through this document, I was finally able to prove that my daughter was alive! The heart sound that was entered into my maternal passport on 09/18/1973 was the proof! I believe in the fate and it did not want to separate my daughter and her family finally! My mother's passport, which actually should disappear in the shredder of the hospital is for me the proof that I should never give up my daughter! And fortunately I never did, because the love for my child was always bigger and stronger than the obstacles I was confronted with in my search. True love, can move mountains!